2887: Wordscapes Uncrossed Mountain-Crest 5 Answers

“Sorcerer, are you sure?”

On Wushan, the emperor looked at the wizard in front and asked with a calm face.

“I have been established for a billion years since I became the witch club. The entire Wushan area has experienced the forging of more than 20 wizards, and has experienced the blessing of nearly a hundred god emperors. The defense of the entire Wushan is extremely strong.”

“Although the formation on that day knows us very well, he doesn’t know how strong we are after all the big formations are opened.”

“Don’t talk about the celestial formations in the peak period, it is the two celestial formations during the peak period, or even the three celestial formations. Don’t even want to break the defense of our Cheng Wuhui!”

The wizard stood proudly and said confidently.


Seeing the so confident look of the wizard, the imperial court emperor and their nervous expressions eased slightly.

“That’s it, that’s it. In the battle of defense, I still believe in all the powerhouses in the witch society.”

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Even the emperor who was standing aside, his nervous expression relaxed a bit, and he closed his eyes with a sigh of relief.

The resurrection of his master really gave him tremendous pressure.

He has only joined the Cheng Wuhui for tens of millions of years, and he doesn’t know much about the secrets of the Cheng Wuhui.

As long as it can withstand the invasion of the Dragon Palace, everything is easy to say.

“Since the Dragon Palace dared to attack, we will let them pay the price of blood, and immediately summon all the strong men, set up the formation, and wait for their arrival!”

The sorcerer looked at the god emperor Cheng Wuhui on the side, and gave the order coldly.

“It’s Master Wizard!”

A group of god emperors nodded immediately, with a stern expression on their faces.

Soon, the entire Cheng Wu Hui, the entire Wushan domain, all moved.

Countless strong men laid out formations one after another around Wushan.

Even a well-known god emperor of the sorcerer guild also set up the formation with his own hands.

The wizard entered the Wushan Mountains one by one, opening the long dusty array.

In the entire Wushan, they have built a witch society for a billion years, and a large number of god emperors have left their own powerful formations here.

When the formation was opened, they firmly believed that Wushan would be invincible.

“It has been determined that the Dragon Palace is about to attack, and the monsters are the powerhouses of the Dragon Palace, and all the powerhouses of the Cheng Wuhui are setting up a large array of wizards!”

“Those monsters all exist at the Divine Emperor level, and the strength of the Dragon Palace is really terrifying!”

“The most powerful thing about the Cheng Wuhui is the formation, it is a battle of defense. In addition, Wushan, the Wushan Cheng Wuhui, has been operating for nearly a billion years. The Dragon Palace and the others want to attack, it is completely wishful thinking.”

“With Wushan’s defense, even if it is twice the strength of the Cheng Wuhui, it is difficult to break through, not to mention that there are strong people in the Imperial Court.”

“At the beginning, the Cheng Wuhui led the strong to attack the Dragon Palace, but I didn’t expect that the Dragon Palace would come in after only five years!”

On the communication network of the Sky Witch domain, when everyone saw that the strong men and disciples of the Cheng Wu Hui were summoned back, they received information from the strong people in the Cheng Wu Hui, and the news that the Dragon Palace had invaded was conclusive.

However, the people of the Sky Witch Region, as well as the strong and disciples in the Cheng Witch Guild, are full of confidence in this defensive battle.

Formation, the strongest is used for defense.

Coupled with the billion-year history of the Cheng Wuhui, they have powerful information to withstand the attack of the Dragon Palace.

Time, day by day.

In Wushan, countless strong men who became the witches gathered.

The arrangement of powerful formations was completed one by one, and they stood on Wushan, waiting quietly.

As the Dragon Palace’s legion gets closer and closer, there are more and more living planets in the central area.

There is also more and more information about the Dragon Palace Legion on the communication network of the Sky Witch Domain.

It can be said that the route of the Dragon Palace is under the control of the entire Celestial Witch Domain.

“Dragon King, coming soon!”

In the Longjiao, Wang Xian was drinking tea and checking some information and developments about the Tianwu Domain.

Prime Minister Turtle walked in and reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Is it coming soon?”

He put down the book next to him and stood up slowly.

“It will take another hour or so to reach Wushan. The Cheng Wuhui should have known that we are here a long time ago, and it is already waiting for us!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile on his face.

“Then see how powerful a force that has stood in this star field for a billion years!”

Wang Xian slowly walked out of the dragon sedan chair, came to the dragon chair in the front position, sat on it, and scanned the surroundings.

The center of the Heavenly Witch Region is extremely prosperous, surrounded by many life planets.

At this time, in the sky above these life planets, many powerful people were floating, looking towards them.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, and looked forward.

One hour passed quickly.

At the same time, at the entrance of the Wushan Mountains, hundreds of millions of people stand on Wushan.

Many strong people posed in formations, holding powerful weapons.

Located at the front center, nine figures stood there.

Wizard, emperor!

A god emperor in the imperial court, and six other god emperors in the Cheng Wuhui.

The god emperor on the far left looked slightly weak.

At this moment, his eyes were full of hatred, staring at the void ahead.

The enemy is coming.

In the battle of thousands of years, his body was severely injured by the sky formation, causing incurable injuries. Now his strength is the weakest among the god emperors.

He did not go to the Emperor Star Territory last time.

“coming soon!”

In the central position, the Emperor of the Emperor Court held the scepter tightly, his body exuded some pale bright energy, and his eyes were reddish staring forward.

Vague figures appeared one by one.

It was the group of guys in front that made their imperial court a bereaved dog.

Now, the other party is also chasing and killing them, trying to destroy them.


The fist of the emperor made a creaking sound due to force.

The other imperial court god emperor next to him was also full of murderous and angry eyes.

But what they didn’t know was that another god emperor in their imperial court had been killed by Wang Xian.



At this moment, the sky-shaking roar sounded.

Dragon’s Dragon!

The wild majesty of Zhan Kun!

The terrifying roar and imposing aura rushed towards this side.


On Wushan Mountain, all the disciples of the Cheng Wuhui Society and some strong men of the Imperial Court raised the weapons in their hands, also full of murderous aura.

Murderous Ling Xiao!

“The nine creatures!”

The imperial court emperor wizards locked their eyes on the nine wind gods, their eyes full of solemn expressions.

These nine creatures are very similar to the dragons they saw in the history books, and even a kind of dragon… almost exactly the same!

Looking at these nine creatures face to face, there is a strong crisis in their hearts.

On Wushan, the rest of the powerful witches and disciples also felt this way.

Is that a real dragon?


Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Xian stared at the countless people in the imperial court of the Witch Society in front of him, and said lightly.



The dragon roared and the war kun roared, stopping his figure.

Opposite everyone in Wushan ahead.

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