Chapter 951 Are They Unqualified?

Today’s employment fair is completely occupied by the chamber of commerce, and some surrounding employment groups are responding.

There are at least 20 chambers of commerce, large and small, but the hire groups hire are more than two stars in silver.

It usually takes four or five days to reach Donghai City from Shenghai Town, but it takes at least a week for such a large business group.

The distance is far, and the required hire group must be at least three or four silver stars, or even higher.

It is generally safer to follow a business group of three to four hundred people.

But if you encounter danger with bad luck, there will be no ordinary crisis.

There are so many fierce beasts that they dare not attack. Once they attack, it is a powerful fierce beast, or a group of fierce beasts.

Wang Xian entered the employment club and scanned all the chambers of commerce.

The scale of each chamber of commerce is different, and the level of the required employment group will also be different. Each chamber of commerce recruits its own employment group separately.

Finally set off together.

“Recruiting five-star or above silver-star employment groups, including five-star silver!”

Wang Xian looked at the central position. Two middle-aged old men stood there and talked with the people next to him.

“Go and see!”

Wang Xian said to them at Ao Jian, and walked straight over.

“Everyone from the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce, let’s recruit an employment group!”

Wang Xian walked over and said directly towards them.


A middle-aged man immediately turned his head, looked at Wang Xian, and swept directly at the badge on his chest.

“Golden two-star mercenary group?”

The middle-aged uttered a surprise, but he followed closely, frowning slightly when he saw the faces of Wang Xian and the others.

“Golden two-star mercenary group, this is considered top-notch in Shenghai Town!”

A group of people next to him also looked over, a middle-aged man looked at the people of Wang Xian and said in a deep voice.

“Your hired group meets our standards, but you need to take out the main force of the hired group. This time we will release at least one-star missions. If the hired group does not produce strong members, it will still be out of compliance!”

The middle-aged said directly towards Wang Xian.

The meaning is obvious, the level of the hired group is a condition, but the members who perform this mission must also meet the conditions.

The escort mission is obviously different from other missions.

Wang Xian nodded and said directly: “Everyone in our Xianfeng Hiring Group is here, and we can take over your task!”

“There are only twelve people in a golden mercenary group?”

A voice came from the side. A middle-aged bald-headed man in black clothed his arms and walked over with his head high, his eyes swept across all of Wang Xian.

A special energy swept across Wang Xian and them.

“Deputy Commander Ling, can you come and take a look?”

The middle-aged said with a smile on his face when he saw the bald head coming over.

“Just check your strength directly!”

With the palm of the bald-headed middle-aged man, he directly threw out a stone disk, which was suspended in the air, exuding light.

“You guys, try your own strength!”

The middle-aged bald head said directly.


Wang Xian showed a surprised look on his face and looked at the bald middle-aged man.

His gaze fell on his chest, and there was a golden badge on it, with four stars on it.

Golden four-star hire group, spirit beast hire group!

This should be a mercenary group from East Sea City.

“Our strength cannot be detected by a test stone plate!”

Wang Xian looked at the stone plate in front of him, and said with a smile: “You can inquire!”

“We only believe what our eyes can see. If we want to take on this task, we must have this strength.”

The bald-headed middle-aged said, his mouth slightly cocked: “You are a golden hired group, but who knows if your group leader and the strong are dead, leaving behind a bunch of waste.”

The words of the middle-aged bald head caused several people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce to slowly nod their heads.

Deputy Chief Ling was right, and such things were not uncommon.

Some golden hired groups give out missions. If the mission fails, all the strong in the group will die.

Then the strength of this golden mercenary group may not be as good as the silver one.

“Test it!”

The bald-headed middle-aged stared at the head badge on Wang Xian’s chest, with a hint of sarcasm on his face. He didn’t believe that such a young youth was qualified to be the head of a Golden Two-Star Mercenary Group.

Wang Xian frowned slightly, their ranks were indeed not high, and the highest Ao Yao, the sixth-order transcendent, could not show up either.

He only has a fifth-order extraordinary cultivation base.

“What kid? It’s true that all the strong people in the group have died, right? That’s why you little guy took the position of the group leader. Ha ha, your hired group is not as good as some silver ones!”

The bald middle-aged said loudly with a mocking face.

“It’s a waste of time!”

Several people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce frowned, with a trace of impatientness on their faces, and warned to Wang Xian: “If you want to take on the task of escort, you must have real strength. It’s not trash like you, let’s go! ”

They said, waving a little impatiently.

“In Shenghai Town, there is no mercenary group stronger than ours!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly and placed his hand directly on the test stone plate.


The bald-headed middle-aged raised his eyebrows and looked at the test stone plate, followed by his wide-eyed eyes: “Fifth-level Transcendent, amazing, I really didn’t expect that there would be such a powerful young man in Little Saint Sea Town!”

The middle-aged bald-headed eyes flickered: “No wonder the position of the head of the regiment will allow a kid to be the one. This qualification is really terrifying!”

“However, you still don’t have this qualification!”

Immediately following, he raised his head and looked at Wang Xian, with a smile on his face.

“The head of the Golden Two-Star hire group turned out to be a Tier 5 Transcendent. Let’s go, you are not qualified. With your strength, you won’t have to do the escort mission. It’s just embarrassing!”

Several people from the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce said to Wang Xian with cold faces.

Wang Xian raised his brows and smiled: “If we don’t have this qualification, no one will have this qualification!”

“Well, why kid, you want to stalk you when you are unqualified?”

Several people from the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce stared at him coldly.

Wang Xian glanced at them with a slight disdain, then turned and walked towards the other chamber of commerce.

“Head Wang!”

As soon as they turned around, a crowd of people greeted him directly, and when they saw Wang Xian, they immediately greeted respectfully.


Wang Xian nodded faintly without knowing the other party.


The other party’s group of more than 20 people saw Wang Xian’s indifferent answer and smiled and walked straight ahead.

“Everyone from the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce, we are here to take on your task!”

The hired group headed by a middle-aged, missed Wang Xian and their bodies, and said directly to the personnel of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce.

“Huh? Finally a powerful hire group has arrived, much better than the moisture-filled Golden Two-Star hire group just now!”

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