Chapter 798 Killing

“Walk, we have had a lot of fun these two days, it may be a little dangerous outside in a few days!”

“What is dangerous? Does Longmen dare to block our fairy gate like the Hunyuan fairy gate? Haha, as long as they dare to come, we can kill them directly!”

“I can’t say that. What kind of Dragon Palace is now present, and we can’t underestimate the power of the Dragon King!”

“Coward, don’t care about him the Dragon King of Dragon Gate Dragon Palace, since we Xianmen dare to do it, we are not afraid at all, haha, let’s go!”

“Yes, today we can destroy the Dragon Gate Forge, and tomorrow we can destroy their Dragon Gate, huh, what Dragon King!”

At the entrance of the Holy City of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate, a dozen or so young people in gorgeous dresses and fans in their hands walked outside like romantic talents.

After the immortal door appeared, their disciples of the immortal door were very much liked by those nymphomaniac girls in the real world.

As long as they hook their fingers, many beautiful women rushed over, which made them very proud.

They didn’t care much about the grudges between their two immortal gates and the dragon gate. They had strong confidence in their own fairy gates.

A crowd of people walked outside. At the gate of the city, besides them, there were many disciples of the immortal gate. Some went to the outside city to deal with things, and some went out to play.

The sun has just set, and it can be seen from the outside that the entire holy city is extremely lively, and the location of the city gate is also crowded!

“Sword Slash!”

At this moment, a voice without any emotion suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, without warning, a series of terrifying golden lights fell towards the lower position.

In an instant, the positions of the three gates of the holy city were like the radiance of the setting sun on the gates.

A golden sword light descended directly from the sky.

Each sword light has reached a kilometer length, and more than a dozen sword lights have fallen into the sky with a terrifying golden light.

“Boom boom boom!”

Soon, the sound of terrifying bombardment came.


“What a terrifying attack!”

“Run, run away!”

When a disciple of the famous sage doctor, Holy Medicine Xianmen raised his head and saw the terrifying sword light, his face showed a look of horror.

They roared in horror, trying to escape towards the city.

But Jianmang’s speed was too fast, and their group of immortal disciples who had not reached the infant stage were directly and easily beheaded.

“It’s Longmen, it’s the people of Longmen!”

A shrill cry sounded at the south gate, and the sound of horror spread far away.

The sword lights disappeared one after another, leaving a dozen kilometers long gully.

In front of the three city gates, more than a dozen figures stood in the void, looking at the corpse on the ground, their figure moved and disappeared directly.

“The people of Longmen, come to retaliate!”

At the location of the city gate, an angry roar sounded in the holy city. .

A famous holy city guard trembled a little, staring at the mess outside the city wall with embarrassment.

In just an instant, less than five seconds, the terrifying sword light directly split the road in front of their city gate.

All the immortal disciples at the gate of the city became ghosts under the sword without the slightest resistance.

This made the faces of the immortal disciples who were about to leave the city gate with a look of horror.

“Fast speed, we destroyed their forging workshop in the morning, and came to retaliate against us in the afternoon, and it is still so arrogant!”

“Damn Longmen, dare to kill the disciples of our immortal door, kill them!”

The disciples of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Clan had a gloomy expression. They didn’t expect that the Dragon Gate’s speed would be so fast that they would directly attack in the afternoon.

But it is still so upright, so arrogant!

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, a famous immortal god led the elder deacon of the holy doctor and holy medicine Xianmen to fly towards the gate of the city.

When they saw the terrifying sword glow and corpses outside the city, their faces were a little ugly.

“I didn’t expect this Longmen counterattack to be so fast!”

“Leave immediately after our city gate attacked. It seems that they are afraid of us coming over. Haha, I thought Longmen would be so brave and fearless to die!”

A famous fairy looked at the traces left by the attack outside the city, with a cold expression in his eyes.

However, after seeing the Longmen powerhouse leaving immediately after a blow, a cold look appeared on their faces.

Not dare to stay here, it means that Longmen is afraid of their strong coming out.

“We have a formation in the city. Don’t worry. Longmen dare not stay longer. Obviously they are afraid of us, so they only dared to attack and leave quickly. In that case, let’s have a cat and mouse!”

A fairy stared at the corpse on the ground with gleaming eyes, and his voice was full of chill!

“My lord, should we tell all the disciples to go back to the city and prohibit going out of the city?”

An elder asked in a deep voice.

“No, let all the disciples be forbidden to go out of the city. Others thought we were afraid of them at the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate. Today, we are laying a net at the gate of the city, waiting for the dragon gate to come again, and we will promote it on the Jianghu website. We will accompany the dragon gate. After all, see who will give up first in the end, haha!”

“But starting today, all disciples can only go out through the East City Gate!”

A fairy sneered, his figure moved, and he flew directly in the direction of the fairy gate.

The speed of Longmen’s revenge was so fast, although it exceeded their expectations, but they did not have the slightest worry.

When everything is ready, whoever kills is not always certain!

At this moment, Xiacheng was the closest city to the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Immortal Gate.

Xiacheng is a relatively large and prosperous city in China, and it is also a city where disciples of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate are more active.

In the evening, the red-lighted, wine-green city makes the whole city like a white night.

At this time, over a hundred meters in the air, a group of 30 Longmen members stared coldly at the position below, sensing everyone below.

“Brother Fei, can you show me the flying sword!”

“Yes, Brother Fei, your sword is so handsome, can you let my little sister touch it!”

“Haha, a few beauties, you may not know, what I am best at is stick art, do you want me to show you tonight!”


Beside a street, several gorgeous women stood beside a young man with long hair wearing the costumes of Saint Doctor Xianmen, and several people were laughing and playing.

There was a hint of arrogance on that young man’s face, and his eyes were full of pride!



However, in the next moment, a magic claw fell directly from the sky, squeezing his body instantly.


The girl’s screams came!

In the sky, a group of dragon people did not have the slightest feelings, and glanced coldly below.

Once they met the disciples of the Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Clan, they all beheaded.

However, this is only the beginning!

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