Chapter 2792 pre-war

“Boom boom boom!”

Located in the center of the Devil Island, the huge dragon palace flew directly out of a planetary sea and flew towards the abyss.

Although the speed of Dragon Palace is not as fast as that of Xiaozhai, it is still not slow.

Flying at full speed, two days should be able to reach the abyss sea in the abyss.

Longfeng also followed behind.

The flight of the Dragon Palace attracted a lot of attention.

On the Devil Island side, although Jiuxiao Broken the Sky and Last Moon are the main ones, there are still many ordinary people on the planets.

There are also some dark lines of the imperial court.

The huge and majestic Dragon Palace and Dragon Peak have attracted the attention of many powerful people.

Many people were slightly surprised by the Dragon Palace flying towards the abyss.

This also confirmed the fact that the Dragon Palace was connected to the God Emperor Abyss Species in the Abyss.

This incident was spread to the brain, and it even aroused the attention of the entire Emperor Star Territory. Countless people vilified the Dragon Palace as a traitor to humans, and the Dragon Palace should be damned.

They hoped that the Imperial Court could take action as soon as possible and completely wipe out the Dragon Palace.

The entire intellectual brain is full of abuse against Dragon Palace.

At first, there were people who helped Dragon Palace speak, but later they all disappeared.

Although the humans of the Wisdom Brain God Star Territory had verbally abused the Dragon Palace and asked the Emperor Court to destroy the Dragon Palace, there was no response from the Emperor Court.

It’s not that they don’t want to destroy the Dragon Palace, but that they don’t have this strength now.

Time passed day by day, and two days later, the Dragon Palace came to the abyss sea.

In the next few days, Wang Xian and the others were still in the Hualong Pond to improve their strength.

In the Dragon Palace, Lan Qingyue and Prime Minister Turtle are planning the next battle.

For several days, the entire Emperor Star Region was in tranquility.

This is the quiet before the war.

Zhi Nao is lively and lively all the time, but to many people’s regret, the Emperor Court still has no movement, and still has not taken any action to destroy the Dragon Palace.

Especially for the Night Clan, countless Night Clan people in the brain asked the Emperor Court to send troops to the Dragon Palace to destroy the Dragon Palace.

In today’s Night Clan, there is only one powerhouse at the peak of the god king in the entire group, which is a far cry from the peak period.

The birth of the night god emperor, instead of bringing them to another peak, it caused them to fall to the bottom!

Moreover, they must always be on guard against the Dragon Palace, what should they do if the Dragon Palace powerhouse attacks it?

“Taizu, we found a message here!”

At this moment, in the Void Crack Shrine in front of Pingyi Abyss, more than twenty emperor court guardians stood in the main hall, reporting toward the four vast figures in front.

This time, all the god emperors in the imperial court have arrived!


The four vast figures leaned on the god seat, and asked with some ugly expressions.

As for the current situation, they know best.

“Taizu, based on our detailed investigation these days, we have discovered a problem. Whether it is the woman of the Giant Beast System or the Dragon Palace, it is the small remote galaxy that appeared in the Xingnan Galaxy.”

“Although the galaxy is small, it has a very famous place, the battlefield of the Emperor’s Fall!”

A guardian in the center bowed his body and said respectfully.

“Emperor Falling Field?”

The four vast figures sat upright, glanced at each other, and frowned slightly.

Regarding the battlefield of Emperor Meteorite and the battle of Emperor Meteorite, they could say that they could not be more clear.

The battle of Emperor Met took place in their Emperor Star Territory, when the four of them were watching the battle from a distance.

That vast battle made them all palpitations. The terrifying Array Mage of the Sky Witch Realm, with an enemy to the entire Five Void God Emperors of the Witch Society, fought in the dark and dark, and killed countless powerful people in the Witch Society. In the end, Body falls.

Regarding the heavenly formation god emperor who died in battle, they also asked themselves, definitely not their opponents.

Even with all the power of their imperial court, it is not its opponent.

After that war, the Cheng Wuhui, which ranked the best in the seven domains, was reduced to its current intermediate level.

“It’s Taizu, the battlefield of the emperor’s fall, the legendary existence of the sky witch domain, according to what we know, the woman and the dragon palace appear around the battlefield of the emperor’s fall, and one more important point is that it is now in the dragon palace. There is a very powerful array mage.”

“The reason why the night god emperor was killed was that the formation mage arranged the formation, condensing the power of a dozen of the peak powers of the god king, and burst out the strength of the god emperor.”

“According to the result of our adjustment, the formation mage is called the sky formation, and the dragon peak of the dragon palace is always controlled by him, and it seems to have a very high status in the dragon palace.”

The guardian of the Emperor Court said with blinking eyes.

“Dragon Palace Heavenly Formation?”

The four vast figures were slightly startled, their eyes shone with lustre.

“We also found out that the formation mage possesses an extremely powerful formation ability. He can directly teleport the huge and incomparable dragon peak. The formation formation is difficult to shake at the same level.”

“One more thing, we found that a wood-attribute formation used to condense the Dragon Palace Heavenly Formation is very similar to the formation used by the Void God Emperor in the Wood Realm of the Heavenly Witch Realm.”

The guardian of the Emperor Court said, and with a wave of his arm, two pictures appeared.

One is the case where the commercial planet of the southern galaxy Longxing is shrouded in green branches and leaves, and the other is a picture of green leaves lingering over the towering trees.

The two look very similar!

“The formation mage in Dragon Palace was the former heavenly formation god emperor?”

A vast figure in the center stood up directly and said in shock.

“There is a great possibility!”

The three vast figures beside him also stood up directly, their eyes shone with luster.

“A former legendary god emperor is still alive. I really didn’t expect it, but we have no grievances with him, and what is the identity of the dragon king and that woman?”

A figure murmured.

“Regardless of the identity of the Dragon Palace Dragon King and that woman, just that day, the God Emperor, we are not able to contend in the peak period.”

A vast figure on the right said slowly.

“Isn’t that a fall? He hasn’t recovered to the peak yet, not to mention other things, just a heavenly formation god emperor is the sword of the hanging beam, and it must be solved.”

A figure in the center slowly sat down again, her eyes gleaming.

“The Cheng Wuhui was able to destroy the Heavenly Formation God Emperor, but now it can also destroy him, by the way…”

The three figures next to him also sat down slowly, with a cold expression on their faces.

“Hehe, if Cheng Wu would know that the Heavenly Formation God Emperor is not dead, he will definitely be scared to sleep and sleep, not to mention that now that the Heavenly Formation God Emperor has his own power, Cheng Wu will definitely not let him fully grow up. ”

The four figures glanced at each other, with a faint smile on their faces.

“If you contact the Cheng Wuhui, it may take more than ten or twenty days. We only need to keep this time!”

“At that time, Dragon Palace, that woman, will all die!”

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