Chapter 2804 The emperor star domain is quiet, the emperor court flees 1

“No, there is still a god emperor in your imperial court, how is this possible, how is this possible!”

When the sound of wild laughter, when the terrifying attack came, when the imperial court disciples screamed.

The great guardian of the Emperor Court on the Temple of Light quickly turned his head, and when he saw another god emperor appear, his face was full of incredible expression.

Another god emperor, another god emperor!

The Dragon King, the Heavenly Formation, and the two celestial formation clones that emerged, each was a real power of the God Emperor.

Four, a full four.

There are only four god emperors in their imperial court.

Even if their imperial court has a profound background, the four god emperors have already exceeded their limits.

Even the three god emperors who resisted the Dragon King would be at a disadvantage for a long time.

Four, it’s over the limit.

“Hahaha, it seems that your imperial court’s hole cards are gone. Since they are gone, then you must die!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Tian Zhen saw that no one was stopping him, exuding a cold murderous aura, and roared violently.


The last clone, light and dark.

A wave of terrifying light and dark energy attacked the surrounding area.

“No, Taizu, we are not his opponents, we ask for support, we ask for support!”

On the biological battle wall, a group of imperial court guardians and strong men saw the light and dark clones raging from the sky array, their faces were pale, and their foreheads were full of cold sweat.

They shouted for help with horrified faces.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, when the light and dark clones of the sky array attacked and fell, another huge gap was torn apart.

The two imperial court guardians at that location were directly killed.



The energy of the day’s attack disappeared, and three rifts had appeared in the entire abyss battlefield.

One is on the Dragon Palace side, and the other is on the Abyss Seed side.

However, the Dragon Palace was blocked by the Flame God Star and Skynet Earth Net God Net, and the Dragon Palace members couldn’t kill them.

But it’s different on the Abyssal Race.

The imperial court is the main defense, and now the defense is torn open a crack, the abyss race in front of them directly rushed in and fought towards the imperial court disciples on both sides.

The two rifts can only flood into hundreds of millions of abyssal races.

In particular, the four imperial court guardians in the two rifts were all destroyed, and the positions on the left and right sides had to face at least an attack from the Abyss Species of God King Peak.

“No, hurry up and stop here, don’t let the Abyss Seed rush over!”

“Release the weapons on the battleship, bombardment, bombardment!”

The momentary change made the situation in the imperial court stabilized a bit panic, but the guards of the imperial court also responded quickly and immediately ordered the disciples behind to attack.

It’s an attack, not a defense!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the rear, endless artillery fire was released from the battleships of the size of one million kilometers, and they bombarded the position of the crack.

A large number of shells killed countless abyssal species.

“Haha, Emperor Court, your demise has already begun!”

The light and dark clone of the sky array roared coldly. With a movement, a wave of vast energy directly moved towards the side position and continued to attack.

A god emperor slaughtered the existence under the god emperor, and also had to face an abyss that was no weaker than them. Under such circumstances, the powerhouses and disciples of the emperor court had no resistance at all.

“Taizu, we can’t resist it anymore, we are about to be defeated!”

Seeing the light and dark clone of the heavenly formation god emperor rushing over, a guardian of the imperial court roared in a little horror.


From above, a god emperor roared unwillingly.

“Retreat, all imperial court disciples retreat immediately!”

He roared sharply.

Located in the sky above, the four Emperor Taizu and Xiaolan fought together.

In a day’s time, they did not have a victory or defeat.

But this is what the four god emperors of the Imperial Court expected.

It’s just that what they didn’t expect in any case was that there would still be so many god emperors in the Dragon Palace.

Four, four in total!

It completely exceeded all of their expectations.

Their emperor court took out more than 600 million years of background, and still couldn’t resist it.

The balance of battle has been out of balance, and at this time, the more the battle goes on, the more the powerhouses of their imperial court are killed and injured.

Retreat, at this time there is only retreat, even if it is to let the abyss species expand the abyss domain.

But at most half a month, half a month later, after the strong of the Witch Club arrives, it is time for them to fight back.

“If you want to escape, how can it be so easy, hahaha, you famous emperor court guardian, die!”

Seeing the imperial court god emperor’s order to retreat, Tianzhen’s face was full of sorrowful expressions.

His eyes locked on a famous guardian of the Imperial Court, and he rushed over with a murderous face.

At this time, he mainly killed the Imperial Court peak combat effectiveness.

“Kill, kill, all Dragon Palace disciples, kill!”

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian shouted directly with a violent face.


The Dragon Palace members had a strong fighting spirit in their eyes. This time, they did not continue their long-range attacks, but rushed directly forward!

“woo woo woo woo!”


Xiaolan and the two Void God Emperor Abyss Species of the Black Law system also raised their heads at this moment and let out a violent roar.



In the next moment, the entire abyss battlefield became violent again.

The heavenly array of light and dark clones broke the balance, the abyss stalked, and blood began to splash.

Under the orders of the God Emperor Abyss Seed and Xiaolan, all the Abyss Seeds also raged down.

They rushed forward frantically.

“Retreat, retreat!”

“Come to twenty or thirty god king peak powers, to contain that god emperor, to contain him!”

“Boom boom boom!”

All the powerhouses and disciples in the Imperial Court saw the violent abyss race, and looked at the position above a god emperor raging, shouting with horror on his face.

“Hold him!”

“Swish swish!”

Seeing the Heavenly Formation killing the Imperial Court guardians one by one, one protector roared, and in an instant, more than 20 Imperial Court guardians attacked the heavenly formation.

Want to contain it.


“With this temple of light, do you want to really contain me? Hahaha!”

Suddenly, the sky gust of wind and thunder flickered, and directly got rid of the restraint of the Temple of Light.

He instantly came to the side of the light and dark avatar, waving his arms, trembling in the void, and condensing the formations one by one, attacking more than 20 imperial court guardians.

The light and dark clone did not hesitate at all, and the formation was picked up and waved toward the front.



“Do not!”

There are more than twenty god king peak powers, it is difficult to contain one god emperor, let alone two.

In an instant, more than twenty guardians were severely injured in an instant, and half of them died directly.

“Dragon Palace, you damn it!”

The Great Guardian of the Imperial Court at the back controlled the Temple of Light and rushed over, seeing the scene in front, his eyes roared with blood red.

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