Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1703: The power of Luanjiang Island

After being scolded, the young man laughed twice, knowing that he was a bit of a mistake, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes... The point is that there are rumors on the road these days that there is a conference on this Luanjiang Island."

"As long as the fighters who are willing to participate, they can get a lot of money and rewards. We also come here to participate because we really have no money and desperately desperate."

"As a result, after being brought over by Feizhou, we found that this place is full of vicious gray forces. We dodged from left to right and finally found a place to shelter. We did not expect to be targeted by the Dragon Slashing Gang again. If it weren't for Big Brother Zhou Chong, please help , I'm afraid we are dead!"

He patted his chest with a rejoicing look.

Liu Xiaolou said, "Brother Zhou Chong, he was right. We really want to thank Big Brother Zhou Chong for your help!"

"But... I still have a ruthless please!"

After speaking, he respectfully saluted Yue Chen.

Yue Chen cast a faint glance, and found that his salute posture was extremely standard, even if he was dressed in ragged clothes, it still gave people the feeling of a noble boy.

This kind of temperament can't be imitated, and with the interruption of the youth before, Yue Chen has faintly guessed that Liu Xiaolou's identity is probably extraordinary.

It's just that I dare not reveal my true identity because of certain things.

"It's okay, just say anything!"

Yue Chen said indifferently, although Liu Xiaolou had a secret, but he just met him smoothly, and he didn't need to interfere.

"Along the way, we have also seen many neutral forces. Unlike these wicked bad guys, they don't have any bad thoughts, and like us, they are all deceived."

"Big Brother Zhou is powerful, can you bring us together to rush out of this Luanjiang Island? Although I haven't been here for a long time, I can see that this Luanjiang Island is probably not a good place!"

Liu Xiaolou said as he looked at Yue Chen with pleading eyes.

Yue Chen was a little surprised. He originally thought Liu Xiaolou would beg to save them by himself, but he didn't expect that what Liu Xiaolou thought was the neutral warrior who was deceived on Luanjiang Island.

Most of these warriors have no countries to join, but they are also unwilling to join the dark palace and gray forces to do evil, so they are basically some lone rangers, or Liu Xiaolou, who is a poor force.

This time I was deceived to the island because of the lies of the dark hall, and did not intend to do anything for the dark hall.

"Ahem... The old man suggested that you still agree to Zhou Chong. After all, those gray forces are more than guilty, but most of these warriors are not guilty of death!"

Yue Chen suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

Turning to see Elder Tao and the others in disguise, it was Elder Tao who was talking.

Jia Xu also smiled and persuaded: "Indeed, we also need to unite all forces that can be united now, since these neutral warriors have not done evil, and the purpose is the same as ours."

"That is the existence that can be wooed!"

Hearing that the think tank Jia Xu and the temple representative Elder Tao said so, Yue Chen naturally would not refute the two people's face, and nodded slightly: "I promise you that I will do my best to rescue these neutral warriors and rangers."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaolou and a group of young people hurried to Yue Chen and other forces.

"Thank you, Brother Zhou Chong...Thank you to these seniors!"

Immediately Liu Xiaolou got up and said, "By the way, Big Brother Zhou Chong, I have been on this Luanjiang Island for a while, and I also found a lot of clues on this Luanjiang Island. Although I don’t know if it’s useful for you, I still speak out. Listen to it."

With Liu Xiaolou's cleverness, it is natural to see that Yue Chen is not an ordinary warrior.

But since Yue Chen was able to save people, it proved that Yue Chen was not a bad person, let alone promised him to rescue other neutral warriors.

Therefore, Liu Xiaolou did not hide it, and told what he had observed.

"The first thing is the environment on this island. You should have been on the island for a while. I don't know if you noticed that this island is almost deserted!"

"A general island, even if it is barren, will have some animals and plants, but this Luanjiang Island can't even see a trace of green!"

Hearing this, Yue Chen nodded slightly and couldn't help looking around.

As a strong warlord, his eyesight is naturally excellent, but there is really no trace of green plants where he can see.

"The second thing is this thing, please look at it!"

Liu Xiaolou released a **** corpse from the storage ring, but he could probably see the corpse of a sea clan.

What is different from the general sea tribe is that this sea tribe corpse does not have eyes, and the position of the eyes seems to be degraded, turning gray.

The color on his body is also extremely pale, not the pale white due to excessive blood loss, but the sickly white.

But the nails and teeth are exceptionally sharp, and they look more bloodthirsty than the average sea race.

"This is the Didonghai Clan!"

Elder Tao exclaimed.

Before seeing this corpse, he hadn't really seen the Didonghai tribe, he had only heard of this kind of sea tribe from the ancient scriptures of the temple.

"It turns out that this thing is called Didonghai Clan!"

Liu Xiaolou nodded thoughtfully: "This is what we found from a ruin, it should be something that was beheaded by other strong men."

"So I feel that this island should be extremely dangerous. Although the Donghai Clan in this place has been dead for a while, I can still feel that the energy fluctuations on the body are at least those of the Zhanzong powerhouse."

"If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid we will be too late to leave when these Didonghai tribes invade on a large scale!"

Liu Xiaolou said with a worried expression.

This is also the most important reason why he wants to leave Luanjiang Island.

After all, knowing that there is such a bloodthirsty monster peeping at him in the dark, it is impossible for a normal person to stay here with peace of mind.

Yue Chen, Elder Tao and the others looked at each other, and they all saw their contempt for the ruthless methods of the dark hall from the eyes of each other.

Judging from the current situation, in addition to wanting to use these gray forces and idle warriors for blood sacrifices, the dark palace also wants them to be used as cannon fodder into the cave.

After all, this place is different from Liaozhou’s ‘empty sand cave’. There are a large number of extremely bloodthirsty Didonghai clan. Although the power of the dark temple alone is enough to make a blood path, the plane loss is too great.

If these people are used as cannon fodder, it can greatly reduce the loss of the dark hall.

As for the benefits of promises, they are nothing more than empty checks that will not be cashed.

After all, these people have been selected as blood sacrifice sacrifices in the dark hall, so naturally they will not be allowed to go back alive, even if one or two people escaped alive by chance, it is too late to avoid the chase and kill of the dark hall. Who dares to go to the dark hall to seek benefits?

"It's really a good idea to kill two birds with one stone. It has gathered a lot of cannon fodder without paying a penny!"

Yue Chen sneered.

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