Chapter 4104 Short-term fight

Located in a building of the Aohuo tribe, two figures looked towards the outside.

These two figures seem to be the same as the creatures in the six universes.

But if you stare at their pupils carefully, you will find that there is a difference.

The deepest part of their pupils seemed to have a planet.

This is their characteristic, the characteristic of the Void Royal Family of the Void Universe.

The Void Universe and the Nine Source Universe have already been hostile for three or four calamities.

During the last few calamities, fierce and terrifying battles broke out.

In general, each has its own winners and losers.

The Void Tower of the Void Royal Family also flew over the open sky of the primordial continent.

The powerhouse of Jiuyuan Universe has also stepped into the interior of the Void Universe.

The strength of the two sides is close.

As for why the Jiuyuan Universe is hostile to the Void Universe, Wang Xian does not know the reason.

At present, once the strong of the Void Universe meets the strong of the Jiuyuan Universe, it is generally a life-and-death struggle.

Not long ago, twelve ancestors shamed a powerful man in the void universe.

The Tianyuan creations of the Void Universe were very angry when they got this news again!

The two figures upstairs looked down the window.

The eyes of one figure shone with luster.

“Is it the breath of Jiuyuan Universe?”

Another strong Tianyuan good fortune frowned slightly, and asked towards the opposite figure.


The figure on the opposite side nodded and narrowed his eyes slightly: “If it weren’t for a distance of 10,000 meters, I really wouldn’t be able to sense it.”

“A strong celestial element of the Nine Source Universe, huh? The face of this strong celestial element of good fortune is a bit more complex, and its aura is different from what we have encountered before, isn’t the quota of the nine strongest person of celestial fortune in the Nine Source Universe full? Why is there a strong Tianyuan good fortune?”

“In addition, the figure next to him is also a strong Tianyuan good fortune. He does not have the breath of the Jiuyuan Universe. It should belong to other universes.”

He continued speaking, with a look of doubt on his face.

“The one that is mixed with Jiuyuan Universe is the enemy!”

The strong Tianyuan good fortune on the opposite side said with a cold face, “This strange figure may be caused by some strong in the Jiuyuan Universe through some methods to make it break through in other universes.”

“Do it?”

Another Tianyuan creation of the Void Universe also said with sorrow.

“Do it!”

The opposite figure nodded heavily.



However, at the same time, the bodies of Wang Xian and Lin Niu who were about to enter an upstairs paused slightly.

They can obviously sense that someone is staring at them.

Moreover, they vaguely sensed that these gazes were not good.

And the energy contained in the opponent’s body is somewhat special.

They looked at it immediately!

When they looked around, the two figures in that place had disappeared.

They can clearly sense that on their side, there is a burst of energy.

“The power of space, be careful!”

Wang Xian sensed this energy instantly, his eyes condensed, he did not hesitate at all, and directly attacked the location he was sensing.

The power of space!

This is the power of space, and Wang Xian is very familiar with the power of space.

Now, his body of the Void Dragon already possesses the realm of the ninth-order cosmic ruler.

In addition to the nine attributes, he is most familiar with spatial attributes!


Wang Xian’s arm turned into claws and he grabbed it directly.

At the same time, he was thinking about everything.

As soon as you encounter the opponent, you directly attack the convenience.

Wang Xian asked himself that he hadn’t provoke other strong people of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Especially the spatial attributes.

Then there is only one possibility.

The other party has an enmity with Jiuyuan Universe!

The void universe, there is no doubt about it!

“There are invaders from other universes, immediately report to your leader, there are invaders from other universes coming and kill them!”

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Xian roared, his voice resounding through the entire Aohuo tribe.

The strong disciples of all the tribes were slightly taken aback when they heard this sudden voice.

Some strong men felt the energy coming from here, and their faces showed palpitations.


At this time, Wang Xian’s attack had also landed on the position where the powerhouse of the void universe was about to appear.

However, when his attack fell, he did not attack the two.

The two powerhouses of the Void Universe unexpectedly changed their positions forcibly when they were performing space teleportation.


The two strong heavenly origins of Void Universe heard Wang Xian’s words and saw that Wang Xian was able to predict their location, and there was a look of surprise on their faces.

“All the strong disciples retreat, dare to invade our void universe, and die!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly when he saw them appearing in another location.

He shouted again, his body for a while, and the flames under his body instantly rose into the sky.

At the same time, his burst of energy transfers all the surrounding creatures to the outside to prevent it from being affected.

And the reason why Wang Xian scolded so loudly was to prevent being locked in and chased by the strong heavenly origin of this universe.

Although he will be exposed, he can interfere with it anyway.

Can create more trouble for the guys in the void universe!

Wang Xian didn’t understand why the other party attacked them so suddenly, but he would never let the other party feel better.

“Cunning guy.”

The two powerful Tianyuan good fortune experts in the Void Universe looked a little embarrassed when they saw Wang Xian explode with terrifying flame power.

The first sneak attack was discovered, and now the other party has erupted with such a powerful flame power.

Space attributes are also the saying that space is king in all universes.

Even if it is a strong space attribute who has just stepped into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, it can also fight against two of the same level.

However, in this six realms universe, their strength can’t be displayed at all.

Because of this universe, there is no space energy.

They can only use their stored energy.

This will reduce their combat effectiveness a lot.

In addition, Wang Xian possesses a fire attribute in his body, which can draw on the surrounding fire attribute energy.

Under the circumstances, they were one-on-one, not Wang Xian’s opponent at all.

“Go, guys from Jiuyuan Universe, you wait for us, we won’t let you go!”

The two Void Universe Tianyuan strong fortunes did not hesitate at all, they roared and teleported directly towards the distance.


Their bodies flickered and disappeared quickly!


Wang Xian looked at it and immediately shouted at Lin Niu.

After that, they quickly flew towards the place where the two vanity universe celestial fortune powerhouses disappeared.

At this time, Wang Xian’s face was also a little ugly.

Now that this situation occurs, Wang Xian and Lin Niu are completely exposed.

And although the two strong heavenly origins of the void universe were also exposed, their spatial attributes are very easy to escape!

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