2803: CodyCross Department Store Group 512-Puzzle 4 Answers

“The Dragon King also has the strength of the God Emperor, this… how is this possible? Wasn’t he returning the strength of the God King not long ago?”

“It’s a terrifying increase in speed, and the Dragon King of Dragon Palace also has such a strength, plus the Divine Emperor that day, there are a total of two!”

“Is this Dragon Palace’s trump card?”

When everyone in the Imperial Court saw Wang Xian’s burst of strength, their expressions changed drastically.

Dragon Palace’s trump card exceeded their imagination.

The appearance of a heavenly formation god emperor has already shocked them, and now that dragon king has also reached the realm of god emperor.

There are two god emperors sitting in the small dragon palace.

“No, the Dragon King also has the strength of the god emperor, we may be in trouble.”

On the back of the imprisoned stage, the face of the Emperor Star Territory who came to watch the battle also instantly became embarrassed, staring at the huge dragon claw full of horror.


In the abyss, Wang Xian’s terrifying dragon claws landed on the skynet and the ground, making the sound of thunder and lightning.

The entire skynet and ground net began to deform.

“Unexpectedly, I really didn’t expect that your Dragon King actually reached the realm of the god emperor, but even if you reached the realm of the god emperor, is our emperor afraid of you?”

“Fighting the cards, our Emperor Court is not afraid of you.”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court gritted his teeth and roared wildly with a stern face.

“God, open!”

With a wave of his arm, he was located in the rear command hall, and another big net appeared in the sky.

The entire web was condensed by dazzling lightning, and there was a phantom spider gleaming on it.

The spider is hundreds of kilometers in size, and the entire sacred web is like the formation of this sacred spider.

“Sky Net, Earth Net, God Net!”

The next moment, in the command hall, the imperial court guardian who had not done anything directly rushed out, controlling these three big nets.

The three big nets that cover the sky and the sun are connected together, once again covering a void.


When Wang Xian saw these three big nets, his expression changed slightly.

He yelled, and attacked the sky array again!

“Boom boom boom!”


When their attack went away, the three nets of heaven, earth and gods directly covered it.

The thunder spiders located above the god’s web were beating on the three big webs, and the full blow of the Wang Xiantian formation was directly blocked.

“Hahaha, the heaven, earth and gods three nets are the treasures of our emperor court. With the strength of you just promoted to the god emperor, you can never break through the defenses of the heaven, earth and gods three nets!”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court saw this scene and roared with a big smile on his face.

“Is this all your imperial court’s hole cards?”

Wang Xian roared coldly.

“Hahaha, then you can try again, do we have any cards in the imperial court!”

The Grand Guardian of the Imperial Court raised his head slightly and said with a full face.

“Blocked, our imperial court blocked the two god emperors!”

“Is this the background and hole cards of our imperial court? Too strong!”

“Hahaha, blocked it, completely blocked it easily!”

The disciples of the Imperial Court saw this scene with an expression of excitement on their faces.

Everyone on the imprisoned stage at the rear also breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of excitement on their faces.

“Is the imperial court’s hole cards so many?”

At this moment, a voice sounded on the side of the imprisoned platform.

“That’s natural. How can our imperial court be able to contend with a small dragon palace? Hmph, that day the god emperor, the dragon king, will all be slaughtered in a short time!”

This voice was so loud that some people on the imprisoned stage answered without hesitation.

“Oh, then I want to see how many cards the Imperial Court has!”


The slightly flat voice continued to sound, followed by a huge coercion suddenly soaring into the sky.


The imprisonment platform at the side collapsed instantly.


“Sky formation, heaven formation, is he the heaven formation god emperor?”

Suddenly a violent power surged from their side, and the faces of all the people on the side changed wildly, and their eyes were full of fear.


However, before they could react, a terrifying attack directly attacked the disciples of the imperial court in front.

The terrifying attack instantly covered hundreds of millions of kilometers!

“No, there are powerhouses at the Divine Emperor level in the rear!”

“Oops, there was a sneak attack from behind.”

When the attack of the day formation was moving towards the front, at this moment, all the disciples in front showed a look of horror.

In the command hall, the great guardian of the Imperial Court felt the great changes in the rear, and his heart trembled.

“Boom boom boom!”

“No good, Master Law Protector, help!”


However, at such a fast speed, the Emperor Court couldn’t react at all.

The terrifying attack fell on the front, directly covering an area.

Everyone in that area was instantly shrouded in energy.

In the next moment, the tens of millions of strong men and disciples in the Imperial Court were instantly obliterated.

“There is also the existence of the god emperor level!”

The great guardian of the emperor court let out a low growl, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

“Hahaha, my Heavenly Formation had swept the eight wastes and Liuhe, even if it hadn’t recovered to its peak, it was not comparable to that of ordinary god emperors.”

“Go on, let me see your imperial court’s hole cards!”

The sky array roared wildly, his arms waved, and a wind and thunder formation gathered in front of him.

“Damn it, Temple of Light, get up!”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court looked very embarrassed, his arms were sitting heavily on the table of the command hall, and the whole hall trembled.


A majestic force of light suddenly bloomed from the command hall, no, it should be said that it was the temple of light!

The Temple of Light directly soared into the sky and headed towards the sky array.

“Tsk tusk, there are so many hole cards!”

Tianzhen felt the power of the Temple of Light, pursed his lips, and said coldly.

“The background of our Imperial Court is beyond your imagination!”

The Grand Guardian of the Emperor Court gritted his teeth and roared towards the heavenly formation.


The formation of the sky array attacked towards the Temple of Light, and the entire Temple was bright and bright, and a bright wing appeared on the left and right.

The powerful wings of light directly resisted the attack of the heavenly formation.

“Hi, our Emperor Court has resisted again!”

At this moment, even the disciples of the imperial court and the crowd watching the battle in the back were all shaking.

Their Imperial Court is too strong.

However, the Dragon Palace is also a little scary.

“Hahaha, I am the last hole card of Dragon Palace, come on Emperor Court, let me see if you have any hole cards!”



At this time, a loud laugh suddenly came from a location not far away.

Accompanied by a terrifying attack, and the screams of the disciples of the Imperial Court.

Located in the place where the Imperial Court and the Abyss Species battled, a gap of hundreds of millions of kilometers was directly torn open.

All the imperial court disciples at that rift were killed by a single move.

Dragon Palace’s last trump card, the last clone of the Heavenly Array God Emperor.

The cards are all bright, fight for life and death!

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