Chapter 2791 Promotion

“Qingyue, what is the situation on your side now?”

In the palace inside Xiao Lan’s body, Wang Xian looked at Lan Qingyue slightly distressed, and asked her.

“Xiaoxian, we have always taken the initiative now. Although I don’t know how many god emperors there are in the Imperial Court, we rely on the main battlefield of the abyss to advance, retreat, and defend.”

“Now on my side, I have 18 immortal god king peak powerhouses, and the rest of the abyss species are more than 20 billion. Xiaolan’s current strength can be comparable to the second-order Void God Emperor and the first-order Xiaozhai Void God Emperor.”

“With my strength, it is naturally not the opponent of the Emperor Court and theirs, but there is also an abyss species of the god emperor level. We have reached an alliance. It has many subordinates. There are dozens of the abyss species of the god king peak and its members. Reached hundreds of billions.”

“This time it attacked the imperial court, which was what it advocated, and we only joined in afterwards!”

Lan Qingyue said towards Wang Xian.

“Qingyue, your power is not weak!”

Wang Xian sighed slightly when she heard what she said.

The eighteen god king pinnacle’s subordinates are much more than today’s Dragon Palace.

“It’s okay, I agreed with the Abyss, that if you attack the front line of the Imperial Court in five days, the Imperial Court is also ready for the front line here!”

Lan Qingyue said with a smile.

“Five days later? Can you push it for half a month, half a month, Dragon Palace can get a huge improvement!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he said slightly.

“Half a month? There should be no problem, but I think Xiaoxian, we don’t need to participate in Dragon Palace.”

“This battle must be extremely tragic. My current subordinates, the many abyss species, they only obeyed orders when they were deterred by the coercion of the little blue house. They are not very intelligent, they only know how to kill, and die. died!”

Lan Qingyue frowned slightly and said.

“Hehe, don’t worry, this time the Dragon Palace has improved very high, and I will also be able to have the fighting power of the god emperor by then, and there will be a god emperor strong in the dragon palace!”

“The Ye God Emperor of the Ye Clan has fallen. I think we can call the God Emperor Abyss Seed on the Ye Leng Island over, and then we can jointly launch an attack. Our Dragon Palace can carry out a surprise attack, or we can kill them directly to their base camp. Time to consider long-term!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“This is fine too!”

Lan Qingyue nodded slightly.

During the war, if there were two more god emperors, it could almost change the situation of the battle!

“Let’s talk about the specific things in a while. I will first see if I can build a dragon palace in the abyss. Build a teleportation array here!”

Wang Xian stood up and flew towards the outside.

Lan Qingyue immediately followed behind them.

“Ding, do you want to establish a dragon palace.”

Arriving in the sky above Xiaolan, the sound of the system sounded, making Wang Xian’s eyes bright.

He took out the materials and immediately built a dragon palace here.

“Haha, it will be convenient after having this Dragon Palace!”

When Wang Xian saw the built Dragon Palace, his face showed excitement.

Being able to build a dragon palace in the abyss means that it can be directly teleported to other dragon palaces from the abyss.

In this case, if the main dragon palace is moved here, even if the emperor of the imperial court raided the devil island dragon palace, Wang Xian and the others can easily escape the crisis.

There is no problem even with sheltering Beichuan Sect and teaching them last month.

“Go, let’s go back to the main dragon palace first!”

Wang Xian said to a person.

“Go, Qingyue, let’s go home!”

A group of girls immediately entered the Dragon Palace and teleported towards the main Dragon Palace through the teleportation array.

Lan Qingyue looked at the familiar Dragon Palace with a smile on her face.


Entering the main dragon palace, Lan Qingyue looked around.

“Walking around Qingyue, the Dragon Palace has been upgraded when you are away, we will take you around!”

A group of girls gathered around Lan Qingyue and said immediately.

“Don’t worry, I will accompany Qingyue first, cough cough, you can also come over!”

Wang Xian coughed, and immediately flew towards the Dragon King Palace with Lan Qingyue.

As for what to do? Of course it is!

A group of girls gave her a roll of eyes and didn’t say anything.

It’s been seven years after all!

A few hours later, Wang Xian comfortably flew out of the palace above the Dragon King Palace, his face glowing!

Lan Qingyue also followed behind with a smile!

“Prime Minister Turtle, immediately control the Dragon Palace, fly into the abyss, and inform them that they will stay on the planet with the Dragon Palace. If they are attacked by a strong imperial court, they will directly enter the Dragon Palace and take them to the main Dragon Palace! ”

When Wang Xian came to the Dragon King Palace, he immediately ordered the Prime Minister tortoise.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded and responded immediately.

“The rest of the Dragon Palace powerhouses, all come to the front of Hualong Pond!”

Wang Xian gave a soft drink, and the voice spread throughout the dragon palace!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

All Dragon Palace members immediately responded loudly.

Wang Xian moved directly to the front of Hualong Pond.

The entire Hualong Pond is already full of dragon blood, and the sacred dragon blood exudes fragrance, which makes people have a desire to swallow it.

“Tianzhen, prepare for a breakthrough!”

Seeing the arrival of the heavenly formation, Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

“Finally a breakthrough!”

Tianzhen’s eyes were full of excitement, and if he breaks through again, he will restore the strength of the god emperor. Although he is still far from the peak period, it is also very close!

“All members of the Dragon Palace, in accordance with the rules of the Turtle Prime Minister, enter the Hualong Pond for promotion!”

Wang Xian glanced over the members and spoke.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The members of the Dragon Palace immediately responded and flew towards the Hualong Pond.

The entire Hualongchi possesses the resources for this battle. The corpse of the night god emperor can raise the heavenly formation to the battle power of the god emperor.

Ten corpses of immortal god king peaks can give Wang Xian the fighting power of a god emperor. With other resources, the Dragon Palace can also give birth to six god kings to fight at the peak and 65 god kings with ninth-tier fighting power.

After all Dragon Palace members are promoted, the powerhouse of Dragon Palace God King level can reach 350,000!

Now the total number of members of the Dragon Palace is only about 400,000, even if you add Ao Xie’s Devouring Dragon, it is only more than 500,000.

Ninety percent of them have the battle power of the god king, which is already very strong!

“Long Palace is here for you to handle!”

Wang Xian said, as soon as he moved his body, he also directly entered the Hualong Pond.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame and the others immediately responded.


With a roar, Wang Xian directly transformed into a colorful dragon in the air and fell into the center of Hualong Pond.

On the side, the Tianyuan also entered directly, and hundreds of thousands of Dragon Palace members around entered and improved!

After half a month, the strength of Dragon Palace will be earthshaking!

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