Chapter 4102 The Attributes Of The Dead

“This is the thirty-fourth, huh!”

Above the six universes, a figure stood tall in the sky.

Around him, there are tens of thousands of crow-like creatures.

These crows have pale pupils, and their bodies contain a special aura.

He looked in the direction where Wang Xian and Lin Niu were leaving, with a cold expression in his eyes.

“I want to covet the treasures of my six universes, this is not to put our six universes in my eyes, haha, I want to see what waves you can make!”

He sneered, his body slowly dissipated and turned into decay.

The crows around, as if they were cremated, quickly disappeared.


“Boss, we are here, we should have been discovered.”

Wang Xian and Lin Niu quickly flew towards the distance.

Lin Niu glanced at the rear and said.

“Well, this is the Six Universes, after all, the strong Tianyuan good fortune here will definitely make some preparations. In their territory, we are very easy to be spotted, but the other party doesn’t seem to be chasing it.”

Wang Xian nodded.

“This universe should have entered a lot of strong heavenly origins.”

Lin Niu pondered for a while and said.

Wang Xian also knew it well.

The universe is located in the chaotic space, and some celestial good fortune experts roam in the chaotic space in search of treasures.

Over time, they will also encounter strong heavenly origins in other universes.

When the two meet, there may be transactions.

This may make many Tianyuan good fortune strong people stay in touch, facilitating transactions.

There should be a trading area somewhere in the chaotic space.

And the news that there is a treasure of Heavenly Origin in the Six Paths of Universe, it should have spread in this area.

There are definitely no less than dozens of Heavenly Origin Powerhouses who have come to the Six Dao Universe.

After all, only Jiuyuan Universe came with eight or nine combat powers of this level.

The number in other universes will definitely not be less.

It is a very terrifying thing for dozens of powerful people of the Tianyuan good fortune level to enter a universe.

“See if you can find the city or country where this cosmic civilization is located.”

Wang Xian opened his mouth and flew in one direction more cautiously.

They are now looking for the city of this cosmic civilization, and then get some news.

Otherwise, just flying aimlessly, trying to find the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, is like looking for a needle in a sea.

“Boss, there seems to be a city ahead!”

After the next five hundred years, Lin Niu looked at the front position with one eye and suddenly spoke.

After Lin Niu opened that one eye, his eyesight was much better than that of Wang Xian.

Every strong Tianyuan good fortune has his unique and powerful abilities!

“As long as we can find the creatures of this cosmic civilization, we will be able to know the situation of this cosmos!”

Wang Xian looked in the direction Linniu was pointing, speeding up a bit.

This universe possesses the attributes of the five elements, so beings who have cultivated the attributes of the five elements must be possessed.

This kind of creature should be different from the one encountered not long ago.

It should be a normal creature.

As they continued to fly forward, a city full of vitality appeared in Wang Xian’s line of sight.

This is a city covered by flames, and there is a famous human in the city!

And some other humanoid creatures.

For example, Burning Man, Magma Giant and the like.

“The creatures in this city are all weak, imitate the creatures here, let’s go in!”

Wang Xian opened his mouth and came directly to the sky above the city.

He was full of flames, and he looked exactly like the creatures here.

Entered into the city quietly.


Wang Xian’s eyes swept around, his mind moved, and the power of his soul was exerted.

In an instant, a stream of information came into his mind.

Wang Xian’s soul-storing power can be used to deal with these weak creatures, and it can be completely silent.

And will not harm these creatures!

A stream of information came into his mind, causing his eyes to flicker slightly.

“Huoyuan, Suwon, Tuyuan, Grassland, Ajin Mountains, Basin of the Dead.”

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth after checking the information one by one.

These six places are the most important information that Wang Xian has obtained.

And these six places are also the core places of these six universes.

Huoyuan is a land of fire attributes.

Suwon is a land of water attributes.

As for the last basin of the dead, it is the land of the six universe undead attributes.

The sixth attribute of this universe is called the undead attribute.

The undead is completely different from the skeleton.

The undead are the real dead creatures, and then they are called out.

After being summoned, he possesses spiritual wisdom, but has no vitality, but survives with the energy of the undead.

The undead is tireless and knows no pain.

What strength do you have before you die, and what strength you will have after being summoned.

This is a very special energy.

“Summon resurrection, dead creatures, what is the situation of those eyeball creatures? The use of undead power by the undead strong?”

The living strength of this city is too weak, they don’t know a lot of information.

Wang Xian can only make some guesses.

In addition, under normal circumstances, the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune will be born in a place full of energy.

The six treasures in these six universes have the greatest possibility of birth of the heavenly treasure.

Wang Xian thought in his heart.

“Linniu, let’s go and continue to drive towards the center.”

Wang Xian said towards Linniu, they acted as the creatures of this universe and drove towards the center.

Covered in flames, after flying for a few years, they came to another city.

In this city, Wang Xian obtained some more information.

For example, other situations in this universe.

The forces of the six universes are divided by tribes!

The powerful tribes are all located in those six places.

In Liudao Universe, there are three top tribes and countless powerful creatures serving these three top tribes.

And these three top-level tribes are tribes with powerhouses of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

Continue to go deeper, with time, Wang Xian obtained more and more information.

And they acted as the creatures of this universe, and they became more and more real.

In the case of unable to sense the strength, even if it is a strong Tianyuan good fortune, it can’t distinguish Wang Xian and them.

Over time, Wang Xian and the others got closer and closer to the center of the six universes.

It’s getting closer and closer to the six treasures.

And the tribes and cities encountered are getting bigger and bigger.

The entire universe is a little peaceful, and only occasionally can I see the war between the tribes.

The strength of the creatures in this universe is generally much weaker than that of Jiuyuan Universe.

The number of universe dominating realms is much less than that of sword and magic universe.

However, the overall strength is stronger than the sword and magic universe!

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