Chapter 2785 Shocking The World

“Welcome to the triumph of the Dragon Palace, congratulations to the Dragon King!”

A trembling voice sounded at the entrance of the abyss, and Jiu Xiao Grand taught them all to bow their bodies, their eyes full of awe.

This is the awe from the heart!

In today’s battle, Dragon Palace won!

The strength displayed by Dragon Palace shocked them!

A behemoth of the god emperor level, and the powerful and terrifying thorn monster of Dragon Palace, can contend with the thorn monster of the god emperor!

Although the strength of the nearly 300,000 god-king powerhouses is much different than that of the imperial court, does the imperial court dare to fight with such a dragon palace?

Especially when the battle of the abyss broke out!

Another point is that the god-emperor-level behemoth under the dragon king now can communicate and unite with the god-emperor-level abyss species. What does this mean?

In any case, the Dragon Palace nowadays, Yiran has become a terrifying existence.

Wang Xian glanced over them and nodded faintly!

“Dragon King, the front line has all been done!”

At this moment, at the front line, Du Jiu led the tens of thousands of powerful gods in the Dragon Palace to fly over here, reporting with excitement on his face.

“very good!”

Wang Xian glanced across the planets ahead, with a faint smile on his face.

He patted Xiaozhai on the head, and flew towards Du Jiu!

Prime Minister Tianjin Turtle and they immediately flew over.

Seeing this, the earth-grandson also hurriedly followed!

“Dragon King, all the planets have been taken down, and the imperial court guardian has also been killed by me, but many imperial court experts have escaped!”

Du Jiu came to Wang Xian and said fiercely in his heart.

He did a big thing!

“How about the teleportation formation?”

Wang Xian asked!

“The teleportation formation has been destroyed, and it will take a day or two for the people of the Imperial Court to come here!”

Du Jiu immediately responded.

“Such a distance, even if it is the Void God Emperor, it will take five or six hours!”

The celestial formation on the side calculated it and said!

“Five or six hours? Five or six hours may already be an abyss here!”

Wang Xian murmured.

“Dragon King, this time I got a lot of treasures, and there are some abyss-type corpses. This time I made a lot of money!”

Du Jiu said with excitement.

Wang Xian smiled and looked at the native grandson on the side!

“Hey, Dragon King, I am the emperor of the earth dragon!”

The earth grandson walked towards Wang Xian respectfully with a wink, and said with a smile.

“Honestly, where are Qingyue and the others now, tell us about their situation!”

Wang Xian patted him and asked.

“Yes, Dragon King, you don’t know, when the master and Lingxiu were hunted down, Xiaolan took them to escape and just met the villain!”

“We entered the energy tide and shuttled through the long black hole into a chaotic area. We almost died there. Fortunately, Xiaolan and the master are amazing!”

“But when we rushed out of the chaotic area, we met some of the disciples of the Imperial Court. At first they were okay, but then suddenly they coveted Xiaolan. If they wanted to get Xiaolan, the master naturally disagrees!”

“After they wanted to kill the master, we killed him, but we didn’t know the background and strength of that group of people!”

“As a result, we have been hunted down for several years. Fortunately, Xiaolan has grown rapidly and has avoided disasters time and time again.”

“But also because of Xiaolan’s rapid growth, it attracted the attention of the imperial court powerhouses. They wanted to get Xiaolan even more. Later, we fled to the Abyss Seed after untold hardships. In the middle of the journey, the villain almost died. Fortunately, the master rescued me!”

“However, my true body of the earth god dragon and the master of the spirit show were separated from us while fleeing!”

“What, Lingxiu is separated from you?”

When the earth grandson said this, Wang Xian’s face changed drastically, and he immediately interrupted her to ask, his eyes flashing with evil spirits.

“Yes, Dragon King, but don’t worry, Dragon King. The villain’s real body of the earth god dragon will protect Master Lingxiu, and under my induction, my real body has not died yet, which means that Master Lingxiu will not die either!”

“My native grandson guarantees my life, as long as my native grandson is not dead, there will be nothing wrong with Master Lingxiu!”

The earth-grandson raised his head and said loyally.

Wang Xian’s face was slightly embarrassed.

He wasn’t too worried about Qingyue’s safety, because she had inherited the inheritance of the ancient god Feeding Kun, and possessed Xiaolan with many methods.

But Sun Lingxiu doesn’t have so many methods!

Fortunately, Dragon Palace did not sense Lingxiu’s death!

“go on!”

Wang Xian said with a calm face.

“It’s the Dragon King. We entered the abyss, and the powerhouse of the imperial court still chased us, but the abyss is also like a fish in water for Xiaolan. Xiaolan swallowed a large number of abyss species and became stronger and stronger, and later possessed the strength of the god emperor! ”

“After Xiaolan became a god emperor, we were safe. The owner nurtured a small house, and later clashed with a god emperor-level abyss species in the abyss. After beheading it, the small house also had a god emperor level. Strength!”

“After that battle, we also got acquainted with the other two Divine Emperor Abyss Species in the abyss. We called them Fire Killer and Dark Darkness respectively!”

“That fellow Minghei has always wanted to do things, want to expand the abyss, and my master and I are also full of hatred for the imperial court. Master Lingxiu is even more ignorant of the situation now, so we unite with Minghei Huosha!”

“However, we are mainly responsible for the border between Pingyi Island and Emperor Court. The war has not completely broken out yet!”

The narrative of the earth-grandson changed and stood respectfully beside Wang Xian.

“Emperor Court!”

When Wang Xian heard his words, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The earth-grandson said it was simple, but Wang Xian could understand the danger in it!

It can force Lingxiu to be separated from Qingyue, and it can make an ancient god feed the Kun master run away for several years.

They must have survived time and time again, life and death crisis again and again!

“How is the situation on Qingyue now?”

Wang Xian asked gloomily.

“Dragon King, the situation on the master’s side is okay, we have the advantage of the abyss, they dare not attack it!”

The earth grandson said immediately.

“How long does it take to reach Qingyue from the abyss here? How long does it take to reach the abyss on the devil island?”

Wang Xian continued to ask with blinking eyes!

“At the speed of a small house, it’s almost the same!”

The earth-grandson groaned for a moment, and said!


“All Dragon Palace disciples, prepare to return to Dragon Palace!”

“Prime Minister Turtle, immediately declare war on the Imperial Court!”

With killing intent flashing in Wang Xian’s eyes, he immediately ordered the dragon palace members behind him!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A group of members immediately responded with Prime Minister Kame.

Prime Minister Turtle immediately took out his wisdom brain, with a cold and wanton look on his face!

“The Dragon Palace will declare war on the imperial court until one party perishes!”

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