Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1702: Conquer the Beggar Gang

"Ma Zhanlong! I am the leader of the Zhanlong Gang, what can you do?"

Seeing that the strength displayed by Yue Chen is also for the sake of the King of War, Ma Zhanlong replied with forceful anger.

If Yue Chen was a weak person in general, he would have raised the broadsword in his hand a long time ago to attack Yue Chen.

"Black Shadow Sword Zhou Chong!"

Yue Chen reported his current disguised identity, clasped his fist and said, "Brother Ma, give me a face, let these people go!"

Several young people in ragged clothes, who were beaten on the ground, looked at Yue Chen with a cry for help.

"I beg Lord Zhou for help...We are willing to give up this site...I beg Lord Zhou to help save our little brothers!"

"I, Liu Xiaolou, as a cow and a horse, will also repay Lord Zhou for his kindness!"

The headed young man is tall, and his clothes are extremely ragged. Although he is also a powerful warrior, his tattered shirt is more like a beggar on the street.

At this time, his body and face were full of wounds, which were caused by the beating by Ma Zhanlong and others, and he even limped a little while walking.

"Hehe, **** Zhou Chong is just a warlord, and I will give you a few words of face. Do you really think you can put on makeup in front of our Dragon Slashing Gang?"

"Hurry up for Laozi, or you will be hacked to death today!"

Ma Zhanlong cursed, looking impatient.

He didn't expect that Yue Chen was actually here to mediate the dispute between himself and Liu Xiaolou, so he was extremely impatient.

Although the reputation of the Black Shadow Sword Zhou Chong is not bad, but in the final analysis, he is just a warlord, and it is nothing at all in front of the real strong.

"Give you one last chance, I don't want to kill!"

Yue Chen said coldly.

He is unwilling to do anything here, after all, the smell of blood is likely to attract prying eyes from other powerhouses.

But if Ma Zhanlong couldn't see the status quo, and walked all the way to black and wanted to do it with him, then Yue Chen would not keep his hands.

"Hehe, what kind of character do you really think of yourself?

You dare to say such big words in front of my Dragon Slashing Gang, I think you are looking for death, right? "

Ma Zhanlong shouted angrily, and made a few gestures to Yue Chen with a mountain knife in his hand, saying that there was a big disagreement that he would kill.

The other younger brothers of the Dragon Slashing Gang also surrounded Yue Chen in the center.

All of these people were holding big swords and were tall and strong, which formed a sharp contrast with Yue Chen.

Those beggar-like young people who had been arrested and beaten took the opportunity to escape the bondage, looking at the besieged Yue Chen with entangled eyes.

After a while, Liu Xiaolou shouted angrily: "Brothers, although we don't have much strength, we can't let Zhou Chong'en face these enemies alone!"

"If it weren't for us, Zhou Chong'en would not be besieged, and we shouldn't be unwilling to be a human being!"

After speaking, he shouted angrily and prepared to kill everyone in the Dragon Slashing Gang.

"Stop it, just wait!"

Yue Chen shouted.

The performance of Liu Xiaolou and others made him extremely satisfied. Among these gray forces, most of them are extremely self-interested.

If you encounter this situation, it is a good thing not to run away immediately, let alone daring to charge for Yue Chen's enemy who knows he is not an opponent.

Even if it is placed in the temple, it is rare to achieve this level.

Furthermore, he finally found a wave of people who fit his plan, and he didn't want to see Liu Xiaolou and others suffer too much.

"Don't care about others, but think about how you will be hacked to death later!"

"But you can rest assured that it won't take long for these guys to be on the road with you."

Ma Zhanlong gave a grinning grin, and slashed towards Yue Chen's head with a mountain knife in his hand.

Be yelling! Yue Chen immediately drew out the light black long sword to block. This was the magic weapon he exploded from Zhou Chong, and it was also Zhou Chong's signature magic weapon.

Although it was just an ordinary four-level magic weapon, it was a bit tougher in his hand than the average eighth or ninth-level magic weapon.

It's just that Ma Zhanlong's mountain-opening sword had just met, and the original domineering mountain-opening sword was directly cut off.

" is it possible...My big sword is a fifth-level magic weapon!"

Ma Zhanlong couldn't believe his eyes, looking stupidly at the broken knife in his hand, the next second he suddenly felt like he was flying in the air.

You can even see your body.

That headless body! Boom! As Ma Zhanlong fell to the ground, all the younger brothers of the Zhanlong Gang were dumbfounded, and after a while they reflected what had happened. No one wanted to avenge Ma Zhanlong, instead they retreated at the same time in tacit understanding.

"I want to go, it's a bit late!"

Yue Chen said coldly.

With a light swing of the long sword in his hand, the Dragon Slashing Gang within a few hundred meters were killed instantly, turning into headless corpses and falling to the ground.

"This... Thank you, Master Zhou Chong... Junior Liu Xiaolou is grateful!"

"Thank you for saving me and these brothers."

Liu Xiaolou was dumbfounded for a while, then knelt down instantly and respectfully saluted Yue Chen.

If killing Ma Zhanlong is nothing, but the strength revealed by this sword is definitely not as simple as the king of war.

After all, who can kill hundreds of people with a single sword, and many of them are still strong at the same level?

"No gift, what kind of gang are you?

Why should you participate in this event if you are so weak? "

Yue Chen waved his hand casually and asked.

He didn't understand, as the existence of the Dragon Slashing Gang was already the lower level in the gray organization, but Liu Xiaolou and others were obviously inferior to the Dragon Slashing Gang.

To put it ugly, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to charge and become cannon fodder.

"Ahem...Senior can also see that, in fact, we are not the people of these gray forces!"

Liu Xiaolou was a little embarrassed and said: "It's just forced by life, there is no way to come here."

forced by living?

Yue Chen showed an expression of interest.

Before he could speak, a young man behind Liu Xiaolou rushed to reply: "Big brother, don't keep it secret, I don't think this senior is a villain!"

Then he looked at Yue Chen and said, "Senior doesn't know, we are a group of bandits from Kunlun Kingdom, but we are bandits, but we have never done anything that hurts the world, but we are just a group of poor people who have been forced to help!"

Yue Chen nodded slightly.

He believed that even though Liu Xiaolou and the others were not strong, they would be compared with others. If compared with ordinary people, the king of war was like a god.

Moreover, as long as you want to make money, the champions of the war can do whatever they want, and you can get rich! At the very least, it doesn't look like this beggar now. Even the best-dressed Liu Xiaolou among the crowd is extremely poor.

Yue Chen estimated that even the poorest farmer in Yue country would be a bit better than Liu Xiaolou's appearance.

"Never mind, and those officials from the Kunlun Kingdom, it's simply not..." The young man scolded and was about to say something. Liu Xiaolou's expression changed slightly and he scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, just talk about the point!"

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