Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1701: Sacrificed traitor

"It would be too obvious if the martial artist was arrested directly. The reason why the dark palace has gathered so many gray forces is probably for sacrifice!"

Yue Chen's expression was a little weird, and he even sympathized with these gray forces.

It's fine to be called by dogs who are called by the dark hall on weekdays, but they still have to sacrifice them at critical moments. They are simply standard tool people! "These gray forces are too miserable!"

Yue Chen shook his head and said.

However, he knew very well that most of these gray forces were murderous, and were not worthy of sympathy at all. He was just feeling it, and rushed to surprise for the unfeeling of the dark palace.

In any case, these gray forces are also busy with their work, but in the end they only get the end of the game.

I am afraid that if the Dark Palace and the Demon Race really annex the Kyushu Continent one day, these gray forces will not end well.

"Indeed, but I still have to trouble you. Now the temple can't mobilize large forces to enter Luanjiang Island. That would only be a horror!"

"So you need to put on your makeup as a black shadow sword, Zhou Chong enters Luanjiang Island and listens to the news of the dark palace!"

Elder Tao said with a smile, with a pleading tone.

Although the power of the temple can be mobilized to crush the dark hall, after all, the enemy is dark and we are clear, not to mention that the dark hall and anchor points in Liaozhou have been captured now, and the dark hall is more like a bird of fright.

If the temple is accidentally exposed, I am afraid that the dark temple will only act more cautiously.

"Yes, leave this to me!"

Yue Chen shouted.

He needs a lot of dragon blood in order to complete the rescue of the characters under the hegemony. The current task of destroying the dark palace to communicate the two worlds is his only chance to get the dragon blood, and Yue Chen will naturally not let it go.

It is even said that his home in this lifetime is also in the mainland of Kyushu, so naturally he can't sit back and watch the continent be destroyed.

"Well, if that's the case, it shouldn't be too late, you should leave now!"

"When the time comes, I will sneak in with you makeup. If it is a critical moment, I will call the reinforcements of the temple!"

Elder Tao urged somewhat impatiently.

The anchor point in the dark palace's hand is like the sword of Damocles hanging from the head of the entire Kyushu Continent. A little carelessness may lead to the destruction of the Kyushu Continent.

Therefore, Elder Tao is not in a hurry.





The next day, on Luanjiang Island! The entire island has become a gathering point for the gray forces. Although the people in the dark temple have not shown their faces, these gray forces have spread throughout the island, and even the sea tribes continue to erupt small-scale conflicts.

After all, these gray forces have a lot of grievances on weekdays, and they are all brave and ruthless people.

On weekdays, because the pressure of the temple is still there, and they can also oppress some ordinary people, they are still in harmony with each other. Now they are crowded on a small island, and friction between each other gradually arises.

At noon, the four figures flew from the sea to Luanjiang Island.

The headed young man was dressed in a black robe. It was Yue Chen who had been dressed up in disguise. At this time, he was dressed like a black shadow sword Zhou Chong. A black robe with a character mask seemed perfect.

The three people following him are Elder Tao, Jia Xu, and Guitong! "Guy Yue Chen, this Chaos River Island is a Jedi. You should know that, like the Xuanjia Island, it is also information that only the emperor can understand!"

Elder Tao introduced it in an unhurried manner.

Guitong couldn't help but interject: "Could it be that like Xuanjia Island, there are strong ancient war gods who have settled here?"

Elder Tao shook his head and said with a serious face: "Where there are so many ancient powerhouses, Xuanjia Island is nothing but an accident. I heard that the secret level of Xuanjia Island has been improved. Apart from the parties involved, only Zhongzhou Temple is the only one. Only the Lord God of War can understand."

"After all, this secret is too dangerous and too amazing!"

"If the group of enemies who were wounded at the time knows, I am afraid that our Nine Provinces will be destroyed. After all, even the dragons in its heyday can't fight the enemies, our Nine Provinces will probably be for nothing!"

Immediately he changed the conversation and continued to introduce: "The reason why this Luangjiang Island is dangerous is not that it is too mysterious like Xuanjia Island. The temple still has some understanding of the dangerous situation above!"

"According to Palace Master Lin Yan, the underground of this Luanjiang Island has a number of branches of the sea tribe, which are said to be called the'didong sea tribe', which are variants produced by living in the cave for a long time."

"Although eyesight has been degraded by years of underground life, it is more fierce and more like a beast than an intelligent race!"

Yue Chen frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way: "Why did the dark palace choose this chaotic river island? After all, there is more power, so there will be more variables!"

"If I were the elder of the dark hall, I would definitely not choose this place, even if I chose a gathering place of gray forces, it would be better than here!"

Elder Tao thought for a moment and explained: "According to our current situation, the positioning anchors are not available at all times. They must be located in a very deep underground to accurately locate them."

"The positioning anchor point instrument found in Liaozhou was found in a crypt named'Kongsha Cave'. It is estimated that this Luanjiang Island is no exception!"

Yue Chen was relieved when he heard this, and said with a stern face: "In this case, let's hurry up to the island, but I think the gray forces on this island are all gangs. It is too obvious that we only have these three or four people."

"And it's easy to be the target of others' attacks, just like these people!"

Yue Chen pointed to a battlefield on the ground.

The strength gap between the two sides on the battlefield is extremely wide.

Almost all of them are strong men, with a fierce and evil appearance, and their strength is basically the king and the commander.

And the number is large, but there are hundreds of people involved in the battle.

The other side is obviously at a disadvantage, not only the faces are yellow and thin, they are said to be gray forces, but they are a bit more miserable than the most miserable bandit Yue Chen has ever seen.

The strength is even more uneven, but the strongest one does not dare to be the strength of the warlord, and it is crushed almost at the moment of the battle.

However, after a few breaths, most of the centaur had been subdued by the opponent, and only a few sporadic people persisted.

"Your Majesty, let's help, just to solve our hidden problems!"

"This group of people is weak, as long as we show a few hands, it is enough to deter them, and it will not attract the attention of the strong, the most appropriate!"

Jia Xu said with a smile.

Yue Chen nodded slightly, and rushed into the battlefield with a pale black long sword in his hand in the next second.

After seeing Yue Chen, this uninvited guest, both sides in the battle were taken aback for a while, and looked at Yue Chen in unison.

"This brother, don't know what to call?"

Yue Chen asked kindly.

The person he asked was the leader of the strong man.

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