Chapter 4180 Killing One After Another


When Wang Xian spoke towards the Linniu, Tonggensheng connected to the Linniu’s body!

The whole root is rooted and connected to the king, godsend, and Linniu.

In addition, the Tai Chi Dragon Plate and the Five Elements Great Mo in Wang Xian’s hands should also not be connected to the roots.

The suppression from the six universes, all disappeared!


Wang Xian lightly stepped on the ground, a horrible earth-attribute energy formed a cage, and attacked towards the shadow covered by the earth and sand on the ground!

He raised his head and waved his arm, and the fragments of the star field enveloped the surrounding area, quickly becoming bigger and turning into the appearance of a planet!

A powerful suction force sucked all the strong disciples of the surrounding six universe tribes into it!


The sound of exclamation sounded, and countless disciples of the powerhouse of the six universes were sucked onto the planet, including the gift of heaven, standing on top of the planet too!

The planet was floating in the sky behind Wang Xian, and he stared at the rushing Lord Tianmen and another powerful man in the void universe!

“Want to stop us? Looking for something to die!”

When Tianmengong saw Wang Xian’s move, his eyes showed an icy look!

With a move in his hand, a small knife appeared in his hand.

The knife slashed directly in the direction of Wang Xian!


Lord Tianmen and another Void Universe powerhouse directly speed up!

In the surrounding location, one of the two figures directly took out the marsh-like treasure and threw it towards the Linniu!

“Wait for them to get closer!”

Seeing their attack, Wang Xian immediately spread the voice towards Linniu!

Lin Niu nodded with blinking eyes.

Just now, the power that Wang Xian used did not exceed the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

Just waiting for them to approach!

In the face of a powerhouse of this level, even if it is Wang Xian, they have now lost the suppression of the power of the universe, they still have to be fully confident!

The space attribute knife came to Wang Xian’s side instantly, and Wang Xian hurriedly evaded and resisted!

There is a distance between the body and the planet behind him!

The unicorn of the Linniu burst into light, releasing a burst of energy to meet the marsh-like treasure.

He only used a few tenths of his power!

“The treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune is mine!”

In an instant, the four strong heavenly origins broke through the line of defense between Wang Xian and Lin Niu!


And on the ground, another figure flew out, also heading towards the heavenly attack on the planet!

“Hahaha, the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune belongs to my old demon!”

When all the powerful tribes on the planet looked at all this with horror.

Among the strong men of the tribe, a figure suddenly exploded directly, and a strong man with terrifying aura appeared from his body.

This strong man, with dark claws in the depths, grabbed it toward Godsend!

In addition, a disciple of the tribe, his face changed directly, and he was also attacking God-given at a terrifying speed.

The disciples of the powerful tribes around him were instantly obliterated by the terrifying energy fluctuations!

In an instant, two strong Tianyuan creations appeared, appearing from the bodies of the disciples of the Six Dao Universe Tribes.

This weird and powerful method also made Wang Xian never expect it!

However, the seven strong Tianyuan good fortune attacked towards the godsend, Wang Xian did not panic at all, but a smile appeared on his face!

The seven strong heavenly origins are already within easy reach.

The distance between Wang Xian and them is also very close!


His mind was shocked, and the planet formed by the fragments of the entire star field burst into a cloud of mist in an instant!

“The Lost Planet!”

This is a special planet within the Starfield Fragment.

Can create a powerful environment.

Once the weaker is hit, they will get lost in the illusion.

In addition, the strong in the illusion realm may suffer a fatal attack from outside.

This confused planet is of little use to the strong heavenly origin.

However, now the strength of these seven Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses is already below the Tianyuan good fortune in the Six Dao Universe!

In addition, Wang Xian possesses the strength of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

One person can fight or even kill a dozen of them!

Under this situation, Wang Xian controlled the puzzled planet, and instantly made the seven strong heavenly origins feel the surrounding scene change!

All around it became a mirror after another.

There is one’s own face in the mirror, countless mirrors around, countless disciples!

“what’s the situation?”

The sudden change caused the seven Tianyuan good fortune experts to be slightly surprised, and their faces were filled with a look of astonishment.

Tianmengong also shrank his pupils slightly, and quickly glanced around.

In his sight, the companion beside him has disappeared!

There is a mirror all around, and all of them look like themselves.

“Phantom? Special treasure? Space shock!”

He roared, the power of space rushed towards the surroundings!


When the space shock attacked the surroundings, a familiar scream came!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian saw the success of the trap he set up, and a smile appeared on his face.

Tianmengong and his companions were not separated, they were still in adjacent positions.

His range attack directly fell on his companion.

The powerful attack caused his companion to let out a scream!

Wang Xian moved his body, comparable to their teleportation speed, and came to the Void Universe, a strong man of heavenly origin!

With a move of his palm, the huge dragon claw directly enveloped it.

The terrifying power of death surpassed his body in an instant, completely beheading him.


When Tianmengong heard this scream, his face changed drastically!

He hurriedly used energy to protect his body and scanned the surroundings vigilantly!


In the next second, he felt all the surrounding mirrors shattered, covering them with a terrifying claw!

The claw contains the energy to block everything, and contains the threat of death!

His heart beats violently, trying to escape!

However, his current strength is far from Wang Xian!

A branch was introduced into his body to prevent him from fleeing with special treasures.

Following closely, Wang Xian shook his palm.


The screams sounded, and the vitality of Tianmengong dies in an instant!

A strong spatial attribute with control level strength, was easily beheaded by Wang Xian!

The suppression of the universe, a sudden sneak attack, and two masters of the void universe caught off guard.

The combination of various conditions caused Wang Xian to slay two strong Tianyuan good fortune one after another.

“Puff puff!”

From a side position, Lin Niu also launched a fatal attack on several other Tianyuan strong fortune!

In the current situation, it is like a strong Tianyuan good fortune secretly attacking the strong who dominates the pinnacle realm.

How can you resist it when it doesn’t react?

It can’t be resisted at all!

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