2890: CodyCross Department Store Group 510-Puzzle 4 Answers


Xiao Lan’s huge size of more than 100 kilometers hit the huge array of mountains and vast earth heavily, and the entire space seemed to tremble.


Soon, cracks appeared on the powerful formation guarding Wushan.



Xiaolan’s body trembled slightly and let out a low growl. The defensive peaks formed by condensed soil attributes quickly collapsed and turned into dust.

“No, the Lianshan and Boundless Array was broken!”

The strong faces of the witches were horrified, and they roared in shock.

The wizard turned his head and saw this scene, his heart sank.

The emperor’s face changed, and there was a bad premonition.

“Be careful and vigilant!”

With a move of his mind, he directly reminded another god emperor in the imperial court.

The god emperor was taken aback for a while, gritted his teeth.

He knew what the emperor meant.

Looking at the disciple of the Imperial Court in the back, he clenched his fists tightly, staring at everyone in the Dragon Palace in front, a sea of ​​blood and hatred.



At this time, another terrifying roar sounded.

The nine wind dragons located in the most central position fluttered huge and incomparable wings, and endless small wind dragons appeared around them.


Each small Fengshen dragon seemed to come alive, making the sound of dragon howls, and attacking towards the front.

“This attack!”

The sorcerer who was in the center of the formation controlling the formation saw the nine wind gods attacking again, and his heart was slightly condensed.

“The Great World of Witch Array, the Great Wushan Array of Fog and Rain, Defense!”

With a wave of the wizard’s arm, the two large formations instantly lifted into the air, greeted by the dragon of countless wind attributes.

The World of Witches and the Wushan Fog and Rain Array, these two great formations are the two strongest formations of the Cheng Wuhui Society.

After one billion years of establishment, modification, and blessing of the two major formations, the opening of the two major formations can now cover the entire Wushan area.

Moreover, the two large formations were opened, and a strong man of the second order of the god emperor bombarded it, not moving.

Even if it is two or three Divine Emperor second-order powerhouses, they can never break this formation!

“Boom boom boom!”


However, when the attacks of the countless wind attribute dragons fell on two large formations, a scene that made everyone in the Cheng Wuhui fearful appeared.

The small wind dragon formed by the condensed wind attributes attacks on the top of the two major formations, causing cracks in the formations.

Especially when the wizard saw this scene, his heart sank.

He is confident that he can withstand the attacks of four or five God Emperor second-order powerhouses, relying on these two major formations.

These two inherited the formations of the witch club!

But now, their inheritance formation is slowly rupturing!

This made him have a bad premonition!

Since the beginning of the war, the Cheng Wuhui has always resisted with formations, and they have not directly collided.

But the formations were broken one by one, and they were still broken so devastatingly, then…

“Sorcerer, the formation is about to be broken, the formation is about to be broken!”

At this time, the emperor on the side shouted at the wizard with a pale face.

The formation is their strongest trump card. As a powerful formation mage, a witch based on the formation mage, once the formation is broken, they will lose all the means.

Even the formation can’t be resisted, so you can imagine the ending to welcome them.

“Shut up, I know!”

The wizard roared irritably and violently.

He knew the consequences of the formation being broken.


There was another roar from the central location.

The nine wind gods instigated extremely huge dragon wings, and directly rushed towards the Great World of Witch Array and the Great Array of Wushan Fog and Rain.


With their terrifying speed, they rushed directly in front of the two major formations, and a violent collision sounded.


It seemed that the mirror protecting Wushan was broken.


In the next moment, a terrifying dragon roar, a wave of vast dragon power, appeared in front of all the strong and disciples of the Cheng Wu Hui and the Imperial Court.

The formation is broken!

Attack in less than two minutes!

“Broken, the five major formations of the Cheng Wuhui have all been broken!”

“Hey, so fast, this is the witchcraft society of our Sky Witch Domain. It has a dominant position for a billion years and has a terrifying background. It will be destroyed so soon. The nine wind dragons are terrifying, and there are only real dragons. Isn’t it so scary?”

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is too strong, especially the nine dragons. The nine dragons are exactly the same as the wind dragons in the record. This is definitely the real dragon!”

The Heavenly Witch Domain powerhouse who was concealed in the surrounding void watching this battle was a little dazed to see this scene.

The overlord of their Heavenly Witch Region, the Cheng Wuhui that is best at defense, the formations were quickly broken one by one.

In less than two minutes, the great formation guarding the entire Wushan collapsed.

“If the Witch Club has no hole cards, they will be over!”

Everyone secretly said in their hearts.

“No, they are coming in!”

“Guardian Protector, they are coming in!”

“Master Wizard!”

When the nine wind gods entered the realm of Wushan, the strong men and disciples of the Wushan Society standing on Wushan changed wildly and roared with horror on their faces.

Facing these nine terrifying wind gods, they felt that they were not on the same level at all.

When the nine wind gods move lightly, they will die.

The huge gap in life.


The wizard’s face changed wildly, and the proud Cheng Wuhui’s defense was defeated so easily. Next, how to fight?

“Damn it!”

The few god emperors who became the witches in the side position were also full of cold sweat on their foreheads.

“Hahaha, space is blocked!”

“It has been more than ten million years, and the old man has waited for more than ten million years. Today, I want you to be destroyed!”

At this time, the Heavenly Formation that had been preparing without doing anything, roared in excitement.


When he spoke, their bodies separated one by one.

Nine heads with nine attributes flew in all directions.

Each head emits a ray of light.

Nine kinds of light irradiated the entire area, covering most of Wushan.

In the front, all the god emperors, all strong men and disciples of the Cheng Wuhui were all shrouded in it.

Space is blocked!

This was the formation that the Heaven Array had been preparing after learning that the Dragon Palace was going to attack the Heavenly Witch Domain.

“not good!”

At this time, the wizard’s face changed drastically.

“Boom boom boom!”

As the formation collapsed, the god emperors in the Dragon Palace also rushed in, and the 100,000 Dragon Palace disciples behind also rushed over.

“how come!”

The emperor watched this scene unwillingly.

He knew that the Witch Club might be over.

In a short battle, with his strength, he could also sense that the three god emperor second-order wind dragons were not comparable to his own second-order god emperor.

In this battle, Cheng Wuhui’s defense was defeated, not injustice!

Because the other party is a real dragon!

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