Chapter 2789


“Dragon King!”

“Dragon King!”

At the same time, at the location of the Devil Island, Wang Xian came to the planet where the Dragon Palace was located through the formation and the small house.

Next to it, the majestic Dragon Peak stands there.

Seeing the Dragon Palace and their arrival, the group of Dragon Palace immediately shouted respectfully.

“Let’s go, go back to the Dragon Palace first!”

Wang Xian nodded towards them and patted the small house on the head: “Go to the small house and look at your future home!”


The little house nodded slightly, and flew towards the Dragon Palace.

With a thought of Wang Xian, Xiao Zhai entered, feeling the energy inside, Xiao Zhai couldn’t help cheering.

“Prime Minister tortoise, send someone to bring all the dragon blood in Hualongchi to the small house to eat!”

He directly ordered to the side of Prime Minister Turtle.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Gui Cheng said accordingly!

“In addition, call all the leaders over and bring all the resources harvested this time!”

Wang Xian said again.


Arriving in the Dragon King Palace, a famous leader of the Dragon Palace and Tianzhen and them walked in soon.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

The faces of the group of people were full of excitement, and they worshipped respectfully.

“Well, tell me, how did you get from this battle?”

Wang Xian waved his hand and asked with a smile.

“Dragon King, we have gained a great deal in this battle, a Void Kingdom of God, a corpse of a god emperor, eleven corpses of an immortal god king, 65 ninth-tier corpses of a god king, and about 140,000 corpses of a god king and above!”

“In addition, Du Jiu obtained three corpses of the Divine King Tier Nine Abyss from the imperial court frontline treasury, and more than 10,000 Divine King corpses!”

“In addition, the combination of various resources should be comparable to three or four corpses of the god king peak!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile on his face immediately.

“Dragon King, that… can I continue to improve?”

Tian Zhen couldn’t help but asked excitedly.


Wang Xian sat there with a smile, and the Heavenly Formation had done a lot in this battle.

Moreover, after the sky formation was promoted, it was not a simple improvement. Once he was promoted, it would be able to easily destroy the first-order existence of the god emperor by himself.

Give him enough preparation, it is possible to destroy two or three.

However, Longfeng’s promotion has reached the line, unless there is a god emperor-level god tree as the basis, otherwise the sky formation will not be able to create a thorn monster that destroys the three god emperor level one!

“However, we still have some things to do, we have to go into the abyss!”

Wang Xian said to him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tian Zhen nodded slightly, he also knew that there were still some things to deal with.

“In this form, the Imperial Court does not know how it will react. All members should not be promoted for the time being. All members are prepared. Once the Imperial Court God Emperor comes over, immediately flee into the abyss!”

Wang Xian continued to order.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame and the others nodded.

No one knows how the Imperial Court will react, but Dragon Palace must be prepared!

“Heavenly Array Earth Grandson, now follow me into the abyss!”

Wang Xian stood up immediately and said to him.


The earth-grandson and the sky array immediately responded.

“Small house!”

Wang Xian yelled, and the three came to the front of the small house.


Kotaku stuck his tongue out, his eyes were a little excited, he wanted to beg for food!

“No, I’ll give it to you later and take us to your master!”

Wang Xian patted the little house and said to him.


The little house responded immediately.

“Xiaoxian, let’s go with you too!”

At this time, a group of girls who had received the news flew over and said towards Wang Xian.

“Well, let’s go!”

Wang Xian looked at them and nodded.

“I don’t know how Qingyue has been in the past few years, huh, that big villain in the Imperial Court, we will destroy them in the future!”

“That is, let Qingyue stay in the abyss alone for several years, and now Lingxiu doesn’t know where the person is!”

All the girls were very angry and came to the top of the little house!


“Qingyue is okay, and Lingxiu will be okay. She still has an earth dragon to protect her.”

Wang Xian comforted the group of girls.

When the earth grandson got the soul of the dragon, he felt something wrong at that time, but he was not willing to abandon the body of the dragon.

Later, when they met Qingyue and the others, Qingyue and the others were able to sense the body of his dragon.

Later, when he was hunting down, the earth-grandson was almost wiped out, his body collapsed, and Qingyue separated his body, a dragon-like body, and a body similar to Kun.

The body of the earth god dragon followed Lingxiu away from them.

All this was caused by the imperial court.

This hatred, Dragon Palace will soon repay.


The little house flew out of the Dragon Palace and let out a low growl, and a black hole appeared in front of him and went straight in.


The next moment, they came to a very far place.

The little house flew at full speed and quickly entered the abyss.


The small house that entered the abyss was like a king, exuding the coercion of the Void God Emperor.

Some of the abyss species within the abyss saw it, and immediately crawled there, not daring to move at all.

Some of the characteristics of Kun are similar to those of the Abyss Species.

“In a few hours, I will be able to see Qingyue!”

Wang Xian murmured, eyes full of expectation.

The so-called little couple wins newlyweds, they have been separated for about seven years.

They have never been apart for so long!

And when Wang Xian and the others flew towards Lan Qingyue’s position under the leadership of the little house, they were still in the Emperor Star Region, still boiling.

“What’s the situation, it’s been several hours now, there is no reaction from the imperial court?”

“This…I heard that five guardians of the Imperial Court were wiped out by the Dragon Palace, and the remaining disciples were tens of millions. Did the Imperial Court not react at all?”

“By the way, what’s the matter? The Emperor Court didn’t react at all. It wouldn’t be fear of Dragon Palace’s strength, right?”

“It’s really possible, after all, now that the Abyssal War broke out, and now there is such a thing as the Dragon Palace, the Emperor Court may not have time to take care of it!”

“I heard that the abyss on the Ye Leng Island is now devouring the void crazily, and the Ye Clan is completely in decline because of the Dragon Palace this time, and the peak powers are almost completely destroyed!”

On the intellectual brain, countless people have been discussing, and they have not responded to the Imperial Court in these few hours, full of surprise, but also full of sympathy for the Ye Clan, as well as some people’s ridicule.

“Our imperial court has nothing to do, we will destroy it with our hands. How about a dragon palace, even if there are two void god emperors? We have stood in this void for more than 600 million years, how can a dragon palace be able to fight it? ?”

“You must first settle in the outside world, all of you look at it, and it won’t be long before our Emperor Court will destroy the Dragon Palace!”

“What about the existence of two void god emperors? Soon, Dragon Palace and the others will become bereaved dogs!”

However, for the disciples of the imperial court, to the people in the imperial court domain, the imperial court has not done anything now, it is just preparing.

If you don’t do it, you will surely destroy the Dragon Palace!

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