Chapter 2805 The emperor star domain is quiet, the emperor court flees 2


The voice of Tianzhen’s laughter sounded again, and the clone of Tianzhen turned around and immediately bombarded towards the Temple of Light!


The light and dark avatar moved, and directly attacked the injured dozen or so imperial court guardians.

“Oops, run away!”

“Run away!”

More than twenty guardians can still contend with the light and dark clones, but if there are more than a dozen, there will be no capital to contend with the god emperor.

Can only escape quickly.

“Formation, dark cage!”

The Heavenly Array Light and Dark clones roared, and the dark cages closed towards them one by one.

“No, save us!”

The face of a dozen or so imperial court guardians changed wildly, and they shouted with fear.

“Oops, more than a dozen of our imperial court guardians have been killed!”

“How can there be so many strong men in the Dragon Palace, how can they have so many strong men!”

“Quickly run away, the Abyss Seed behind is about to chase over.”

“No, the guardians are in danger.”

In the surrounding locations, the powerhouses and disciples of the Imperial Court heard the Master’s call for help, their hearts beating violently, and they looked at them and felt their scalp numb.

This is the guardian of their imperial court, the existence of the peak of the god king.

On weekdays, each one holds the power of life and death for many people.

However, now, more than a dozen law protectors were directly trapped, and all of them stared blankly.

At this time, no one dared to support or rescue them.

The disciples of the Imperial Court did not have this strength either.


More than a dozen law protectors were trapped by the formation, and they watched as they were beheaded and destroyed.

“All disciples, immediately escape from the abyss.”

An imperial court guardian looked over and roared with blood red eyes.

“Ha ha!”

The Heavenly Array Light and Dark Clone sneered, his eyes locked on the place where the abyss of the imperial court gathered, his arms waved, and the formation directly covered them.

“No, no, no!”


In vain resistance, desperate screams sounded, and a crowd of tens of thousands of imperial court gods and kings gathered together were directly beheaded.

After beheading him, Tianzhen waved his arm and put away his body.


He locked on a famous imperial court powerhouse, and quickly attacked away.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, due to the retreat of all the disciples of the Imperial Court, Tianzhen Fenglei clone found an opportunity, attacking one after another towards the Temple of Light, and shifting the battlefield towards the disciples of the Imperial Court.

The Great Guardian of the Emperor Court controlled the Temple of Light and could only compete against the Emperor, but it was completely impossible to completely involve it and trap it.

In this case, Tian Gust Wind Lei clone moved the battlefield, and only the aftermath caused countless imperial court disciples to die.

In the face of this situation, the body of the great guardian of the emperor court was trembling.

He is not attacking now, nor is he not attacking.


Suddenly, a continuous scream sounded, and some experts in the Imperial Court looked in that direction quickly.

Located behind their escape, tens of thousands of strange figures suddenly emerged.

Their black and white energy suddenly appeared behind some powerful men in the Imperial Court.

The extremely sharp claws penetrate directly through the body.

In an instant, more than 40,000 imperial court experts died.

All the corpses were put away by them, and disappeared into everyone’s sight in the next moment.

“Be careful, that’s the assassin of Dragon Palace, be careful!”

“A strong person who is good at investigating is always alert to his surroundings, and don’t let the guys in Dragon Palace succeed!”

An angry voice sounded, directing the disciples of the Imperial Court to retreat.

“Tianzhen, don’t let these guys escape, get the three nets of heaven and earth!”

In the position inside, the two of the Wangxian Heavenly Formation themselves were against the three nets of heaven, earth and gods.

This Heaven, Earth and God Three Nets deserves to be called the Supreme Treasure by the Emperor Court, and can completely trap him and the Heaven Array here.

“Don’t worry, Dragon King, as long as they don’t run away now, the Heaven and Earth God Three Nets will belong to our Dragon Palace, hahaha!”

Tian Zhen laughed loudly, without the slightest concealment.

This made the expressions of the three emperor law guards who control the three nets of heaven, earth and gods constantly change.

In the current situation, if they don’t run away, when the existence of the god emperor level attacks, what awaits them is destruction.

And the three nets of heaven, earth and gods in their hands will also become dragon palace treasures.

But if they retreat and flee now, then the rest of their disciples will be slaughtered by the Dragon King and the Heavenly Array God Emperor.

“Don’t let them get the three nets of heaven, earth and god!”

At this moment, a divine emperor’s angry roar came from above.

The three nets of heaven, earth and gods are the treasures of their imperial court, capable of contending with the existence of the imperial court.

Once acquired by the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace will be equivalent to adding two Void God Emperors.

This is too big a blow to the Imperial Court.

Even if the Dragon Palace has three nets of heaven, earth and gods, plus the Dragon Palace god emperor and the abyss species god emperor, even if they are united with the Cheng Wuhui, they will doubt whether they can destroy the other party.


The three imperial court guardians heard Taizu’s order and glanced at each other. Without hesitation, they fled directly to the rear.


Wang Xian’s expression changed slightly when he saw them running away.


With a move, he stretched out his dragon claws and directly attacked the Flame God.

“not good!”

“Run away, let’s run away too!”

The guardian above the flame god saw the dragon king attacking, his face changed wildly.

They were already contending with the powerhouses of the Imperial Court. At this time, they couldn’t withstand the attack of a god emperor at all.


Seeing the attack coming, the tens of millions of fire-attribute imperial court disciples roared.

“Boom boom boom!”

The dragon’s claws fell on it, the flames splashed, and the terrifying defense collapsed.

“Dragon King, leave it to me, this flame god is also a treasure!”

The sky array roared wildly, and water snakes appeared around him.

Countless water snakes flew directly towards the flame god inside.


The endless screams sounded, and several imperial court guardians inside the package.

“Kill, kill at least 20 imperial court guardians to be enough!”

Wang Xian saw that the Flame Star was dealt with and stared forward.

The three imperial court guardians led the Heaven, Earth and God’s Three Nets to flee quickly, ignoring the raging celestial array light and dark clones in front of them.

Wang Xian roared towards the sky formation itself, and moved directly to the sky above the disciples of the imperial court.

He fixed his eyes on a ninth-tier emperor of the god king and the guardian of the imperial court at the peak of the god king, and killed them directly.

“Hohoho, Dragon Palace, you are looking for death, you are looking for death!”

At this time, suddenly in the sky above, an Emperor Taizu got rid of the attack of a Divine Emperor Abyss Seed, his eyes were blood red, his mouth roared like a beast, and he attacked the Heavenly Array King Immortal and the others.

The four god emperors in the Imperial Court are desperate!

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