Chapter 2790 See You Forever

All kinds of speech on the brain are flooded, and the imperial court disciples firmly believe that their imperial court is invincible, and the dragon palace will be destroyed soon!

Such remarks are supported by many people.

However, there are many people who disagree. In their opinion, although the Emperor Court is much stronger than the Dragon Palace, it has stood in the Emperor Star Region for more than 600 million years, and its background is unfathomable!

But it is impossible to destroy the Dragon Palace, after all, the Dragon Palace has two powerhouses at the Divine Emperor level.

There are only three god emperors in the entire emperor court, even if they are stronger than the dragon palace, the chances are still too small to say that the dragon palace is to be destroyed!

All kinds of controversies on Zhi Brain continued, and the Emperor Court kept silent all the time.

It’s not that they don’t want to break out, but that they can’t break out at all.

Especially when it was learned that the Dragon Palace was related to the woman of the Giant Beast System, the Imperial Court couldn’t move anymore!

They can raid the Dragon Palace on the Devil Island, but they will also be attacked by the monsters.

It’s really hard to say who will lose more at that time.

Emperor Court didn’t want to see this situation.

However, it was not until five hours later that the Imperial Court issued a message.

“The Dragon Palace and the abyss species in the abyss belong to the same group, and the abyss monsters belong to the Dragon Palace!”

As soon as this news came out, it shocked the entire Emperor Star Territory!

“The dragon palace and the god emperor in the abyss belong together? This…this…”

“They belong to the Abyss Seed? Is this true?”

“The Dragon Palace is the enemy of mankind, the enemy of our entire Emperor Star Territory. Destroy the Dragon Palace and destroy them!”

“No wonder the Emperor Court did not take action to destroy the Dragon Palace. It turns out that the Dragon Palace and the Abyss Seed belong together. They are human traitors and a scourge to mankind. Destroy the Dragon Palace!”

On the intellectual brain, some people don’t believe it, but the humans within the imperial court really believe in the imperial court’s statement.

In addition, the Great Sect of Nine Heavens Broken Heaven also said that a behemoth of the god emperor level flew from the depths of the abyss, and it was the subordinate of the Dragon King.

Able to enter the abyss, and be able to unite with the abyss species of the god emperor level, the Dragon Palace is a traitor to mankind!

Suddenly, more and more people on Zhi Brain shouted angrily to destroy the Dragon Palace and destroy the Dragon King!

Even the strong of the Great Sect of Heaven Breaking Nine Heavens was slightly surprised when he saw the statement made by the Emperor Court.

This statement of the Emperor Court may be true, but they also know how many Abyss Species the Dragon Palace has killed.

The hero list and the power merit list are all headed by Dragon Palace. Why do they hunt down the abyss species with them?

Or the abyss species that killed the pinnacle of the god king?

This is very suspicious.

Things may not be that simple.

However, despite all kinds of suspiciousness, the next intellectual brain, under the intentional guidance of the Emperor Court, made the Dragon Palace an existence that everyone shouted and beat.

Everyone said outrageously that they would destroy the Dragon Palace!

Support the imperial court god emperor to take action to kill the traitors of mankind.

This shout is very loud, after all, it was the Dragon Palace that brought the war to them.

“Dragon King, coming soon!”

They didn’t know the information Wang Xian on Zhi Nao.

Even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care about it. Zhi Nao belonged to the Imperial Court, so they could say what they wanted, and Dragon Palace couldn’t refute it at all.

The earth grandson stared at the front and said to Wang Xian!

“Are you here?”

Wang Xian stood up, staring forward with expectation in his eyes.

“That is, the sea of ​​abyss?”

Wang Xian stared at the front position, and a vast ocean appeared in sight.

How big is this ocean?

I can’t see the margin, and I can’t feel the margin!

“Yes, Dragon King, we call it the Sea of ​​Abyss. The entire Sea of ​​Abyss is so huge that Xiao Lan can swim in it for a few hours!”

From the side, the earth-grandson said with a smile.


Wang Xian nodded, staring at the front!


When the small house gradually approached, he let out a long and long roar, and the voice directly spread towards the deep sea!


A few dozen seconds later, a voice responded.

Wang Xian stared at the front, he could sense the position ahead, and the familiar breath was getting closer and closer to him!


Five minutes later, a huge figure appeared in their sight!

On top of that huge and incomparable figure, stood a beautiful figure.

Looking at that figure, Wang Xian showed an expression of excitement on his face.



From the side, Shuqing shouted with excitement on their faces.

Lan Qingyue stretched out her hand and waved towards them!


The distance was getting closer and closer. When Xiao Zhai and Xiao Lan stopped, a group of girls flew over, spread their arms and hugged Lan Qingyue.


“Sisters, meet again!”

A group of girls hugged each other, their eyes a little red.

Seven years gone!

It has been seven years since Lan Qingyue, Sun Lingxiu and Xiaolan, disappeared in order to contain the Thunder God Lord.

That time, if it weren’t for Lan Qingyue and the others, they would have died!

All the girls were extremely grateful to Lan Qingyue.

“Get away, let me hug!”

Wang Xian came over, looked at the girls hugging each other, and said with a smile on her face.

“Little Fairy!”

All the girls smiled, Lan Qingyue looked at Wang Xian, her eyes gleaming.

“Come on, let your husband hug!”

Wang Xian smiled, walked over and held her shoulder directly!

“Xiaoxian, I…I didn’t take care of Lingxiu, she…”

“Okay, okay, I know about Lingxiu, we just need to find her, I can sense that she is safe now!”

Lan Qingyue spoke with flushed eyes, but was directly interrupted by Wang Xian!

“Thanks for your hard work in these seven years!”

Wang Xian slowly patted Lan Qingyue’s shoulder.

“It’s not hard, I just miss you a little bit!”

Lan Qingyue whispered.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled and stroked her head: “Leave it to me for the rest of the matter.”

“Hmph, I am already very good now!”

Lan Qingyue raised her head slightly and said confidently.

Who could have imagined that the goddess who possessed two pets of the god emperor level looked like this?

“Well, our Qingyue is very powerful.”

Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the palace in Xiaolan’s body, there are still some business matters to be dealt with now!”

Lan Qingyue said with a smile.

“Well, let’s go!”

Wang Xian nodded, and the crowd immediately flew to Xiaolan’s mouth!


Xiao Lan let out a roar of joy when she saw Wang Xian!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian patted it and entered the palace inside it.

Xiaolan, hundreds of kilometers in size, is equivalent to a small town in his body.

“Xiao Xian, Lingxiu separated from me because of the strong man in the Imperial Court. Now I don’t know where to go. I must repay this grudge!”

Lan Qingyue came into the palace, showing a trace of evil spirits on her body.

After several years of hunting and killing, several moments of life and death, Lingxiu’s whereabouts are now unknown. She wants to avenge this grudge.

After seven years of adulthood, he has grown into an ancient god feeder who can be alone and decisive!

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