Chapter 4103 The Power Of The Void Universe

“Boss, which holy place shall we go first.”

Holy Land is what the disciples of the Six Dao universe powerhouses call Huoyuan and the six places in the grassland Ajin Mountains.

Occupied by the major tribes in the Holy Land.

There are also elemental beast activities in several holy places.

Elemental beasts are creatures without wisdom, with various appearances, containing various powerful attributes.

For the creatures and powerhouses of the Six Dao Universe, the elemental beasts have a huge improvement in strength after hunting.

But in the Holy Land, the elemental beasts have not been extinct, but many elemental beasts occupy a field.

This is because a strong celestial element in the six universes is an elemental beast.

The elemental beast that broke through to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune gave birth to wisdom.

He is naturally unwilling to let the intelligent creatures in the Six Dao Universes exterminate their race.

Even the other two great tianyuan fortune powerhouses also issued orders, the disciples of the universe dominating the pinnacle realm, forbid the hunting of elemental beasts.

This also caused the six holy places, many places are the paradise of elemental beasts!

“There are three strong celestial elements in the six realms universe, which are metallic soil attributes and the attributes of the dead. Generally speaking, six cosmic celestial natural strong ones can be born, and six attributes of the heavenly treasure can be born.”

“But whether the heavenly origin can be born or not is also related to the energy in the universe. I think the other three attributes are more likely to be. Let’s go to Huoyuan first, first check the three holy places of Huo, Water, and Earth.”

Wang Xian opened his mouth to analyze.

Lin Niu nodded and looked to the right: “Boss, Huoyuan is on the right.”

“Well, let’s go, let’s go to Huoyuan first.”

Wang Xian nodded.

After a long flight, they have come to the depths of the six universes.

The location of Huoyuan is not too far away.

Wang Xian and Lin Niu continued to fly, and it didn’t take long for a flame to appear in their sight.

Huoyuan, the real Huoyuan.

The fire started a prairie fire.

In the fire plain, strands of flames rose from the ground, each of a different size.

The tall flames rushed straight into the sky, containing terrifying power, swaying in the air.

A small flame, but half a meter high.

Created a strange and magnificent scene ahead.

Wang Xian and the others looked at this special space and immediately entered it.

“A little bit of induction, there is only this way.”

Wang Xian spoke and looked at Linniu: “Linniu, we are alone in sensing a field. Be careful and watch out. Don’t be discovered.”

“It’s the boss!”

Lin Niu nodded.

Wang Xian and Lin Niu began to separate, and the two of them could sense each other’s aura and promised not to get lost.

In this way, the speed of the two is faster.

It is still very difficult to find an unknown treasure in an unfamiliar universe.

Even this can be said to be a needle in a haystack.

However, the temptation of Tianyuan’s Great Fortune Treasure was too great, even if they would waste hundreds of millions of years of time, they would be willing.

Wang Xian and the others also hold this idea.

The fire field is the world of flames, the world of fire attributes.

Wang Xian moved forward a little bit, feeling.

A few months later, some creatures from the six universes appeared around.

The disciples of the strong inside the Huoyuan.

These strong disciples seemed to be looking for something, searching little by little.

“The strongest universe dominates the third-order realm.”

Wang Xian swept his eyes to the thousands of strong disciples, and muttered in his mouth.

As soon as he moved, he immediately walked over, and the power of the soul-absorbing power began to be used quietly.

Soon, one by one information came into his mind.

“Earth Fire Tribe.”

Wang Xian murmured.

The Earth Fire Tribe is the name of the tribe of these thousands of strong disciples.

The leader of the tribe issued an order to search for items containing divine energy and coercion.

In fact, they don’t know what they are looking for.

Relying only on a little bit of information, to conduct a blind search.

“It seems that the powerhouses in these six universes don’t know the situation of the heavenly good fortune.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

In this case, their chances will increase!

After Wang Xian got some useful news, he moved on.

However, in the Huoyuan, apart from the flames, occasionally encountering some powerful disciples of the Six Dao universe tribes, and some elemental beasts, Wang Xian and the others did not find any information about the treasures of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Fortunately, Wang Xian had a mental attitude, but he did not lose his patience.

A few hundred years later, Wang Xian and Lin Niu came to the front of a tribe.

This is a very large tribe.

On the periphery of the tribe, there are buildings braving flames.

“Let’s go to this Austrian fire tribe and see if we can get some information.”

Wang Xian motioned towards Lin Niu.

After searching for hundreds of years, Wang Xian and the others did not get the slightest clue. He was going to continue here to search the memory of the strong disciple here.

See if there is any gain.

After all, this is the site of a group of tribes in the Six Dao universe. After the news of the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, the tribes have been searching.

It has been searched for at least tens of millions of years.

Wang Xian and the others, dressed as creatures of the Six Universes, braved the flames and walked inside.

There are a large number of humans in the location outside the Aohuo tribe, and it is very lively here.

Wang Xian entered inside, feeling the breath of the people around him, and quietly began to search the memories of some powerful masters in the dominance realm.

There are not many strong positions outside this tribe, but there are also a dozen.

Looking at the news one by one, Wang Xian frowned slightly.

There is not the slightest information.

“It seems that we have to make long-term plans in this universe!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, and then walked towards a restaurant, planning to stay outside the tribe for a few more days.

“The damn damn Nine Source Universe guys, they actually exposed the identity of Kong Hades through that weird sorcery. They were discovered by the strong heavenly creations of this universe, and they used their hands to kill Kong Hades. Now Kong Hades I have already left the six universes and need to recover in a short period of time. I cannot enter!”

“The twelve ancestral witches are a bit difficult. They have arrived, and the other guys in the Jiuyuan Universe may also have arrived. After encountering them, we directly killed them.”

“In this universe, unless you encounter the Thunder Emperor and others of the Emperor of the Nine Source Universe Angels, our advantage here is not too great. After all, this universe has no spatial attributes.”

“Our advantage is also great. We will attack directly and leave if we fail. They will not be able to catch us, and they will also attract the heavenly origins of this universe. We will also engage them in this way, huh!”

“Huh? I seem to sense a special breath.”

At the same time, in a place outside the Aohuo tribe, two figures were talking through voice transmission there.

Suddenly, a figure raised his brow slightly.

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