Chapter 2877 Two God Emperors In Instant

“Xiaoyan, although the Dragon King will guide you and make you break through, you’d better not participate in this kind of thing, let alone you, even our sanctuary dare not participate, accidentally there will be no bones left. !”

“Bahuang, which of Cheng Wuhui is easy to bully, even if it is the Imperial Court, it is not much weaker than us!”

In the main hall, a sanctuary god emperor continued to speak earnestly toward Hongfeng Yanyu.

“I…I know!”

Hong Fengyan nodded slightly.

“As long as you know.”

The other four looked at each other, shook their heads, and walked outside.

Hong Fengyan stood there quietly, and flew towards her palace after dozens of seconds.

“Yelüying, are you saying that the god emperor of the imperial court is too arrogant? His uncle dares to threaten us, and the boss should kill them all!”

“Now that the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui is united with the Eight Wastes, is the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace still their opponent?”

“I know Boss Wang very well, and it won’t be long before I can completely kill them, huh.”

“But, they are the three forces united!”

When she first arrived in the hall, she heard the voice of Invincible Fighting and her apprentice inside.



Ye Luying and the others immediately shouted respectfully when they saw the red face.

“The Red Wind God Emperor!”

The God Emperor of Sheung Shui and Invincible Warfare also greeted immediately.

“The two came all the way, after the celebration, let my apprentices take you around.”

Hong Fengyan said with a smile.

“Hey, thanks to the Red Wind God Emperor.”

Invincible tactics responded with a smile.

“Did the Dragon King reply to your message?”

After hesitating for a few seconds, Hong Fengyan asked them.

“Not yet, Boss Wang doesn’t know what he’s doing now?”

Invincible tactics shook his head across his face.


But suddenly, something trembled on his chest.


Tactical Invincible was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took out the communication stone tray placed on his chest.

“It’s a message from Boss Wang, he has already rushed towards us, and has entered the Sanctuary Star Territory!”

When Warfare Invincible saw the information on the communication stone tray, he shouted with surprise on his face.

“He said he was cultivating some time ago and didn’t see our information, and he also said that he couldn’t make it to the first day of the ceremony, but he could make it to the next day!”

He continued.

“Oh? Is the Dragon King coming soon?”

Ye Luying and the others asked in surprise.

“On the way, it is estimated that it will take another seven or eight hours.”

Invincible Warfare opened his mouth and said.


Hong Fengyan’s eyes flickered, nodded slightly, and looked at the apprentices on the side: “Go to the holy pagoda, wrap the top floor, and sit down with the Dragon King Shangshui Divine Emperor tomorrow to enjoy the food of our sanctuary.”

“It’s the master!”

Several apprentices immediately said happily.

“We need to tell the Dragon King about the alliance between the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui and the Eight Wilds, and let the Dragon Palace prepare in advance.”

The God Emperor of Shangshui slowly said to the side.

Hong Fengyan also nodded slightly.

Bahuang joins the two major forces, which may be bad news for Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, this sanctuary is so peaceful, and there are messages of Red Wind God’s breakthrough everywhere.”

At this moment, located on a planet in the Sanctuary, Wang Xian led six Fengshen dragons on the planets in the Emperor Star Territory.

The wind dragons who went out for the first time looked around curiously.

They have been cultivating all the time, and they don’t even understand the dazzling starry sky one by one.

“Sanctuary is very peaceful, it has been unified for nearly ten years, but it is also because it is relatively peaceful, the competition is not very big, so there are not too many god emperors in Sanctuary.”

“However, the background of the Sanctuary is very deep, they are much stronger than the imperial court in the peak period.”

Wang Xian said to them from the side.

The wind dragons nodded slightly.

Sweeping his eyes around, all were the information of the Red Wind God Emperor’s breakthrough.

The birth of a god emperor in the sanctuary is a great event for the entire emperor star field.

“There are still seven hours to reach the central holy kingdom of the sanctuary.”

Wang Xian looked at the map and said.

The sanctuary is also very big, if the flight passes, it will take half a month.

Wang Xian made transfers one by one.

After seven hours, they reached their destination, the Holy Kingdom, through teleportation.

The holy country is a holy place suspended in the universe.

It can be called the kingdom of the sky.

The entire huge sacred kingdom is a void god kingdom of a fallen god emperor.

The entire Void God Kingdom is huge in size, no smaller than Dragon Island.

According to rumors in the sanctuary, the owner of this Void God Kingdom was a terrifying existence billions of years ago, possessing the power of the pinnacle of the Void God Emperor.

Most of the kingdom of God has decayed after billions of years.

But even if it is decayed, it is still a blessed place.

“The promotion of the Red Wind God Emperor to the Divine Emperor is really a blessing for our Sanctuary. We have one more God Emperor in the Sanctuary, and our strength has also increased a lot.”

“This time the ceremony is simply spectacular, and it’s the first time I have seen our Lord Lord with my own eyes.”

“It’s a pity that the Emperor Court God Emperor and the Eight Desolate God Emperors were a little disappointed, and they openly warned us of the Sanctuary and the Red Wind God Emperor!”

“The Dragon Palace was a bit too arrogant. They were dead enemies with the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui. Both sides are evenly matched, but now they have offended Bahuang again. Now that they are together, they are united. It is estimated that Dragon Palace will be over!”

“It is estimated that the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui and Bahuang are also afraid that we will unite with the Dragon Palace, so we come here to explore the limelight. Naturally, our Holy Lord is not willing to participate, but the Red Wind God Emperor is a bit uncertain. The Red Wind God Emperor can become The god emperor depends entirely on the dragon king.”

“The Dragon Palace is looking for death, don’t pull us, don’t pull us, the Red Wind God Emperor, this time the ceremony is all to blame for them, it’s a bit disappointing.”

When Wang Xian had just arrived in the Holy Kingdom through the teleportation array, he heard the voices around him.


Upon hearing their discussion, Wang Xian raised his brows slightly, his eyes gleaming.

“Unexpectedly, the imperial court of the Cheng Wu Hui Hui was united with Bahuang, and the speed of their unity was so fast!”

He muttered, a little surprised.

It takes at least four or five months to reach the Eight Desolation and Liuhe from the Sky Witch Domain, but it has only been more than a month before they are united.

There is only one possibility. The strong man who has the imperial court into a witch society happens to be in Bahuang Liuhe.

“This is really unexpected.”

Wang Xian scanned the surroundings.

The reason why they dare to offend Bahuang so much is because Bahuang Liuhe is far and far away from the Sky Witch Realm. They want to unite, and the chances are not high.

But he did not guess that they were uniting so fast.

Yahuang was also so bold and plunged directly into the battle.

“Possibly, they thought that the three major forces could join forces to completely destroy the Dragon Palace, ha ha.”

Wang Xian smiled contemptuously.

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