Chapter 2796 The war begins and makes the whole world quiet 4



The roaring sound resounded through the abyss, and the coercion rushed towards the front without concealment.



Soon, dense and endless roars came in unison.

It was like a roar from a demon in the depths of the abyss, like a demon breaking out of the cage.

The roaring voice was full of madness and rage.

“All the disciples of Dragon Palace, prepare!”

Inside the Dragon Palace, 360,000 members of the King of Gods stood in front of the Dragon Field, holding weapons in their hands, full of cold murderous aura.


When the command sounded, a group of Dragon Palace leaders led them to fly outside.

The head in front was Wang Xian, and the heavenly formation stood one step behind him.

Flying out of the sea of ​​abyss, Wang Xian and their gazes looked forward, and what caught their eyes was the dense and endless variety of abyssal seeds.

The terrifying suffocation impacted the surroundings, and if the weak god king looked at them face-to-face, he might suffocate and die.

This is not an army, it is also hundreds of billions of Abyssal species.

In the upper position, four huge and incomparable existences exuding a more vast and terrifying aura are suspended.

The size of Xiaolan has reached more than 100 kilometers, and the size of small houses has reached 70 or 80 kilometers.

In the position on the right, there are two similarly terrifying existences.

A God Emperor Abyss Seed with huge wings and flames shrouded all over his body.

A black firework lingering around its body, like a special insect, standing upright God Emperor Abyss Species, eerie and terrifying, looks even more terrifying than the flame-shrouded God Emperor Abyss Species!

“We are in the back!”

Wang Xian gave a soft drink and immediately flew forward.

The dragon palace group flew directly towards the rear position of the abyss species.

In this battle, Dragon Palace is not responsible for the main force.


Above the position, the black flame-shrouded Divine Emperor Abyss Seed looked towards the rear and let out a low growl.

It then looked at Lan Qingyue again, turned its head and stared forward.

Obviously, it also knows the existence of Dragon Palace.


Lan Qingyue stood on Xiaolan’s body, patted his body lightly, and Xiaolan let out a roar full of coercion.


At the front position, more than 20 billion Abyssal species immediately roared and rushed toward the front.

Headed by the eighteen immortal kings peak and abyss species.


At the side position, the two abyss species of the God Emperor level also roared.




Various replies came, and the terrifying evil spirit rushed to the sky, and the abyss species of the black law system also flew forward.

Headed by the forty-seven God King Peak Abyss Species.

The strength of the black law system group is several times that of Lan Qingyue.

The main reason is that the promotion of Little Blue House has swallowed many Abyssal Seeds, and they only left more than 20 billion as their subordinates.

The abyssal army was driving, flying toward the front mightily.

“Ding Ding Ding!”

At the same time, in front of the battle line at the junction of the Imperial Court and Pingyi islands, a harsh warning sounded.

It’s completely different from yesterday’s warning sound.

“All the disciples of the Imperial Court are ready to fight!”

“This battle is mainly defensive. Remember, defensive is the main defense. This battle is the main defense. Let’s make this group of beasts more arrogant. It won’t be long before they are all wiped out!”

A voice sounded, and everyone on the front heard clearly.

“Erect defensive weapons, formations, and war equipment!”

The next moment, another voice full of majesty sounded.

“Are the animals coming?”

“Pick up the weapon, it’s a pity, this time it is mainly defense, I want to kill it!”

“Hahaha, fight!”

The entire front line immediately became operational.

The stars burning flames slowly flew towards the abyss.

One by one huge and incomparable war equipment, revealing a powerful force, entered the abyss battlefield.

“Biological battle wall, open it!”

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, a famous god king and strong man lined up and flew forward, holding a bright ball in their hands.

Throwing their hands, a roar sounded.

A very special creature quickly flew out of the orb, densely packed, very terrifying.

These creatures quickly gathered together and directly formed a city wall that was several billion kilometers long, tens of thousands of kilometers in height, and thousands of kilometers in thickness.

This is the biological battle wall!

Abyssal wars must break out in the abyss, because they do not enter the abyss, and the abyss species can expand the abyss with energy in the abyss.

The appearance of the biological battle wall can establish a battlefield that can be advanced and retreated for their imperial court.

A defensive front is established and completed at a terrifying speed.


“Hmph, I didn’t expect these beasts to start the attack so quickly!”

At this time, the command palace at the rear also slowly entered the abyss, and a dozen guards stood there.

The Great Guardian stood in front of a screen, watching the slightly vague scene in the screen, his eyes filled with murderous aura.

“There are a total of sixty-five immortal kings of the peak and abyss species, and our imperial court is no less than this group of beasts.”

A guardian looked at the Divine King Peak Abyss Seed in the front row, and said with a cold face.

“Look at the rear, that is from the Dragon Palace, this damn Dragon Palace, they really participated in this war.”

“It’s the Dragon Palace, huh, they really belong to the group of beasts from the Abyss, and I will hang the dragon king’s head in the imperial court penalty hall in the future!”

In the command hall, more than a dozen law protectors watched the dragon palace appear in the screen, with extremely cold expressions in their eyes.

“Put this picture on the brain, and let the people of the Emperor Star Territory have a look, hehe, although it is not the world of people who win the hearts of the people, the hearts of the people are also very useful.”

The Great Protector looked ahead, with an extremely cold expression in his eyes.

“It’s a great guardian!”

An imperial court guard nodded heavily, immediately turned on the brain, and accepted this scene.

Later, he published the video in the name of the imperial court protector.

“There is no difference between the dragon palace and the abyss species. Soon, our imperial court will seal up the head of the dragon king for the people of the emperor star field to cast aside!”

A video, in conjunction with the previous sentence, will be sent out immediately.

“There seems to be a feeling of being watched.”

At this moment, Wang Xian, who was following the Abyssal Army, looked in one direction, and the dragon eyes of Yin Yang and Five Elements flickered.


Under the gaze, a spark flashed in the void.

“There is a lot of surveillance!”

With his weird and terrifying figure, Baqi looked around with his eyes.

Sparks flashed through the surrounding void.

“Hehe, it’s time to win and lose!”

Wang Xian didn’t pay too much attention to these surveillances, his eyes shone with cold sheen.

He looked far ahead!

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