The 2878th chapter two god emperors in a second

If the strength of the Dragon Palace and the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui were used in the battle, the Dragon Palace would suffer a fatal blow if Yahuang joined in.

But now…

In the Dragon Palace, there are still three Fengshen Dragons being promoted, and after half a month, they will be able to have the fighting power of the second-order god emperor.

When he and Xiaolan are added, Dragon Palace will have five Divine Emperor second-tier fighters with strong combat effectiveness.

“After this Red Wind Festival, the three Wind God Dragons went straight to the Heavenly Witch Realm after they were promoted to destroy the Imperial Court and the Cheng Witch Society!”

Wang Xian said coldly in his eyes.

“Dragon King, they are a little disrespectful to our Dragon Palace!”

Beside, a Fengshenlong whispered towards Wang Xian.

“It’s okay, let’s go to the center.”

As Wang Xian said, his body moved and flew towards the center of the Holy Nation.

At the same time, he took out the communication stone tray and sent a message to Ye Luying and the others.

“Master, the Dragon King sent me a message that he has entered our Holy Land!”

In the center of the Holy Kingdom, on the bustling street in front of the Palace of the Holy Kingdom, a towering tower soared into the sky.

This is the holy pagoda of the holy kingdom.

The holy tower is a landmark of the holy country, and they are in the sub holy tower.

The Mother Holy Pagoda is located in the central palace of the Holy Kingdom.

The Sacred Towers are the two tallest buildings in the Holy Kingdom, and the Sacred Towers are lower than the Mother Sacred Towers.

Today, the sacred realm of the sacred tower is open to the outside world, standing on the sacred tower, you can overlook the entire holy kingdom.

However, even though it is open to the outside world, ordinary people still do not have the ability to enter.

If you have money, you may not be able to enter.

At the top of the holy tower, Hong Fengyan was playing chess with the God Emperor of Shangshui, while Ye Luying and the others were playing with the invincible tactics.

Upon receiving Wang Xian’s message, Ye Luying immediately reported to Master.

“Boss Wang also sent me a message. I have sent our position here to Boss Wang. It is estimated that it will be there soon. I will go down to meet him!”

Invincible Warfare also came over and said.

“Let’s go too!”

Hong Fengyan hesitated for a moment, and said.

“Haha, well, let’s go down and wait!”

God Emperor Shangshui nodded too.

The Dragon King of Dragon Palace rushed over, as they naturally wanted to greet him.

“However, we are greeted in front of the holy tower, are there some… and the two guys from the Imperial Court and Bahuang have not left yet.”

The God Emperor of Shangshui looked at Hong Feng Yan hesitantly and said.

“It’s okay. They came here to warn me not to let me join their war. If I didn’t announce it directly, would they dare to force me to fail?”

Hong Fengyan said lightly.

“Haha, yes, I am also a lonely person, if they force us, they are stupid!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui laughed, stood up and walked outside.

Hong Fengyan also stood up and walked outside.

Ye Luying, the invincible warfare, immediately followed behind them.

“Meet the Red Wind God Emperor!”

“Meet the Red Wind God Emperor!”

When Hong Fengyan came to the entrance of the holy tower, all the strong men and disciples of the holy domain around were slightly surprised, and quickly bowed respectfully.

Some weak people even knelt on the ground directly on their knees.

“It’s okay, don’t be so polite!”

Hong Fengyan glanced across the crowd, waved his hand, and stood not far from the entrance of the Holy Tower.

As the iconic building of the holy country, the holy tower is surrounded by a lot of people.

And some sanctuary powerhouses also take people in and out of the sub-sacred tower from time to time.

Now their Red Wind God Emperor was standing next to the holy tower, shocking everyone.

“Meet the Red Wind God Emperor!”

Around, even people who are more than ten kilometers away, as long as they see the red face, they will worship very respectfully.

This is one of the six most powerful people in their sanctuary.

“What should you do!”

Hong Fengyan waved her arm, and a breeze lifted everyone up.

“Hehe, in fact, being a power god emperor is also very good!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui swept his eyes around, saw this scene, and said with a smile on his face.

“If the Emperor of Shangshui is interested, you can join our sanctuary. If you join, you will also have such a lively feast!”

Hong Fengyan joked with a smile.

“Hahaha, no, no, I still like being free!”

The God Emperor of Shangshui laughed.

“Ahem, Master, you can go back to the Liuli Star Territory, and I want to be an awesome second generation too!”

On the side, Tactical Invincible whispered.


However, the next moment, his body was directly pressed into the soil by the God Emperor of Shangshui, leaving only his head outside.


The God Emperor of Shangshui glared at Zhanfa Invincible. Obviously, Zhanfa Invincible had said something he didn’t want to hear, and he had opened his scars!


Seeing this scene, Ye Luying and the others couldn’t help but laugh!

“What’s the situation, why is our Lord Red Wind God standing at the entrance of the holy tower, it looks like we are waiting for someone!”

“I don’t know, the old man next to him is also a god emperor, he is the god emperor of Shangshui, the god emperor that our Lord Red Wind has made friends with in Bahuang Liuhe.”

“They should be waiting for someone. They can make us Lord Red Wind and another god emperor wait at the door. They are definitely a god emperor!”

“Is it our Lord Lord?”

“It shouldn’t be our Lord Lord, if it’s Lord Lord, then go to the mother holy tower and don’t use it here!”

“Who would it be?”

At the surrounding location, a crowd of people talked in a low voice after bowing to Hong Fengyan.

They looked over there from time to time, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

“Here, I already feel their breath!”

And not far from the holy tower, Wang Xian led six Fengshenlongs toward this side with a smile.

Looking at the sacred tower ahead, he quickened his pace a bit.

Soon, several familiar figures appeared in sight.

“Lord Dragon King, here!”

When Wang Xian approached, Hong Fengyan Shangshui God Emperor and the others also noticed.

Ye Luying looked at Wang Xian’s figure, waved his hand excitedly, and shouted loudly.

Regardless of the dispute between the Dragon Palace and the imperial court Cheng Wuhui, the Dragon King of Dragon Palace is the only powerful god emperor he knows and has said so much.

Especially this god emperor is the leader of a powerful force.

Ye Luying still felt very cordial and proud of Wang Xian.

Look, Ye Luying knows the Dragon King of Dragon Palace!


“Dragon King? Dragon Palace Dragon King?”

Around the holy tower, some people who were concerned about the situation heard Ye Luying’s words, their bodies were shocked, and their eyes widened with shocked expressions.

Dragon King!

In this bright starry sky, only the Dragon King of Dragon Palace can be called the Dragon King.

Is it?

At this moment, everyone around was looking forward in unison.

A young man with a god crown stepped towards this side.

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