Chapter 952

Several people from the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce saw more than 20 people walking by. The middle-aged headed by them exuded a strong suffocation, and their faces showed satisfaction.

“Silver five-star hire group, you should meet our standards!”

A middle-aged continued.

The deputy head Ling of the spirit beast hire group next to them swept across them and nodded slightly.

“Huh? What?”

The group of people in the Whale Shark Mercenary Group were slightly surprised, and asked in astonishment: “Which Golden Two-Star Mercenary Group?”

“It’s that kid’s hire group. It should be that all the masters in the group have died. They don’t even look at their own strength. They want to take over our tasks. They are not qualified!”

The middle-aged man from the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce reached out his hand and pointed towards Wang Xian and their back.

Wang Xian raised his brows and turned his head to look over.

“Have you seen it, that kid is still a little dissatisfied!”

Several people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce saw Wang Xian’s figure and said mockingly.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he looked at the group of people in the Whale Shark Mercenary Group.


The Whale Shark Hiring Group felt like vomiting blood, and turned its head to look at the group of people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce as if they were mentally retarded.

“The Fairy Phoenix Hire Group does not meet the standards?”

The head of the whale shark asked in astonishment.

“Is their hired group called Xianfeng? Twelve people, weak in strength, so naturally they are not qualified to take on our tasks. I see your strength…”

“Well, if even the Fairy Phoenix Hire Group doesn’t have this qualification, we don’t even have this qualification!”

The head of the whale shark shook his head directly at the group of people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce, and directly interrupted the middle-aged.


The group of people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce was taken aback for a moment, and some did not understand what the head of the whale shark had said.

“If you don’t even have the qualifications for the Fairy Phoenix Hire Group, the entire Shenghai Town does not have this qualification for the Hire Group, I think you still don’t want to release the mission!”

The head of the whale shark raised his voice slightly, hugged his fists, and then turned and left.

“This…you guys…”

Everyone in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce was completely stunned.

“Head, don’t we take this task?”

“No, the head of the fairy phoenix king was obviously dissatisfied with this Qingteng Chamber of Commerce just now. In order not to sin against the fairy phoenix, we will not accept this task!”

“Yes, there is no need to take this task, the Xianfeng Hiring Group is crazy!”

The whole group of whale shark hire groups left directly, talking in a low voice.

Regarding the Fairy Phoenix Mercenary Group, the people in Shenghai Town only know that they have destroyed the Huanhai Mercenary Group and the Knife Mark Mercenary Group, but they don’t know that in Qiaolin Town, they took out 100 million spirit stones to ask the dragon to assassinate them. About the Lin family in Qiaolin Town.

They only came back from Qiaolin Town yesterday, but they heard the discussion from the Qiaolin Town Employment Group.

Just because of one million middle-grade spirit stones, the head of Xianfeng directly issued 100 million middle-grade spirit stones to kill the Lin family.

It’s crazy.

Offending the Fairy Phoenix Hire Group for a mission is not worthwhile!

They are cautious and will never do such a thing.

What’s more, this Qingteng Chamber of Commerce didn’t even know about the Xianfeng Hiring Group, and it was also a fool.

“Grass, what’s the matter? Why are they so scared when they hear the name of the Xianfeng Hiring Group?”

Several people in the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce looked embarrassed. What the hell is going on?

Finally, a qualified hire group came and went straight away?

The deputy head of the spirit beast frowned slightly, with a trace of surprise on his face.

“Are you here to take the task? I don’t know if you can take the task here?”

Just as Wang Xian walked over from the position of the chamber of commerce, a voice suddenly came.

Wang Xian looked at him, and a woman was looking at him.

The woman looked in her twenties and thirties, and her appearance was not outstanding. He looked at Wang Xian and everyone: “Although I didn’t hear what you said just now, but I saw the level on the test stone plate, you have the strength to take ours. Task!”


Wang Xian smiled: “What level of task and how much is the reward for the task?”

“Silver four-star mission, the mission rewards fifty thousand middle-grade spirit stones!”

The woman said directly towards Wang Xian.

“Fifty thousand middle-grade spirit stone?”

Wang Xian smiled, but nodded: “Well, we’ll take the task!”

“Well, we are here with the business group, so we are going to set off together, tonight!”

The woman said directly to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, the four-star silver mission, fifty thousand middle-grade spirit stones, was simply too little for him.

However, being rejected by a chamber of commerce just now made him lose the mind to continue searching for tasks.

Anyway, I also drop by to Donghai City, so I should drop by!


The woman nodded happily: “Are you going to prepare?”

“No, let’s just wait here and set off directly at night!”

Wang Xian shook his head!

“Well, yes, our chamber of commerce has only seven or eight people, and there are only three carriages!”

The woman said to Wang Xian: “At that time, we will follow the Chamber of Commerce team. If we are lucky, we will not encounter any danger!”

Wang Xian nodded to the side, and sat behind Ao Jian and the others.

“Father, smoke!”

After about two hours, the woman’s voice sounded.

“Han Han!”

“Thank you very much for your classmate who is Fuyan this time. If it weren’t for her, how could we get so many supplies, Hanhan, thank you very much, Miss Jin!”

“Uncle, you are too polite, Hanhan and I are sisters!”

The voice of the conversation sounded, and the woman smiled and looked at her father and the girl beside her.

“Have the hired team been found?”

The middle-aged asked the woman with a smile.

“Has been hired!”

The woman nodded: “Let’s get ready, and we will set off right away!”

“Okay, okay, leave it to me, you and Miss Jin sit here for a while and rest!”

The middle-aged touched the woman’s head.

“Liuyan, when I was looking for the hire group just now, I hired a handsome guy, and he was still a very enchanting genius?”

“Handsome guy? Hanhan, you really are there. Are you looking for a hired team or a handsome guy? Let your father know, but don’t kill you!”

“Hehe, the most important thing is our small business. The commission is not high. It is rare to hire an employment group. I just found an employment group with extraordinary level five masters. Naturally I went to ask, but I didn’t expect it to be !”

“You really are there, handsome guy is there, let me see!”

“Keep your voice down, over there!”

The two girls smiled and exchanged, Zhou Hanhan pointed to Wang Xian and the crowd sitting behind.


Jin Liuyan looked at it, and when he saw Wang Xian’s figure, his eyes widened, full of incredible expressions.

He looked at his girlfriend, and looked at Wang Xian again, unable to believe it.

“They took your task?”

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