Chapter 949

“The harvest in Qiaolin Town this time is much more than in Shenghai Town!”

Two days later, when Wang Xian learned that the new mayor was coming, he led the members of the Dragon Palace to leave Qiaolin Town.

The harvest in Qiaolin Town these days is not comparable to Shenghai Town.

Assassinated two extraordinary eighth-tier powerhouses, one was the Lin family of the Qiaolin Town’s biggest power, the Qiaolin Chamber of Commerce.

One is the most powerful person in Qiaolin Town, the mayor.

These two strong men are notorious, and they have raided a lot of money.

In the space ring of the two of them, Wang Xian obtained more than 200 million middle-grade spirit stones, and other resources were worth 40-50 million middle-grade spirit stones.

The harvest this time is far beyond what Wang Xian could think about.

“The fastest way to make money is to kill people and rob money. Although Longstab is a killer organization, it is somewhat similar!”

Wang Xian smiled.

Lin Xiao, the mayor of Qiaolin Town, puts all his money in his space ring. For a strong man, the space ring he wears is the safest place.

“With so many spirit stones, if you buy a pill to change into Dragon Crystal, 10 million spirit stones can be exchanged for about 7,000 Dragon Crystal, and 100 million is 70,000!”

“If there are more than 200 million, at least 160,000 dragon crystals can raise their strength to the fifth rank, all the creepy monsters and the golden swordfish to the fourth rank, and even one or two creepy monsters. Upgrade to the fifth rank!”

Wang Xian calculated in his heart.

After this promotion, his strength has been greatly improved.

Especially the wicked monster clan, the lowest strength in the future will be able to assassinate the extraordinary sixth-order powerhouse.

“It’s time to go to Donghai City after improving your strength. The Demon Hunting Academy is about to open. With your own strength, there is nothing to learn, but some of the information there should be of great use to you!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart.

When he went back, Wang Xian was still on the road of Qiaolin Beast Garden, and he went back faster than when he came.

In just one day, Wang Xian and the others came to Shenghai Town.

Wang Xian drove straight towards the Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop.

Shopkeeper Liu is sitting in the shop, and a crowd of customers around are buying pills.

After the sword mark mercenary group was destroyed by Wang Xian and the others, the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Relic Forge had nothing to do with Feng Xian.

Moreover, they dare not suppress it anymore.

Even, they were a little worried about the Phoenix Fairy Association and the Fairy Phoenix Hiring Group to suppress them.

“Head Wang!”

When Wang Xian first stepped into the store, the waiter immediately recognized Wang Xian and shouted respectfully.

“Head Wang, you are here, do you want to buy a pill?”

When the shopkeeper Liu saw Wang Xian’s arrival, with an excited expression on his face, he asked quickly.

“Well, I bought a lot this time!”

Wang Xian walked over and said with a smile on his face.

“A little too much?”

Shopkeeper Liu was stunned, and his pupils couldn’t help shrinking.

In the previous few times, Wang Xian came to buy medicine pills, even if he spent 8 million middle-grade spirit stones, he didn’t say much.

Is it this time?

A fiery flash flashed in his eyes: “Head Wang, please come inside!”


Wang Xian nodded and went to a living room in the shop.

Shopkeeper Liu quickly brewed a cup of tea for Wang Xian: “Head Wang, how many Lingshi pills do you want this time?”

“The pill of 200 million middle-grade Lingshi is the same as before!”

Wang Xian took a sip with a smile and said with a smile.


Shopkeeper Liu trembled, his face flushed instantly, and he stared at Wang Xian excitedly: “Head Wang, what do you think it is?”

“Two hundred million middle-grade spirit stones!”

Wang Xian said again.

“This…well, Commander Wang, you have so many spirit stones, we don’t have so many elixirs, and even East Sea City may not have so many. I will report to the headquarters immediately. You wait, wait!”

Shopkeeper Liu said to Wang Xian with a look of excitement, and immediately took out the communication stone tray and contacted Director Yi on the spot.

Director Yi’s eyes widened when he learned that Wang Xian was going to buy 200 million middle-grade Lingshi pill.

Two hundred million middle-grade spirit stones, it is possible to buy several extraordinary ninth-order pill.

It’s crazy, it’s crazy.

However, Director Yi quickly reacted and immediately contacted the person above him.

Fengxian Pill Medicine and Weapon Workshop was not as powerful as the dragons said.

At present, they have only established a foothold in the five kingdoms, and even the empire has not stepped into it.

There is still a big gap compared with the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Sacred Art Forge Workshop.

However, Fengxian has a strong background and was established by the Huoyunque clan.

Fire Skylark does not belong to human beings, but belongs to the family of monsters and beasts.

Monster beasts have wisdom, and some beasts even survive with humans, and they also abide by human laws.

Fire Skylark was once the most loyal demons and beasts of the female emperors of the Feng Dynasty.

Later, after the death of the female emperor, the Feng Dynasty changed its dynasty, and a group of loyal female emperors were deprived of their rights.

After the death of the female emperor, the Huoyunque clan returned directly to the Huoyun Mountain Range and lived in seclusion.

He was born suddenly two years ago and established the Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop.

Today’s Feng Dynasty ranks among the top three in the empire, and the Fire Skylark clan still has some connections in the Feng Dynasty Empire.

In addition, the strength of the Fire Skylark clan is also very strong, and this has led to the rapid development of the Phoenix Pill and Weapon Workshop.

In more than two years, the five kingdoms have been covered, and the speed has been very fast.

Fengxian was still very surprised by Wang Xian’s buying out 200 million middle-grade spirit stones at one time to buy medicine pills.

In a town, more than 200 million spirit stones can be taken out, but it is very scary.

“Head Wang, it happened that someone from our headquarters came to Shenghai Town to buy some deadly beast corpses. The pill will be delivered within two days. Please wait a moment!”

Soon, the shopkeeper Liu replied to Wang Xian.

“Yes, when the time comes, you can directly communicate with the stone pan to notify me!”

Wang Xian nodded and said to them.

“Yes Yes!”

Shopkeeper Liu nodded respectfully.

Waving two hundred million spirit stones to buy pill, this…waving the earth like gold, his small treasurer of Shenghai Town sold more than 200 million middle-grade spirit stones in a short period of time. It is estimated that the headquarters will soon be Will give him an appreciation and raise!

After the shopkeeper Liu sent it out of the store respectfully, Wang Xian walked towards the location of his residence.

In the next two days, Wang Xian was going to return to the Dragon Palace.

In Qiaolin Town, Ao Yao and the others have harvested more than just huge resources.

There is also a corpse.

There are two corpses of rank eight, two of rank seven, a dozen of rank six, and more than twenty of rank five.

Most of them are from Lin’s family.

So many corpses are enough to make an extraordinary fifth-order Ao Yao evolve again.

After the evolution, the Ao Yao will reach the sixth transcendental level.

He who is a thorn dragon dragon seed will have the strength to assassinate the extraordinary 9th-order powerhouse at that time.

It can be regarded as the top existence under the hole.

With Ao Yao there, it will be safer in the Transcendent Continent!

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