Chapter 4179

“Lord Dragon King of Dragon Palace, our Lord of the Undead has said that in the future, you will become friendly friends with Lord Dragon King. As for saying that someone will bully the future Tianyuan strong fortune, it will naturally have to pay a tragic price.”

“The Liao clan of the Xuantu tribe is all annihilated. Lord Dragon Palace and Lord Muli Tianci, do you feel satisfied?”

Faced with Wang Xian, the undead directly passed the news to the three peak powers of the undead tribe, so that they could pass it on to Wang Xian.

This is an explanation from the undead to Wang Xian!

This is currently the best way for the Six Dao Universes!

As for Liao Fei, the Liao clan of the Xuantu tribe, they are purely looking for death on their own!

Relying on his identity and strength, he wants to bully others.

Under normal circumstances, they do have this capital!

But this time, they kicked to the iron plate.


At this time, when the voices of the three strong leaders of the dead tribe fell.

From the position on the side, from the Xuantu tribe, there was a sound of exclamation.

Liao Feiyu, Liao Feiyu’s grandfather, the Liao family dominates the peak realm powerhouse, after they heard it, their bodies trembled violently.

“Lord of the Undead…We are disciples of the Xuantu tribe, we do not belong to the Lord of the Undead…we…”

Liao Feiyu’s grandfather opened his eyes wide, and said with some horror on his face!

“If you dare to attack and kill the future strong master of Tianyuan good fortune, no one can save you!”

The strong man who dominates the pinnacle of the tribe of the dead said with a cold face!

“No, no, why should you kill us? Can’t kill us, elders, elders, can’t kill us!”

Liao Feiyu looked at the tribe elder on the side with horror, and shouted in horror!

“This matter has nothing to do with us. It is the behavior of Liao Feiyu and his family. Why should we be responsible for the entire Liao family?”

Some experts from the Liao family of the Xuantu tribe said in horror and unwillingness!

“This is the words of our Lord of the Undead, Master Tu should not refuse, and now even if Master Muli wants to destroy your Profound Tu tribe, I don’t think Master Tu will refuse!”

The three strong masters of the dead tribe looked over and said coldly.

In the current situation, it is obvious that Lord Undead wants this Dragon King in the Dragon Palace!

As for what to ask for, it’s also very obvious.

Now they are resisting more than seventy strong Tianyuan creations, obviously unable to resist.

And once they can’t resist it, here, the strong disciples of all the tribes of the Six Dao Universes will die.

Even, there may be even more terrifying things.

So what is the sacrifice of the Liao family of the Xuantu tribe?

What’s more, Mu Li Tianci now has a foster father of the Heavenly Origin Good Fortune level, with a strong background.

In the future, he will definitely be able to become a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

The Liao family now offends him, and when he breaks through the Tianyuan fortune powerhouse in the future, will the Xuantu tribe be better off?

In addition, he possessed the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune on his body, and in the future, even Master Tusha City would not be an opponent.

If you don’t destroy you now, who will you destroy?

The immortality of the entire Xuantu tribe is considered good!

All the strong disciples of the Xuantu tribe changed their expressions when they heard this sentence!

Especially the disciples of Liao’s powerhouse, their faces are full of despair and death gray!

They never thought that Liao Feiyu would bring them a disaster!

“All the disciples of the Liao family of the Xuantu tribe, self-decision!”

In the Xuantu tribe, a strong man who dominates the pinnacle realm changed drastically, and said: “Just now, our Lord Tianyuan created this order!”

The words of the strong man from the Xuantu tribe once again caused all the strong disciples of the Liao clan to tremble violently!

“Foster father, forget it, among the Liao clan of the Xuantu tribe, only Liao Feiyu and the others have enemies with me, and no one else provokes me.”

When Mu Li Tianci saw this scene, his brows jumped violently.

This was the first time he encountered this kind of behavior of destroying a clan at every turn.

This caught him somewhat by surprise, and some uncomfortable!

“A strong person should not be kind to the enemy. The wildfire can never be burned and the spring breeze will regenerate, but you can decide this for yourself, and the foster father respects your choice.”

Wang Xian heard what God had given him, looked at him, and said!

“Foster father, maybe I need to get used to it. Except for Liao Feiyu and the others, let them go!”

Godsend nodded, and continued to say to Wang Xian after hesitating!


Wang Xian nodded.

“Thank you, Mr. Muli, thank you very much, Mr. Muli.”

Hearing the words of the godsend, the strong man who ruled the pinnacle of the Xuantu tribe heaved a sigh of relief, quickly thanked the godsend, and yelled at the group of strong disciples of the Liao clan!

“Xie Muli God bestows the grace of not killing!”

A group of strong disciples of the Liao family quickly bowed their heads and said loudly with thanks!

Godsend looked at this scene in a daze.

Liao who wanted to kill him just now, and also oppressed his strong man, now I want to thank him for not killing him!

In the surrounding locations, the disciples of all the powerhouses of the tribe were also a little shocked and stupefied when they saw this scene.

Who could have imagined that the battle between Muli Tianci and the Liao clan of the Profound Earth tribe would cause so many great changes.

This is the result!

They looked at the slightly immature teenager, their eyes flickering slightly.

Today’s things can be passed safely, this young man looks down on their existence.

And they will worship it too!

“Lord Dragon Palace, Lord of the Undead, we heard from the Lord of the Undead that a group of strong heavenly origins are beginning to use their hole cards, and they are beginning to be unable to stop so many strong ones!”

At this moment, the three strong masters of the dead tribe on the side hurriedly spoke!

“They can resist as much as they can!”

Wang Xian said to them!

“It’s an adult!”

The three masters of the pinnacle responded immediately!

“Breakthrough, after getting the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune first, the guy who killed the Jiuyuan Universe!”

When Wang Xian’s voice just fell, they were located in the sky, and two figures flew over here quickly!

Void Universe Tianmengong, and another strong Tianyuan good fortune, broke through the defenses of the Golden Leopards in Tusha City, and teleported in instantly!


When they rushed over, they were on the left, and two figures flew over in a strange way!

In addition, at the underground location, Wang Xian also sensed a cloud of earth and sand coming from the underground!

One by one, the strong Tianyuan good fortune possessing special abilities could no longer bear it.

They used special means to attack God-given!

“Linniu, do it!”

Upon sensing this scene, Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly!

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