2888: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Crest 5 Answers

“You attacked our Dragon Palace five years ago. Five years later, our Dragon Palace came. Doesn’t it feel like time flies quickly!”

In the void in front of Wushan, the Dragon Palace and Chengwuhui emperor’s court are far away.

Wang Xian looked at the wizard and emperor in front of the crowd, stood up from the dragon chair, with a faint smile on his face.

If it weren’t for this situation, his words would be like greetings from an old friend who hadn’t seen him in a long time.

“Dragon King, you are so mad, it won’t be long before it will be the end of your Dragon Palace!”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, the emperor of the Imperial Court couldn’t keep calm at all, and roared in a low voice full of anger.

“Hahaha, the bereaved dog, dare to bark!”

Wang Xian laughed and shouted with a mocking face.

His words made everyone in the Imperial Court very embarrassed.

“Dragon King, I don’t know who gave you the confidence to invade the Celestial Witch Realm and attack us into the Witch Society!”

“Is it the old thing Tianjin?”

The sorcerer stared at Wang Xian coldly, and asked sternly.

“Haha, wizard, as long as I live for one day, you will become a witch club for one day in fear. Now you kill it. You should give a warm welcome.

On Xiaolan’s body, Tianzhen laughed and stared at the wizard with murderous eyes.

“Worry? We were able to kill you once before, and now we can still kill you, Dragon King, I have stood in the witch domain for a billion years. Do you think that with your strength, you can destroy us?”

“Today, I will make you pay a terrible price!”

“Today, let you, an arrogant fellow, see the strength of our guild society!”

The momentum on the wizard rushed forward, his face full of anger.

“Well, today I want to see the strength of your Cheng Wuhui, a strength that has stood for a billion years!”

“I hope you don’t disappoint our Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian’s eyes were Ling Ran, and he raised his head slightly and said loudly.

“Every outstanding battle will be recorded in the history books, and there will be a battle’s name. It is better to take this name first!”

“It’s called the Battle of Dragon Punishment!”

He continued to say faintly.

Battle of Dragon Punishment!

This is also the first battle of the purebred dragon stepping into the dazzling starry sky to make a real appearance and real battle!

“The battle of dragon punishment?”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, the wizard emperor showed embarrassment on their faces.



The two roared and stared at Wang Xian coldly.

“Hahaha, members of the Dragon Palace, prepare!”

Wang Xian laughed and waved his arm.

“Boom boom boom!”

On the body of the little blue house, all the members of the Dragon Palace immediately flew down from above.

A group of dragon palace powerhouses at the level of god emperors, hovering around the nine wind gods dragons.

A vast and terrifying breath rushed towards the front.

“Are these all the god emperors in Dragon Palace?”

“Hey, counting the nine creatures, there are more than 20 god emperors in the Dragon Palace!”


When all the emperors of the Dragon Palace appeared, on the Wushan Mountain in front, all the strong men and disciples of the Cheng Wuhui, and the strong men and disciples of the Imperial Court showed shocked expressions on their faces.

More than twenty god emperors, even if they did not explode with all their power, the terrifying aura still made them feel extremely depressed.

Even the wizard emperor and the others, their complexion changed drastically.

There are more than 20 god emperors, and the Dragon Palace has more than 20 god emperors.

In just five years, the god emperor of the Dragon Palace has almost doubled.

“Hey, look, those are all god emperors in the Dragon Palace, how come there are so many!”

“More than twenty god emperors, can they resist the Cheng Wuhui?”

“More than twenty, this Dragon Palace is so strong, no wonder they dare to kill directly, this power is terrifying!”

At this moment, in a distant location, some powerful men in the Sky Witch Region were lurking in the surrounding void.

This vast battle had a great impact on the Sky Witch Region, and the powerhouses of the other forces in the Sky Witch Region would naturally come to investigate.

Seeing the famous god emperor in Dragon Palace, they were terrified in their hearts.

“Wushan fog and rain, get up!”

“The secret to kill the big formation, get up!”

“Wuying Great Formation, get up!”

“Lianshan Hantu Great Array, get up!”

“The Great World of Witch Array, get up!”

The wizard glanced across the dragon palace and the gods and emperors, with a cold expression on their faces, and roared loudly.




When the wizard said the name of a large formation, the whole Wushan trembled.

The vast array instantly enveloped a radius of hundreds of billions of kilometers, covering the entire Wushan Mountain.

A mighty energy rushed straight into this void.

Seven large formations slowly rose, and the terrifying energy rushed towards the surroundings frantically.

Clouds and mist enveloped Wushan.

A vast phantom wearing a hat is suspended in the center of Wushan!

Wushan is connected, and there are murderous opportunities!

The entire Wushan witch will become a world of witches.

Seven formations form a powerful defense!

Standing on the dragon chair, Wang Xian watched the terrifying formations rise one after another, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

“We have formed a large formation of the Witch Society, and it has not risen for hundreds of millions of years, Dragon King, I want to see, what do you guys take to break our defenses!”

“If we can’t be destroyed today, the next step is that we become witches and will destroy you!”

The wizard stared at Wang Xian sternly, and shouted sharply.

“All the disciples of the witch society, prepare to attack!”

The wizard raised his hands, the world of purgatory map appeared above him, and continued to command.



A murderous voice that shook the sky resounded through the center of the sky witch domain.

A burst of energy condenses from the Wushan Mountains.

“bring it on!”

The emperor held the scepter of light in his hand, his body slowly floated, and two teams of light sacred wings appeared behind him.

“The battle of dragon punishment, begin!”


Wang Xian showed a cold color on his face and said loudly.




When Wang Xian gave the order, the gods and emperors at the forefront of the Dragon Palace made roaring sounds.

They immediately turned into a fighting state, and violent energy soared into the sky.

In the central position, the nine wind gods raised their heads, fanning their huge wings, bearing the brunt of the blow, their eyes full of fighting spirit, and they rushed straight ahead.

In the Wushan mountain ahead, seven terrifying formations were enveloped.

When the nine wind dragons attacked, the vast and huge shadow above Wushan, carrying a powerful force, attacked towards the nine dragons.

In the center of the vast witch shadow, there are waves of terrifying murderous intent.


“We are Fengshenlong!”

In the center, the three god emperors of the second-order battle-powered Feng Shenlong swayed its body, and its wings stirred.

In the next moment, heaven and earth change, and violent wind descends on this void!

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