Chapter 800

“Haha, coward, knows the sneak attack, there is a kind of sacred medicine and our holy medicine in front of the fairy gate!”

“We are out, we are out of the city, where are you, the trash of the Dragon Gate? We only know the sneak attack. If we dare to kill you honestly, you will only hide!”

After the voice of a young man had finished speaking, several young people around shouted loudly.

Several young people smiled and took out their mobile phones and posted mocking posts on the rivers and lakes.

“Longmen counsels the goods, the little men have already left the gate of the city, come and kill us, haha, coward, you know the sneak attack!”

Similar posts were posted on

The ridiculous voice continued.

The immortal disciple who just got up was slightly surprised to see how lively Jianghu Internet is.

“The Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate has begun to provoke the Longmen. They may place a net around the world and wait for the Longmen to attack again, and then carry out an ambush!”

“Longmen dare not come out, it seems that Longmen is really weaker than the two immortal gates in strength!”

“The Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy Gate is so provocative, it is a bit embarrassing to go to the Dragon Gate!”

“In terms of momentum, Longmen has been completely overwhelmed!”

“Haha, I’m going to the scene to have a look!”

A group of immortal disciples looked at the above information, and even the immortal disciples expressed that they would go to the scene to see it.

Yesterday, although the Longmen powerhouse killed the disciples of the holy doctor and holy medicine immortal door, this was nothing to them after all.

However, Longmen lost six forging workshops and eighteen strong infants. The loss of Longmen was much greater than that of the two immortal gates.

Today the two immortal gates provoke once again, and Longmen is obviously at a disadvantage.

“Longmen kid, come over and kill Grandpa!”

Another sound resounding more than ten kilometers in a radius of more than ten kilometers spread towards the surroundings, and more than a hundred two great immortal disciples roared mockingly.

“Dragon King, shall we give them a surprise!”

Mo Qinglong looked at Wang Xian, who was sitting on a chair and playing with his mobile phone, and said.

“Don’t worry, just wait!”

He looked at the posts on and said with a smile on his face.

“It’s the Dragon King!”


“Elder, the people from Longmen haven’t appeared yet, will they be timid and afraid to come out?”

In the holy city, a disciple said to the elder beside him with a smile on his face.

“Don’t worry, if he dares to come today, he will kill him once and for all. If he doesn’t come, it is expected. Then we can continue the layout and we have time to play with them!”

An old man stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face.

Don’t worry, neither Wang Xian nor Holy Medicine Holy Medicine Fairy is in a hurry.

“Huh? Sure enough, the disciples of the Holy Medicine Sage Medicine Fairy Gate mocked Longmen outside the city, and Longmen didn’t dare to do anything like yesterday!”

“It seems that the Dragon Palace is a bit bravado in this world. There are many immortals in the Dragon Gate, but compared with these two immortal gates, it is still much worse!”

When it was almost noon, some other immortal disciples who came to watch the excitement rushed over, talking with smiles all over their faces.

“It seems that I can’t fight anymore today. The dragon gate can only be shrunk. There is no way. The difference is too big. Although it is very embarrassing, at least it will not lose my life!”

“Let’s stay here for a few days to see the excitement!”

“But you have to be careful in a few days, the battle of the strong infants, if we are not careful, we will be affected!”

One after another, on the road outside the holy city, hundreds of people came to watch the excitement. They stood on the road ahead and watched with a smile.

“Hey, brothers in front, have you seen that group of bullies in Longmen? Tell them when you see them, their little men are here, don’t let them be turtles!”

“Yes, shit, if Longmen had a base, our holy medical immortal door powerhouse would have been blocked at the gate of their base long ago, dare to attack us and seek death!”

Suddenly, a kilometer ahead, the disciple of the Holy Medicine Sage Medicine Fairy Gate greeted a group of people watching the excitement.

This caused a group of people watching the excitement to be taken aback, and then shook their heads with a smile.

Judgment is up against you!

The strength of the Dragon Gate and the Holy Medicine Sage Medicine Fairy Gate was simply too far apart.

It might be as they said, if Longmen had a base, the powerhouses of the two immortal doors would have gone to block the door.

“Thank you!”

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind them.

When the crowd heard this sound, they felt their breathing stagnated and turned their heads quickly.


When they turned their heads to look over, their faces showed a look of error.

A group of more than 30 people, wearing black costumes, embroidered with a ferocious dragon on the chest.

“Yes… Dragon Dragon… Door!”

A crowd of immortal disciples who watched the excitement saw the Mo Qinglong crowd of more than 30 people, and they stammered with shocked faces, and quickly stepped aside.

A faint smile appeared on Mo Qinglong’s face, and he walked slowly forward.


“That is?”

However, at this time, the hundreds of young people from the two immortal gates saw a group of dragon people who suddenly appeared, pacing towards them, with a look of error on their faces.

“Come, dare to come!”

More than a hundred two immortal disciples were stunned, followed by a smile on their faces.

They looked around and found that there were only more than 30 Dragon Gate members with a thicker smile on their faces.

“I don’t know if they are stupid or stupid, hahaha!”

A young man said with a sarcastically smile.

“Longmen kid, I didn’t expect you to come here. I thought you would be a tortoise with a head-shrunk. Yes, you are a man!”

“Haha, do you dare to kill us? Come on, haha!”

The sound of wild laughter came from their mouths, and they held their heads up, looking down at the crowd of Demon Qinglong.

What about the strong infant? They still dare to scold!

“Ha ha!”

Mo Qinglong looked at them confidently, with a faint smile on his face.

They walked slowly towards the position of the young people.

“Open the formation!”

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is less than a kilometer, the young man said immediately.


The formation was opened, and the green protective cover surrounded them, which made them feel relieved, and their eyes swept away from the surrounding positions, with smiles in their eyes.

“A group of guys looking for death, we will be here to appreciate their death in a while!”

A young man laughed and said in a low voice.

“Here, I didn’t expect them to come to die, then we will treat you well!”

“I didn’t expect that there is such a stupid one in the world!”

“Be careful, be careful of fraud!”

“Haha, what are you afraid of? Fifty infants are ambushing around us, plus us, a total of ninety, and Lord Immortal is also paying attention to this matter, get ready!”

In the holy city, the elders showed a trace of excitement on their faces, and said with a big smile.

“Since you are looking for death, then we will fulfill you!”

Mo Qinglong and a group of people came to the front of the two great immortal gates and more than a hundred disciples, their eyes raised their palms mockingly and they were going to attack.

“Humph, it’s you guys looking for death!”


When they saw the Demon Azure Dragon attacking, they quickly yelled towards the surroundings.

“Swish swish!”

The roar sounded, and the figures on both sides flew towards the road.

However, the posture of these figures flying is a bit strange, without the slightest vitality!

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