Chapter 2794 The war begins and makes the whole world quiet 2

“Attack tomorrow? Good!”

Wang Xian nodded with blinking eyes.

Tomorrow’s battle, even if they cannot destroy the Imperial Court, will cost them a heavy price.

Pursuing and killing Qingyue Lingxiu’s enemies, wanting to destroy their Dragon Palace’s enemies, now begins to pay the price.

“Dragon King, seven days ago, the Imperial Court issued a statement.”

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle handed over a brain, with the downloaded information on it.


Wang Xian looked at it and raised his brow slightly.

“The guardian of the Imperial Court announced that at most one month will destroy our Dragon Palace. Eight days have passed.”

“It stands to reason that based on some information from the Imperial Court, they should be able to know that we are related to the Abyssal Behemoth System, but they still issued such a statement, what confidence and trump card they should have.”

Prime Minister Turtle said.

When Wang Xian looked at this statement, his eyes flickered.

With the background of the Emperor Court in the Emperor Star Territory, all the information about the Dragon Palace nowadays has been placed in the Imperial Court powerhouse.

They can also learn about the relationship between the Dragon Palace and the Abyssal Behemoth System.

Now that the Dragon Palace has come into the abyss, and said that they will be destroyed, this is somewhat intriguing.

Why did they destroy the Dragon Palace?

Only with strong strength.

However, with the strength of the Emperor Court, it is completely impossible to destroy the Dragon Palace.

Even the strength of the Imperial Court is weaker than them.

And with the imperial court’s majesty, they couldn’t deliberately give up empty words, otherwise the entire emperor star field would laugh at them.

“The Emperor Court has been in the Emperor Star Region for more than 600 million years, and may have a strong hole card. It seems that tomorrow’s battle must be careful.”

There was a solemn expression on Wang Xian’s face.

“You really need to be careful. According to Weichen’s inference, there may not only be three Void God Emperors in the Imperial Court, there should be more.”

Prime Minister Turtle groaned.

“Little Fairy!”

At this moment, Lan Qingyue flew over and shouted at Wang Xian.

“How is Qingyue, are the two Divine Emperor Abyss Seeds of the Black Law system ready?”

Wang Xian looked at her and asked.

“Already ready, ready to attack tomorrow.”

Lan Qingyue nodded.

“Let Xiao Zhai Xiaolan be more careful, I always feel that Emperor Court and the others still have a strong hole card.”

Wang Xian said.

“Well, I have seen the statement of the Imperial Court too!”

Lan Qingyue also nodded.

However, this attack had already been carried out ten days ago, and the two Void God Emperor Abyss Species of the Black Law System may also know that the Imperial Court is very strong.

But they don’t care about loss, those abyss seeds die when they die.

After the dead body, they get it over, and it won’t be long before they can regain their vitality.

And if they win, the abyss will be able to expand, and they will be able to have a full meal.

They didn’t care, and Lan Qingyue didn’t care even more.

“Now the entire Imperial Court and the entire Emperor Star Territory want to destroy our Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian looked at the comment response under the message on Zhinao, and said with a faint smile.

“After all, the Emperor Court has stood in the Emperor Star Domain for hundreds of millions of years, and the Emperor Court domain is also the largest. The number of them is immeasurable, so naturally I hope to destroy our Dragon Palace!”

Lan Qingyue said from the side.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, and flipped through some information on the brain.


Two hours later, the power of terror swept across.

Wang Xian looked at it with a smile on his face.

“Tianzhen, the former god emperor.”

Lan Qingyue also swept away her gaze, and she already understood the sky formation now.


“Dragon King, Dragon Queen!”

In the next moment, a strange and terrifying sky formation flew over and smiled and saluted Wang Xian Lan Qingyue!

“How about it?”

Wang Xian asked with a smile looking at the brilliance flowing around him.

“Dragon King, with my current strength, let alone deal with two or three of the same level.”

The nine heads of Tianzhen raised up, full of confidence.

“Two or three? Can it be killed?”

After hearing this, Wang Xian raised his brows slightly and asked.

“It may be difficult to kill, but there is no problem with containment.”

As Tian Zhen said, his body trembled slightly.


Under the gaze of Wang Xian and the others, the body of the Tianzhen turned into three directly.

All three look very weird.

Two heads with wind and thunder attributes form a body.

The heads of the five elements form a body.

The heads of light and dark attributes form a body.

“Dragon King, I am inspired by you. The five elements work as one, the sun and the sun work as one, and the wind and thunder work as one.”

“The three bodies, although our attribute induction is very poor, but under this combination, each of my body can compete with a god emperor’s first-order powerhouse.”

Tianzhen Weiwei said proudly.


Wang Xian raised his eyebrows. Today’s Heavenly Formation, after the strength gradually recovered, was able to fight beyond the third tier.

With this kind of strength now, it can be said that the more Tier 3 kills the opponent.

Very strong!

“In that case, adding Xiaoxian, our Dragon Palace has directly added four Void God Emperors!”

From the side, Lan Qingyue said with bright eyes.

The four void god emperors, this is a huge force.

How many god emperors are there in the entire imperial court?

“Four, plus Xiaozhai Xiaolan, plus two of the black law system, there are eight Void God Emperors, I really want to see how many methods the Imperial Court has.”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster.

“Tomorrow, if the imperial court cannot withstand our attack, then we will directly attack the vast palace in the center of their imperial court and drive them out of the imperial star field.”

Lan Qingyue’s eyes shone, and her fists were slightly clenched.


Wang Xian nodded heavily.

He didn’t want to stay in this dark and boundless abyss.

“Dragon King, the promotion of all disciples is over!”

At this time, news came from Kameei.

“Now we have 16 strong peaks of the Immortal King of the Dragon Palace, 129 strong ninth-tier God Kings, and around 360,000 strong ones above the God King.”

Prime Minister Kame continued to report.

“Tomorrow’s battle, our lord will make a surprise attack. After the war breaks out, after the imperial court shows its strength, we will do it again!”

Wang Xian looked at Lan Qingyue on the side and said.

“Yes, kill them by surprise. Even if the Emperor Court has investigated all the power of the Dragon Palace, he can’t think that the Dragon Palace is now comparable to the four Void God Emperors.”

Lan Qingyue said with a smile on her face.

“It’s time for revenge.”

She murmured in a low voice.

Wang Xian raised his head, her pupils gleaming.

In his line of sight, in front of the sea of ​​abyss, the dense and endless army of abyss species has been lying in the front position.

More than 20 billion Abyss Seeds, 18 Immortal King Peak Abyss Seeds, this is Lan Qingyue’s subordinates.

And at a location not far away, the number of abyssal species gathered there is even greater.

Hundreds of billions, it is trembling to see from a distance!

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