Chapter 4178 Conversation with the undead!


When in the sky above, a strong Tianyuan good fortune wants to control the godsend!

In the next ten seconds, various energy fluctuations penetrated the defenses of the Golden Leopard and Tusha City, and landed around the heavens!

But this time, all energy fluctuations were completely resisted by Wang Xian!

This made some of the strong Tianyuan good fortune who secretly shot in the sky frowned.

They did not doubt the Wang Xian on the side.

Even if they knew that Wang Xian was also a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“It seems that the treasure of heavenly origin has special energy.”

They attribute the failure of their abilities to the heavenly good fortune in the heavenly body.

The battle continues!

The terrifying battle has filled the faces of the strong disciples of the six great tribes in the universe with fear and horror!

They want to escape here, but they can’t escape at all.

The horrible energy fluctuations around made them realize that they couldn’t do it even if they wanted to mobilize the energy around them.

Even some treasures that can make them teleport, because of the powerful energy interference, directly invalidate!

They seem to be in the center of hell!

Pray that the fire of hell will not fall on them!

All the powerhouses who dominate the pinnacle of Youyu universe gather together, support their energy, and are ready to defend themselves at any time!


However, at this time, it was located in the realm of a group of experts who dominated the pinnacle of the universe.

The strong eyes of the tribe of the dead narrowed slightly!

They looked at the position of Wang Xian and God, and immediately flew over!

“Meeting Lord Dragon King of Dragon Palace!”

Three strong men from the tribe of the dead who dominated the pinnacle flew to Wang Xian’s side and worshiped respectfully!

Seeing them flying over, Wang Xian raised his brows slightly and looked at them lightly!

“Lord Dragon Palace Dragon King, we have already transferred all the information here to our Lord of the Undead, our lord said, they won’t be able to resist for long, Dragon Palace Dragon King, do you have any future players, can you keep the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune!”

The tribe ancestors in the tribe of the dead continued to say toward Wang Xian!

“Tell the undead that the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune belongs to my son Muli, and it belongs to him by nature.”

Wang Xian looked at them and said!

“It’s Lord Dragon King!”

The three powerful masters of the dead tribe immediately responded respectfully!

Facing the Dragon King from Jiuyuan Universe in front of them, they didn’t dare to have the slightest prestige!

The ruling pinnacle of the Xuantu tribe kills as soon as they say kill, what can the Xuantu tribe do?

Even, this powerful lord, but just now directly killed an existence of the good fortune of Tianyuan.

When they talked to it, their hearts were beating violently, cautiously!

The three powerhouses of the tribe of the dead immediately passed on information to the undead through their special methods!

In the upper air position, the undead received the message from his subordinates, and his eyes shone brightly.

He thought of today’s situation.

But he never thought of Wang Xian’s existence anyway.

Unexpectedly, there was a Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse in other universe who didn’t take the Tianyuan good fortune treasure, but instead helped the young man with the Tianyuan good fortune treasure to grow up, instead protecting him.

This is what he never thought of!

But the current situation, this situation, is a good thing for their six universes!

The most precious treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune belongs to their disciples of the Six Dao Universes, and always belongs to their Six Dao Universes!

The only pity is that it’s not the heavenly good fortune they got!

If this is not the situation today, even if it is the disciple who belongs to their Six Dao Universes, he will give it over.

He even beheaded it to take away the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

But now, the situation is different!

Moreover, he also had a guess in his heart that the Dragon Palace Dragon King should have left behind, otherwise, the boy should have been taken away long ago!

“Really a lucky young man who was born to be a strong Tianyuan good fortune.”

He was slightly envious, and immediately transmitted his voice: “Tell the Dragon King of Dragon Palace that his son Mu Li Tianci is our disciple of the Six Dao Universes, and also our disciple. The Treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune was born to him, and will belong to him in the future. It will protect him from growing to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, and in the future, we will have a good return!”

“Lord Dragon King, our Lord of the Undead has said that Muli Tianci is a disciple of our Six Dao Universes, and a disciple of the Lord of the Undead and their disciples. The treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune naturally belongs to him, and the adults will also protect him from growing to Tianyuan’s good fortune in the future. The realm, and you must have a great reward for the grown-ups!”

The three powerhouses of the tribe of the dead, with some shock in their hearts, reported to Wang Xianhui!

In the surrounding locations, the strong disciples of all the tribes heard the words of the dead tribe, and their faces were shaking!

They looked at Tianci with all eyes, their eyes shone with lustre.

What does it mean?

That is, Mu Li Tianshen, in the future, will be the strongest fortune of their six universes.

Will be one of the top powerhouses in their universe!

It is the existence they need to bow down!

“Hehe, I don’t care about the promise of your six universes. If you have any bad intentions, I will destroy all the creatures in your six universes, so that the undead can resist as much as they can resist. The current situation is still under control. In addition, Godsend this time because of the Xuantu tribe’s incident, let me give you an explanation!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and continued to speak towards them!

In the current situation, everything is still under control!

In the other six universes, Wang Xian was not very worried.

Not to mention that God-given death can be resurrected.

In the following, as long as he shows off his strength, he will not dare to catch the attention given by God!

Once they dare to pay attention, the power of the Dragon Palace will be able to suffocate the creatures of the entire six universes in the future.

Even if you give Wang Xian some more time, all the creatures in the six universes will be extinct!

This is his confidence!

When the three strong men of the tribe of the dead heard Wang Xian’s words, there was also a cold sweat on their foreheads!

Talking with such a strong man who is so powerful that it can destroy a universe creature makes them a little frightened!

They nodded, and immediately passed the message to the undead.

Hearing Wang Xian’s message, the undead raised his brows slightly.

He also didn’t doubt whether Wang Xian was talking big.

Jiuyuan Universe knew that this was a powerful universe with a Dao-level existence.

It is not at all comparable to their six universes!

The other party might really have this strength, so that their six universe creatures will be disgraced!

He was not at all angry at this threat.

The other party wants their disciple of the Six Dao Universes to become a strong master of Tianyuan’s good fortune, and possess the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, even if this disciple is his righteous son.

But it is always the people of their six universes.

His roots are always in the six universes!

This is extremely lucky for the entire universe.

that’s enough!

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