Chapter 950 Level Up!

“There is a big gap between Dongxu and Transcendent. The seventh-order Ao demon of Transcendental level, even the eighth-order Ao demon of Transcendence, may not be able to fight against Dongxu!”

“First upgrade Ao Yao to Transcendent Tier 6, and then upgrade other strengths!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart.

The biggest area of ​​emptiness and transcendence lies in the transformation of supernatural powers.

Extraordinary cultivating supernatural powers, and when it comes to Dongxu, it transforms supernatural powers into Dharma form, and its power is increased dozens of times.

This is a powerful watershed, and it is very difficult to cross this threshold and to leapfrog.

After resting for a while, Wang Xian led a group of dragon people to the Dragon Palace.

As expected by Wang Xian, a group of transcendental eighth and seventh-order corpses raised Ao Yao’s to transcendent sixth-order.

In addition, the two monsters in the extraordinary world have been upgraded to the fifth rank of the extraordinary!

And in the waters of the Transcendent Continent, those creepy monsters that were promoted to Transcendent Second Tier also began to hunt down the fierce beasts.

Today, the development speed of Dragon Palace is more than ten times faster than before.

More and more members of the Dragon Palace are breaking through to the transcendent realm. This terrifying development speed is absolutely appalling.

This time, Wang Xian spent two days in the Dragon Palace, and even woken up the girls in Shu Qing Qingyue.

When I came back this time and left again, it might not be as easy to come back as I stayed in Shenghai Town.

Donghai City is far away from Shenghai Town. It takes four or five days to reach Donghai City from Shenghai Town!

At that time, I will come back once in two or three months at most.

After Wang Xian stayed warm with the girls for a day, they couldn’t get out of bed at all, and then led Ao Yao and them to leave again.

A group of girls began to retreat again.

“It’s quite punctual in two days!”

When Wang Xian just returned to Shenghai Town, the message from the treasurer Liu came over.

Wang Xian walked towards the Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop with a smile on his face.

“Head Wang!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s arrival, shopkeeper Liu and Director Yi quickly walked over.

Director Yi, who had just left for a few days, rushed over after learning that Wang Xian had purchased 200 million middle-grade spirit stones at one time.

Had it not been for the Phoenix Immortal Pills and Weapons Workshop that had been hit during this period of time, there might be someone with a higher level of Phoenix Immortal coming over.

“Is the pill ready?”

Wang Xian walked over and asked directly.

“Okay, okay, Head Wang, let’s come in and take a look!”

More than 200 million middle-grade spirit stones are not too many, and an extraordinary seventh-order pill can be worth more than 10 million middle-grade spirit stones.

But the preciousness of these elixirs is self-evident.

Wang Xian took a look, was very satisfied, and directly handed them 200 million middle-grade spirit stones.

“Leader Wang, it’s really a pleasant cooperation. If you need to buy a pill in the future, you can tell the shopkeeper Liu directly, and then we will prepare in advance, and it will be more convenient for you at that time!”

After the transaction was completed, Director Yi said excitedly.

“That’s right, Commander Wang, if you want medicinal pills in the future, tell me in advance!”

The shopkeeper Liu quickly echoed.

“I’m afraid I won’t be in Shenghai Town in two days!”

Wang Xian looked at them with a smile and said, “Tomorrow I will go to East Sea City and enter the Demon Hunting Academy!”

“Head Wang, are you going to East Sea City?”

Director Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: “That’s a coincidence. I am responsible for the Phoenix Pills and Weapons Workshop in East Sea City. If Commander Wang has any needs, he can come to me and buy the pill. You can tell me directly!”


Wang Xian raised his eyebrows: “Well, there may be something that requires Director Yi to help!”

“Head Wang, don’t worry, I am more familiar with East Sea City. What can I do to help you!”

Director Yi said with bright eyes.

“Well, good, then please help Director Yi find a courtyard for me. It should be a little better. I will go and take a look directly at that time, okay?”

Wang Xian didn’t say anything politely.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me. When Head Wang arrives for the first time, I will treat you well!”

Director Yi agreed with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded, then left Fengxian directly and walked towards the residence.

“I will improve my strength first!”

When he came to the room, Wang Xian directly put the pills one by one in his mouth.

“Ding, swallow the extraordinary sixth-order pill and extract Dragon Crystal 1800!”

“Ding, swallow the extraordinary seventh-order pill, extract Dragon Crystal 7500!”


“Ding, congratulations to the host for upgrading to rank 5!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending supernatural powers of light and darkness!”

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Five Elements Dragon (can be transformed into people)

Level: Fifth Transcendent

Long Jing: 683401000000

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (Phagocytosis extracts dragon crystal)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: the flame of the fire dragon, the golden cracking void, the arrival of the wood world, the dangerous storm city, the fury of the earth, the contemplation, the enchantment, the light and dark fire dragon eyes, the light and the dark void, the light and the dark without shadow, the light and the darkness!

Own Dragon Palace: Level 2.

Dragon Palace members: 3355

“Next time you upgrade to a million dragon crystals, it will be a day. If you change to a middle-grade spirit stone, it will be a billion, which is too much!”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth twitched, one billion Lingshi, I don’t know how long it will take to earn it.

Looking at the more than 60,000 Dragon Crystals he had left, Wang Xian immediately called Ao Yao and the others.

Teach them dragon spirit one by one.

After consuming more than sixty thousand dragon crystals, all the treacherous monsters and golden swordfish have been upgraded to the fourth supernatural rank.

In the future, the dragon crystals needed by the treacherous monsters and the golden swordfish will reach tens of thousands of tens of thousands.

The improvement of strength is becoming more and more difficult.

Eighteen treacherous monsters reached the fourth-order transcendental level.

Two treacherous monsters of the fifth rank.

Ao Yao is an extraordinary sixth-order!

Ten Golden Swordfish are extraordinary fourth-order.

Coupled with the extraordinary fifth-order Wang Xian, this is the top strength of Dragon Palace.

“Although it will be more and more difficult to upgrade in the future, I am pretty good now!”

Wang Xian was already very satisfied with reaching such a point in less than a month.

“With this strength, I should be able to confuse in East Sea City!”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly cocked, and he walked straight towards the position of the Demon Hunting Employment Association.

The town of Shenghai has been extremely lively in recent days. After monsters attacked the city, many chambers of commerce have come from everywhere.

There are the most chambers of commerce from East China Sea, and Wang Xian is ready to take an escort mission and then head to the East China Sea.

“There is a large mission on the mission stone plate, escorting the Chamber of Commerce back to East Sea City, and recruiting at least 20 mercenary groups!”

“According to the level of the mercenary group, the level of the task is given. This kind of large-scale escort task is rare!”

“It just so happens that the Xianfeng Hiring Corps can follow this caravan to East China Sea City!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart and walked into the Demon Hunting Employment Association.

As soon as he entered the employment club, Wang Xian found that today’s employment club hall was a little different from the past.

In the entire hall, there are rows of chambers of commerce personnel, at least a dozen chambers of commerce personnel, and every chamber of commerce is recruiting employment groups!

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