Chapter 2875 Sanctuary


“Dragon King, let’s take you!”

Outside a planet on the edge of the Emperor Star Territory, the six wind dragons let out a low roar and turned into a dragon form.

They are neatly arranged in a row, exuding powerful majesty.

At the rear, the tails of the six wind dragons trembled slightly, and a dragon god seat formed by the condensation of wind attributes appeared in the rear position.

Slowly, the wind attributes form a luxurious and extremely luxurious long-squeeze sedan chair.

On the sedan chair, there is a wind god dragon hovering, which is lifelike.

Six dragons pull the sedan chair.


Wang Xian looked at the 20,000-meter-sized wind dragon, six dragons lined up in a row, very magnificent.

There was a smile on his face.

Although their speed is much slower than their own, they are very comfortable sitting in the long sedan chair.


He moved his body and sat in the dragon sedan.


The six wind dragons roared and flew directly towards the vast starry sky.

The incomparable coercion dissipated towards the surroundings.

“Boom boom boom!”

The six wind dragons swayed, wind and thunder galloping.

Feeling the speed of Fengshenlong, Wang Xian smiled.

In the first rank of the Void God Emperor, the speed of the Feng Shenlong was already at the top.

He was sitting in the dragon sedan, his eyes scanned the surroundings.

“Is it even more compelling to have a crown?”

Wang Xian raised his brows and smiled on his face.

With a move of his palm, the five-element giant mill appeared in his hand, and the entire five-element giant mill changed slightly, becoming a multicolored crown.

Above, five lifelike dragons circulate on it.

The Five Elements Great Mould is now a bit weaker.

It has little effect on the powerhouses of the first rank of the god emperor.

However, for all kinds of weapons, the Five Elements Grinding is the easiest to use.

The main reason was that Wang Xian’s ascension speed was too fast, and the Five Elements Damo couldn’t keep up.

“In the future, it can also be worn on the head for pregnancy.”

Wang Xian murmured, put on the five-element mill, and sat there quietly.

“Dragon King, there is a planet of life ahead!”

Ten days later, the voice of Fengshenlong came.

Wang Xian opened his eyes and looked towards the front position.

At a distance of more than a billion kilometers, there is a planet of life.

This planet of life, Wang Xian has been here.

“Go over that planet!”

Wang Xian said.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The six Fengshen dragons moved and flew directly towards the planet.


A few seconds later, the six wind dragons let out a low growl and came to the sky above the planet.

“This is… what is this?”

“Hey, look at the sky, look at the sky, what kind of horrible existence is that?”

“Look at the rear position, there is a gorgeous sedan chair!”

In the planet, when the Wind God Dragon quietly descended to the sky, some people noticed their existence, with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Xian walked out of the sedan chair and said to the six Fengshenlong.

The body of the six Fengshenlong changed into a human form, following Wang Xian’s left and right.


With a movement of his body, he appeared directly in the disappearance of the teleportation formation.

“It disappeared, how did it disappear in an instant?”

“Is that a phantom or something? What are the six huge creatures? Some are like the legendary dragon!”

“Isn’t the dragon without wings?”

“Who said no, some dragons have wings!”

When Wang Xian and the others appeared in front of the teleportation array, voices came from all around.

He smiled lightly and stepped into the teleportation formation.

Six Fengshenlongs followed Wang Xian.

“Hehe, congratulations to the Red Wind God Emperor for stepping into the realm of the God Emperor. We represent the Cheng Wuhui, the Imperial Court, and the Eight Wastes to come and present our congratulations!”

Just when Wang Xian rushed over here, in the center of the sanctuary, in a place called the Holy Kingdom, countless people gathered here.

Located in the front position is the Holy Land Sacred Stairs, and on the stairs are several towering gods.

Sanctuary, one of the seven domains, this is the name of a star field, and at the same time a name of the pinnacle power of the shining starry sky.

The entire Sanctuary Star Territory is under the control of Sanctuary, and everyone in this Star Territory is all disciples of Sanctuary.

The sanctuary is relatively peaceful, there is not much war, there may not be too much pressure, and the strength of the sanctuary is not very strong.

There were only five god emperors, and now Hong Fengyan was born, the sixth.

As a unified star field, with a force of trillions of people, the birth of a god emperor is an extremely sensational thing for the entire sanctuary.

It is no exaggeration to say that the birth of a god emperor is like the appearance of an emperor.

At this moment, in front of the god seat, two old men were standing in front, smiling towards the Hong Fengyan on the front god seat.

Hong Fengyan is now also called the God Emperor of Hongfeng.

“You’re welcome!”

Hong Fengyan looked at the two of them, frowned slightly, and said lightly.

“Why did the god emperor of Bahuang mix with the god emperor of the imperial court so quickly?”

“Oops, what are these two guys doing here?”

On the left side, there are a crowd of people sitting side by side, with Invincible Fighting and his master, God Emperor Shangshui.

Fighting Invincible looked at the two god emperors in the center, frowned slightly and said in a low voice.

The emperor of Sheung Shui also frowned.

“You’re welcome, the god emperor was born in the sanctuary, we naturally want to congratulate it.”

Shen Wu Divine Emperor smiled faintly, and then continued: “However, we are here, there is another thing.”

“The two came to our sanctuary, don’t know what’s going on?”

To the right of the Red Wind God Emperor, an extremely pale-looking old man holding a two-meter-sized white scepter looked at the two God Emperor God Wu ahead with a curious expression on his face.

“Holy Lord, some of the things that happened in our eight wilds and Liuhe, you may not know about the Holy Lord and Sanctuary.”

“The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace and the strong arrogantly killed a god emperor of our eight wilderness, and the Red Wind God Emperor has a better relationship with the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, so we congratulate the Red Wind God Emperor for his breakthrough, and secondly, we also want to see the sanctuary and the Dragon Palace. Relationship, whether to unite against us.”

The god emperor Bahuang said to the holy lord with a smile on his face.


When the holy lord heard his words, his body slowly sat upright, looking at the red face beside him.

The other four god emperors of the sanctuary also looked at the red face in amazement.

They didn’t know what happened in Bahuang Liuhe. One was that the distance between the two parties was too far, and the other was that the time of the incident was too short.

“The matter between me and the Dragon King of Dragon Palace has nothing to do with Sanctuary.”

Hong Fengyan looked at God Emperor Bahuang and God Wu, and said faintly.

“It’s fine if it doesn’t matter, and we don’t want to have any conflict with Sanctuary.”

God Wu said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, you two, we have nothing to do with the Dragon King of Dragon Palace.”

The Holy Master frowned slightly and said to them.

“Haha, the holy lord, it is mainly the Red Wind God Emperor who has a deep connection with the Dragon King of Dragon Palace, so we have to come over and ask.”

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