Chapter 799: Destroying Fifty Infants in One Day

In Xiacheng, more than 30 people volleyed and slaughtered the disciples of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Clan.

This move made all ordinary people in the entire Xiacheng stunned.

Xiacheng is considered to be in the Yaoding area. In Xiacheng, who would dare to provoke the disciples of the two immortals?

Even the rich second generation at the top of Xiacheng would be like a grandson in front of the immortal disciples.

However, today, the two great immortal disciples who were arrogant and defiant in Xiacheng were directly beheaded by a person with a name of volley and vanity.

At this time, it caused a great sensation in the entire city!

However, it is the warriors of the rivers and lakes that are even more sensational.

In the morning, the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate directly destroyed the Longmen Forging Workshop. In the afternoon, the strongmen of Longmen flew directly to the gates of the two immortal gates to kill a crowd, and even made the move to kill two immortal disciples in Xiacheng.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, revenge is not overnight.

It is said that the disciples of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Clan were directly beheaded and killed thousands of people, which shocked everyone.

“Longmen dispatched more than 60 Infant Realm powerhouses in total, and after being beheaded 18 Infant Realm, they were able to produce more than 60 of them. It’s really terrifying!”

“This should be the full strength of Longmen, it seems that the battle of the three immortals has completely started!”

“All the powerhouses in Longmen come out together. I don’t know how to deal with the two immortal gates. Longmen has no territory and no ordinary disciples!”

On, all the immortal disciples looked at a piece of information and said with a sigh.

The Dragon Gate’s revenge also made all the fairy gods jealous. There are more than sixty infants in the world, and most of the fairy gates do not have so many powerful people.

“Haha, what about the Dragon Gate? It’s not just to leave immediately after a sneak attack. Since you want to fight, then let’s fight!”

“Longmen doesn’t dare to confront our holy doctor, holy medicine, Xianmen, the timid fellow, we will completely wipe you out soon!”

Soon, on, a group of disciples of the Holy Medicine Sage Yaoxianmen replied tauntingly on, and there were many such posts.

Seeing the post published by the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Xianmen, the rest of the Xianmen disciples were also slightly silent.

Indeed, in the two immortal gates of the Holy Doctor and Holy Medicine, there are definitely more than sixty strong infants, and even double the number of characters.

The reason why Longmen didn’t dare to block the gate of Hunyuan Immortal Gate last time was because he was afraid of the powerhouses of the two immortal gates.

A group of warriors on the rivers and lakes took out the strengths of the Dragon Gate and the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate for a detailed comparison.

It came to a conclusion that the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate was not at all comparable to the Hunyuan Immortal Gate’s level, and the Longmen strength was not as good as the two Great Immortal Gates, and even much different.

As for the forces in the Dragon Palace, some people guess that those terrifying swordsmen belong to the Dragon Palace.

This analysis post has aroused many people’s approval.

“Hehe, your holy doctor and holy medicine immortal gate despise the dragon gate so much, but you will have to pay a heavy price!”

At the position of Hunyuan Immortal Gate, the three immortals showed cold expressions on their faces listening to the information reported below.

The result of the Three Great Immortal Sect battles involved him Hunyuan Immortal Gate, and now Hunyuan Immortal Gate is regarded as a relatively weak existence by a group of immortal disciples.

“They probably don’t know, Dragon Gate, and that terrifying weird creature exists, terribly hiding!”

A middle-aged fairy said coldly.


“Dragon King, all the two immortal disciples outside the holy city have been cleaned up. The holy city has closed two gates, and the east gate has not been closed. Obviously they have great confidence in their own strength!”

On a mountain peak, Wang Xian stood on the top of the peak, and the Mo Qinglong reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Hehe, that’s okay, tomorrow they will definitely make an ambush at the east gate, where is their site, they are more familiar with the terrain than we are!”

A sneer appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he looked at the holy city twenty kilometers away. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly: “No matter what, as long as they dare to have a disciple go out from the east gate, they will attack. It is not certain who ambushes who!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Mo Qinglong nodded.

As night fell, the rivers and lakes were still lively on the Internet. Inside the holy doctor and holy medicine fairy gate, two great immortal gate powerhouses began to lay a net of heaven and earth at the gate of the city.

Once the Dragon Gate powerhouse appears, they must be able to instantly feel it and behead it.

They are very confident, they have this strength.

The two great immortal gate powerhouses are hidden in the positions on both sides of the city gate respectively. As long as an order is given, dozens of powerhouses can do it instantly.

Moreover, at the gate of the city, there are also dozens of powerful infants who are ready to support.

Once the Longmen powerhouse appears, they will surely destroy their entire army!

However, what they didn’t know, in the sky, a pair of eyes stared at them coldly.

The sky broke and the whole holy city became lively. Compared with the panic Hunyuan City, the attack by the Dragon Gate at the gate of the city yesterday did not have much impact on them.

Except for the family members of the immortal disciples who were beheaded, they would be a little bit sad, but they didn’t cause much panic.

This is its confidence in the strength of Xianmen.

“Get your stuff, follow the plan, and get out of town!”

At around nine o’clock in the morning, in the holy city of the holy medicine holy medicine immortal gate, several powerful infants said to the hundreds of disciples around.

“Don’t worry, elder, leave it to us, hehe, I hope the people from Longmen can kill you!”

A young disciple said with a slight smile on his face.


Several elders also showed smiles on their faces, watching them walking outside.

Bait, they are acting as bait.

But even if it was bait, this group of hundreds of young disciples didn’t have the slightest worry.

Not to mention that they are holding the formation, but dozens of powerful infants are lying around in ambush, and there are thirty or forty powerful infants in the city to support at any time.

Almost a hundred infants, what are they afraid of!

A group of immortal disciples walked out from the east gate of the holy city with a smile on their faces.

A crowd of people walked out, just to meet the sun, they walked forward with their heads high and walked more than a thousand people, looking at the surroundings.

“Where is the strong man in Longmen? Why haven’t they come out yet? Isn’t it afraid?”

“Our trap this time is very obvious, but it’s okay. Originally, the elders didn’t have much hope for this time, but we should also provocation if we should provocation!”

“Haha, yes, yesterday we dared to kill so many disciples of our two great immortals, today we stand here to see if they dare to do it?”

“Such arrogant Longmen, today we will kill their spirit!”

More than a hundred young disciples continued to walk towards the front with a smile on their faces.

It has been more than two thousand meters, and there is enough distance from the city gate.

A young man standing in the center looked around!

“Longmen kid, is it only a sneak attack? Now your grandpa is here, come and attack the young man! Haha!”

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