Chapter 2795 The war starts and makes the whole world quiet 3

“Om Om Weng!”

“Alert is on!”

At this moment, at the front line at the junction of Pingyi Island and Emperor Court, a voice sounded.

At the central location, a large battleship emits a red light, passing it towards both sides.

The sound of the alarm bell rang, causing everyone on the front line to be slightly surprised, immediately cheering up and raising their vigilance.

“According to the news from some of our scouts, a large number of abyss species have gathered in the abyss to prepare all the disciples.”

Located in the palace of the command center behind the center, a famous emperor court guardian was sitting there, looking at a picture on the big screen in front, slightly solemn.

“This group of damn beasts, in this battle we let this group of beasts know how good we are, huh!”

An imperial court guardian couldn’t help but snorted angrily.

“Yes, give that group of beasts a hard blow.”

There is the imperial court guardian law echoing road next to it.

“This battle is mainly defensive, and the real battle will break out from us!”

At this moment, five or six elders walked in from the door, and the headed elder said with a smile on his face.

“Great Guardian!”

The rest of the imperial court guards saw the old man headed and immediately stood up and shouted.

“Taizu and the others have issued orders. All current wars will be mainly defense.”

The Great Guardian stretched out his hand and gestured, let them sit down, and said lightly.

“Dharma Protector, are we going to wait for the Witch Club to arrive before proceeding with the general attack?”

A guardian asked.

“Yes, at our present time, fighting the abyss, the abyss species and the dragon palace is not a big advantage, but the arrival of the powerful witches will be different. We have already made contact with the witches. The strong will attach great importance to it, and it is estimated that within a few days, they will be able to contact the strong emperor of the witch guild.”

“Hehe, you don’t have to worry about these things. Once the opponent attacks, you can defend yourself with all your strength. Let the Abyssal Breeder and Dragon Palace be arrogant for a while. It won’t be long before they will die.”

The Great Protector said lightly, with a cold expression in his eyes.

“Hahaha, then we will let them be arrogant for a while, if we just resist with all our strength, there won’t be much loss at all.”

A guardian laughed and said cheerfully.

“Hehe, it doesn’t matter if you turn on the defense system and consume some resources, you will get it back ten times then.”

The guardian nodded.

“If we only resist, it can be delayed for ten days and a half.”

“After ten days and a half months, when the strongest members of the witch society arrive, it is time for us to slaughter.”

The guards next to him said with a smile, and all the nervous expressions in this period of time have disappeared.

In the past, in their eyes, the war here would definitely fall a lot of protectors, but because of the appearance of the Dragon Palace, because of the appearance of the Divine Emperor that day, their losses may be reduced to a minimum.

After all, the witches are so powerful, and then unite with them to fight the abyss species easily.

“Now, should we thank the Dragon Palace? The Dragon King?”

An imperial court guardian couldn’t help but chuckle.

Several people around me smiled faintly.

“Well, you guys don’t relax your vigilance. Once the Abyssal Army attacks, we still have to resist.”

“The four great ancestors will also fight against the abyss of the god emperor level. We must know that the other party may have one more god emperor level combat power than us.”

The Great Protector stood up and reminded everyone.

“Don’t worry, Great Guardian, a god emperor who is at the level of a god emperor, or a god emperor who has been forcibly promoted with a formation technique, we can resist!”

The rest of the guardians stood up and assured them with ease.

With the background of the emperor court, even if the four great ancestors didn’t make a move, they still had treasures to resist a god emperor’s first-order powerhouse.

They are not even afraid of another one.

If only defending, they really don’t have much pressure.

“Everyone is ready to take their place.”

The Great Protector spoke lightly, turned and left directly.

Regarding the attack from the Abyssal Behemoth Black Law System and even Dragon Palace, the Great Guardian did not take it seriously.

If they are fully defensive, they are still very easy.

“The battle on the front line of Pingyi battlefield is tense, and it is possible that the first war will break out in these few days.”

“The first collision between the Imperial Court and the entire abyss is about to begin!”

Soon, the battle on the front line on Zhi Brain quickly spread out.

“Is the first war going to break out in Pingyi? No wonder the Emperor Court didn’t immediately destroy the Dragon Palace. It turned out that the war was going to break out in Pingyi.”

“The war on the Pingyi Abyss gathered all the power of the entire emperor court, so the emperor court did not have time to destroy the dragon palace, but once the war on this side stabilizes, it will be the end of the dragon palace.”

“The Imperial Court has declared that the Dragon Palace will be destroyed within one month. It seems that the Imperial Court is also confident to stabilize the battlefield here!”

“That’s natural. Our Emperor Court has stood in the Emperor Star Region for more than 600 million years. How can an abyss threaten us?”

“Calm down the abyss, destroy the Dragon Palace, and restore peace!”

“Calm down the abyss, destroy the Dragon Palace, and restore peace!”

Intellectually, when everyone in the Emperor Star Territory learned of the situation on the Pingyi battlefield, in an instant, countless people replied on it.

Finally, calm down the abyss, destroy the Dragon Palace, and restore the peace of the 12-character screen.

Moreover, all the people in the Imperial Court believed that their Imperial Court would do it soon, the abyss was calmed down, and the Dragon Palace was destroyed.

Everything is small at night, and it’s all gone.

“Tomorrow, we will teleport directly to the center of the battlefield.”

“It is estimated that the Imperial Court can also think that our Dragon Palace will appear on the battlefield. They may have made sufficient preparations, and the Imperial Court’s detection methods may detect Ao Yao and the others.”

“It’s okay, Emperor Court doesn’t know the specific strength of our Dragon Palace.”

Located in the Dragon Palace in the Sea of ​​Abyss, Wang Xian, Prime Minister Lan Qingyue and the others were talking about tomorrow’s war.

This is the most expansive war since the establishment of the Dragon Palace.

The number of shooting creatures and humans reached hundreds of billions.

Although it was not as good as the scenes of race battles that appeared at the time of the inheritance, it was still large enough.

Sometimes there is no right or wrong in war.

It’s just that the winner is king.

“We will not lose this battle.”

At the end, Wang Xian smiled slightly and said firmly.

“Yes, Xiaoxian, we won’t lose. After this battle, Dragon Palace will be able to get another upgrade, and then our strength will be more stable.”

Lan Qingyue also nodded heavily, her eyes full of determination.


“woo woo woo woo!”

One day passed quickly, and on the next day, several roars full of endless majesty sounded.

The war begins!

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