Chapter 2876 Imperial Court Cheng Wu Hui and Bahuang’s Warning

“We are also afraid that we will collide with Sanctuary in the future.”

The god emperor of Bahuang also spoke to the holy lord and them lightly.

Their words made the faces of the Holy Lord and the other god emperors a little unsightly.

They looked a little coldly at God Emperor Wu and God Emperor Bahuang.

If it hadn’t been for them to represent three forces that were not weaker than them, or even much stronger than them, they would have been angry.

“My affairs with the Dragon King of Dragon Palace have nothing to do with Sanctuary.”

Hong Fengyan stared at the two and said blankly.

“Huh? Xiaoyan, we don’t want to participate in their affairs.”

The Holy Lord heard Hong Fengyan’s words and said to her.

“Holy Lord, I can break through this time, thanks to the help of the Dragon King.”

Hong Fengyan said towards the holy lord.

“That said, the Red Wind God Emperor is going to participate in our affairs with the Dragon Palace?”

Shenwu God Emperor slightly narrowed his eyes and asked towards Hong Fengyan.

“What’s going on? How come the Emperor Garden God Emperor Bahuang God Emperor suddenly came over, and why did you involve the Red Wind God Emperor?”

“What are they here for? Do you warn us about the sanctuary?”

“What happened to the Red Wind God Emperor at Bahuang Liuhe? Today is the Red Wind God Emperor Chengdi Ceremony. Did the Emperor Court and the Bahuang God Emperor come here to look for things on purpose? There is no reason!”

Today, the Red Wind God Emperor Chengdi Grand Ceremony, with hundreds of millions of people gathered around, all the powerhouses of the entire sanctuary came to worship.

However, the scene before him changed the expressions of everyone in Sanctuary.

The originally festive day made them feel a little dignified.

Some people were talking quietly, and their faces were a little ugly.

“If the Dragon Palace needs it, I will naturally participate.”

Hong Fengyan stared at them and said lightly.

As soon as her voice fell, the expressions of everyone around her changed slightly, and even the face of the Holy Master sank.

“Haha, the Red Wind God Emperor, you have to think carefully. Now the Dragon Palace is an enemy of our three major forces. You have just become the God Emperor. Today is also the day when you become the emperor. If you want to stand with that Dragon Palace, even if you become a god Emperor, I am afraid that time will be running out.”

“The happy event and the loss are adjacent, but it’s a bit bad. Isn’t it good to be your god emperor in the sanctuary?”

Shenwu Divine Emperor heard her words, his face instantly became cold, and he spoke, without concealing the threat in the words.

“Two, be careful when you speak!”

When the Holy Lord heard their words, his face showed an unpleasant look, and he lightly raised the scepter in his hand and tapped it.

“Holy Lord, we also have no intention of offending. The situation between us and the Dragon Palace must be understood in Sanctuary. Whoever participates is our enemy.”

“Our imperial court Cheng Wuhui and Bahuang don’t want to be an enemy of the sanctuary, so we came today and sent a congratulatory gift!”

The god emperor Bahuang arched his hand towards the holy lord and said sincerely.

“I can explain in advance here that our Sanctuary will never participate in the affairs of the Dragon Palace and your three major forces.”

The holy lord spoke lightly, and looked at the red face on the side: “I will try my best not to let people from our sanctuary participate.”

“With your words, the Holy Lord, we are relieved. Our three major forces also want to become friends with Sanctuary!”

The god Wu and the god emperor Bahuang arched their hands, smiling on their faces.

“Hehe, the two visitors are guests. Let’s have a good time here for a few days.”

The holy master said politely.

“Haha, good, then we will stay here for two days before leaving, and also report to the Lord Sorcerer Desolate and the others.”

The two laughed.

“Holy Lord, I…”

“All right!”

What Hong Fengyan wanted to say was interrupted by the Holy Master.

“The ceremony, continue!”

The Holy Lord said lightly.

The central god Wu and the god emperor Bahuang looked at each other and sat down to the side.

“The God Emperor of Shangshui, presumably you won’t participate in our affairs with the Dragon Palace?”

The two of them walked to the side seat, looking at the god emperor Shangshui who was sitting next to him, and asked with a smile.

“Hehe, I haven’t joined any forces in Sheung Shui, and naturally I won’t participate in any forces’ affairs.”

The God Emperor of Shangshui replied faintly.

“That’s good, that’s good, but I also ask God Emperor Shangshui to take care of his apprentices.”

The god emperor Bahuang nodded, glanced at the invincible tactics on the side and said.

When Warfare Invincible heard these words, he immediately lowered his head and made a lip!


But at this time he dared not speak.

They even dared to warn the Red Wind God Emperor, let alone him.

The Red Wind God Emperor had the power of Sanctuary anyway, he was just a master.

“Don’t worry, I am a stubborn boy, I will educate myself.”

God Emperor Shangshui nodded.

He did not dare to care about the two representing the three major forces.

“This…this seems to be our Lord Red Wind God who met the Dragon King in Bahuang Liuhe, but the Dragon King actually offended Bahuang and killed a God Emperor in Bahuang!”

“Why did the Dragon Palace offend Bahuang again? The god emperor of Bahuang is very powerful. There are more than a dozen god emperors. The most important thing is that they are dead enemies with the imperial court, and now they offend a huge one. Is the force looking for death?”

“Even the Red Wind God Emperor was involved. The Emperor Court and Bahuang God Emperor came, obviously to warn us.”

“The three powers of the bright starry sky, now it seems that these three powers may have united to deal with the dragon palace, and the dragon palace is about to die!”

“Damn it, what a happy day, let the Imperial Court Cheng Wuhui and Bahuang confuse them.”

In the lower position, the disciples of the strong sanctuary who came to participate in the celebration whispered.

The celebration continued. Five hours later, a group of god emperors left, and the following was the carnival of the disciples of the sanctuary.

However, this carnival, due to the arrival of the Emperor Court and the Eight Desolate God Emperors, has reduced the atmosphere a lot.

“Xiaoyan, don’t participate in the affairs of the Dragon Palace and the imperial court. Now that the three forces have united, the Dragon Palace is likely to be destroyed!”

In a large hall at the back, the five god emperors of the sanctuary and Hong Fengyan were sitting in it.

The Holy Lord looked at Hong Fengyan and reminded.

“Holy Lord, the reason why I can ascend to the realm of the god emperor is all because of the guidance of the dragon king.”

Hong Fengyan lowered her head slightly and said.

“Then you have to pay the price of life? These three forces unite, what will Dragon Palace resist?”

“In the end, even if the Dragon King of Dragon Palace won’t die, if you participate in it, it will be more fortunate!”

The holy lord stared at him and reprimanded with majesty.

Hong Fengyan lowered her head and slightly clenched her fists.

“You can’t participate in this matter. Our Sanctuary finally gave birth to your god emperor. I don’t want an accident. Our Sanctuary will not participate in any disputes.”

“Everything must be considered carefully!”

The saint reminded towards Hong Fengyan, his figure disappeared directly.

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