2889: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Crest 4

“Boom boom boom!”

Storm, terrifying storm!

In front of Wushan, seven major formations shrouded.

The seven wind dragons that flew past the first rush, saw the shadow of the shaman attacking them, and let out a roar.

Their wings quickly stirred up.

In an instant, the entire sky seemed to undergo a terrifying change.

The Heavenly Formation at its peak may be stronger than the Fengshen Dragon with a second-order combat effectiveness of the God Emperor, but the three of them, the Feng Shenlong with the second-order combat effectiveness of the God Emperor, can kill the heavenly formation in seconds.

The difference between the two peaks of the sky formations is not comparable to that of the three god emperors’ second-order fighting power Feng Shenlong in Dragon Palace.

The wizards predicted that with Wushan’s defense, at least the three celestial formations at their peak could be withstood.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, he and the emperor and a group of god emperors will make a move together.

Therefore, when the nine wind dragons attacked, the world in front of Wushan changed!

“Boom boom boom!”

The roar of the wind attribute law instantly enveloped the location of the entrance to Wushan.

A terrifying hurricane directly attacked Wuying.


The shaman shadow formed by the formation, directly greeted without wisdom.

The sound of violent collision sounded, and the huge shadow of the shaman slowly collapsed.

The terrifying hurricane, like the world destroyed, continued to impact forward.


The attack of only nine wind dragons stopped the wizard emperor and all the strong men and disciples of the two major forces.

They watched in amazement at the hurricane that struck, their hearts beating violently.

too fast.

Feng Shenlong’s attack was too fast.

Only in the first round of collision, the Great Formation Wuying collapsed directly.

And the terrifying hurricane continued to attack them.

“The nine creatures roared just now, they are Feng Shenlong? Feng Shenlong!”

Tianzhen widened his eyes, looked at the attack ahead in shock, and muttered in his mouth!

“All members of the witch society, attack, attack!”

“Blessing the formation, blessing the formation!”

The wizard looked at the scene in front of him, heard the voice of the emperor, his heart beat violently, and shouted sharply.

“Purgatory World, block me!”

He roared, and the array that hovered over his body headed directly towards the hurricane in front of him.

“Kill kill kill!”

On the surrounding Wushan Mountain, all the strong disciples reacted and immediately shouted loudly.

A wave of energy went directly towards the front to cover it.

Hundreds of millions of people launched their own attacks, like natural disasters, covering everything ahead.

“Boom boom boom!”

The explosion sounded, and the violent sound covered everything.

The hurricane was blocked and stalemate in the void.

A world of half wind, a world of general chaos.

Slowly, the world of wind was slowly destroyed.

The attack of all the powers of the imperial court of Cheng Wu Hui was not something that the nine wind gods could resist.

But even so, it is already very scary that the nine wind gods can push them to this point!

“Jie Jie Jie, bear the anger of Shenlong!”

With a loud roar, Baqi moved directly towards the front and attacked.

At the forefront, a dozen other Dragon Palace God Emperors also rushed over, and their bodies carried a trembling power.



Xiaozhai Xiaolan raised their heads, let out a low growl, and slammed directly towards the large array rising in front.

“Resist, resist with all my strength, all formations are open!”

The wizard looked very embarrassed when seeing all the power of the Dragon Palace attacking.

“Oops, Master Wizard, the three creatures in the center that look like dragons, they are all powerful men of the second rank of the Void God Emperor!”

The wizard’s voice fell, and a witch-like god emperor roared with embarrassment.

“There are four second-tier gods in the Dragon Palace!”

The emperor next to him clenched his fists and roared in a low voice.

They clearly sensed the attack of the nine wind gods just now.

This force is very strong.

Now that a dozen other god emperors in Dragon Palace are coming over, how can they resist?

“It’s not impossible to resist, the big formation is fully opened, and we can resist at least the existence of four or five god emperors in Tier 2 here!”

The wizard gritted his teeth and roared loudly.


When the voice fell, he moved his body and flew directly to the sky, casting a formation around him.

The strength of the Dragon Palace completely exceeded their expectations.

Especially the number of second-order powerhouses of the god emperor.

“Four or five second-tier god emperors? Then even if the dragon king has reached the second-tier god emperor, he should be able to defend it!”

When the emperor heard the wizard’s words, his eyes flickered.

With a move, he rushed to the sky, and a series of attacks blasted toward the front.

“The secret to kill the big formation, attack!”

A Cheng Wuhui god emperor dignified control of the large formation, and resisted towards the dragon palace god emperors in front.

Each of the seven large formations has a powerful power.

It is no exaggeration to say that the big formation here can strangle the existence of the first-order god emperor.

However, there are too many god emperors in the Dragon Palace.

The Great Shadow Shadow Array was even more defeated in an instant.

“Swish swish swish!”

Countless wind blades covered the front, attacking the gods and emperors in the Dragon Palace.

However, this large formation did not have the slightest threat to Ao Qitian and the dozens of god emperors.


“The strength of the Dragon Palace seems to be completely beyond the accident. The nine creatures call themselves Feng Shenlong. Are they real Shenlong!”

“The nine dragons are so strong, sizzle, they broke into a big formation of the witch guild in an instant!”

“The battle has completely erupted, and the strength displayed by the Dragon Palace is terrifying. Can the Cheng Wuhui be able to resist it?”

Some powerhouses in the Sky Witch Territory concealed in the surrounding void, seeing the complete outbreak of the war, and feeling the mighty energy, trembling slightly.

This kind of war, when they enter inside, there is not even scum left.


“Lianshan and vast array of soil, blocking the behemoth.”

At this time, Xiaolan’s figure had come to the front of Wushan, the wizard looked at Xiaolan, his face was extremely gloomy and commanded downwards.

He fought against Xiaolan, but he had no choice.

Looking at Xiao Lan, his expression kept changing.

He is confident that their Cheng Wuhui will be able to withstand four or five God Emperor second-order powerhouses, but this is only for ordinary God Emperor second-order powerhouses.

This behemoth is terrifying, it is estimated that it can crush the same level.

“Lianshan and vast array, the soul of the mountain, defense!”

In the lower position, a group of powerful witches heard the wizard’s order to operate the mountainous and vast array!

A group of condensed earth mountains appeared out of thin air, bombarding Xiaolan.


Xiao Lan saw the mountain peaks coming towards him, with gray power exuding from his body, slamming towards the mountain peaks heavily.

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