2786: CodyCross Popcorn Time Group 393-Puzzle 3 Answers

“The Dragon Palace will declare war on the imperial court until one party perishes!”

A very brief announcement!

But what this line means is clear to everyone!

“All Dragon Palace disciples, enter the Dragon Peak!”

At this time, the Heavenly Formation took Long Feng over and said to all the members.

The members of the Dragon Palace immediately flew towards the Dragon Peak!

“Dragon King, I can directly teleport Longfeng back. If I want to teleport the small house, I need half an hour to arrange the formation!”

The sky array flew over and said towards Wang Xian.

“Well, arrange the formation and bring the little house over!”

Wang Xian said immediately!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianma nodded.

A group of Dragon Palace members entered the Dragon Peak, and slowly, the whole Dragon Peak slowly became illusory, and immediately disappeared directly!

“Xiao Zhai, you go over there to cooperate with the sky formation.”

Wang Xian spoke towards the small house!


The little house shook its huge body and flew towards the side position.

Tianzhen immediately set up an array beside him!

“Then the entire Dragon Peak has disappeared. This is a large teleportation formation!”

At this moment, not far away, a group of powerful men saw this scene with a look of surprise on their faces.

“The formation mage in Dragon Palace is really terrifying!”

Some strong men murmured.

Knowing that the entire Dragon Peak is the size of a planet, but it is directly teleported. This shows the horror of the Dragon Palace Mage!

“This field is about to be swallowed by the abyss, everyone, leave as soon as possible!”

At this moment, Wang Xian’s voice sounded.


“Is this going to be swallowed by the abyss?”


Hearing Wang Xian’s words, everyone’s expressions changed, and they looked into the abyss!

In their sight, a large number of Abyssal Seeds flew toward this side, and everyone’s expression changed slightly.

“Look at Zhi Nao, Zhi Nao went to Dragon Palace and they issued a statement!”

At this moment, a shocked voice came, and some people immediately turned on their wisdom brains.

“The Dragon Palace will declare war on the imperial court until one party perishes!”

Everyone’s face suddenly changed when they saw this line of words.

There was a bad feeling in their hearts that Emperor Star Territory might be caught in a war next time!

The Emperor Court, which has stood in the Emperor Star Region for hundreds of millions of years, has also encountered an opponent!

This declaration of Dragon Palace also attracted the attention of countless people on Zhi Brain at this time!

Not long ago, the Dragon Palace attacked the frontline planet of the Imperial Court and killed the strong and disciples of the Imperial Court. This matter had already been boiling in the Imperial Court.

The entire intellectual brain is all verbal abuse of the Dragon Palace, and a large number of Dragon Palace ruined and made dead comments.

Now that the Dragon Palace declared war on the Emperor Court again, at this moment, countless people on the brain laughed.

“Hahaha, this is the most funny joke I have seen since I was born. A dragon palace declared war on the imperial court until one party perishes. Is there such a hunt for death?”

“This is because of what made the Dragon Palace Dragon King so demented and crazy, and declared war on the Imperial Court. Don’t you think that you are at the same level as the Imperial Court?”

“Hahaha, the Dragon Palace is really swollen. During this period of time, many people said that the Dragon Palace is powerful, and now they dare to declare war on the Emperor Court. It is estimated that the Dragon Palace will not survive for three days!”

“I guess one day, one day later, a god emperor from the Imperial Court descends to the Dragon Palace and makes it disappear with his hand!”

Not long after this information from Dragon Palace was released, it caused countless replies!

Seeing this information, everyone thought it was ridiculous.

In the eyes of everyone in the Emperor Star Territory, the Dragon Palace and the Emperor Court are ants and elephants!

The two are not at the same level at all.

Even if they learned that the Dragon Palace had attacked the frontline planet of the Imperial Court, it was still ridiculous to watch this declaration of war.

The front line is because the imperial court powerhouse and the night clan night god emperor entered the abyss to hunt down the abyss species, and a number of planets were attacked by the Dragon Palace.

Maybe the imperial court powerhouse and the night god emperor arrived, and they directly destroyed the Dragon Palace!

Even without the imperial court, the Ye Clan will destroy it!

A few days ago, the Night God Emperor killed the Dragon King’s apprentice. Isn’t the Dragon King afraid to let go?

What a joke to provoke the imperial court!

Don’t even dare to be arrogant in front of the Ye God Emperor, let alone the Emperor Court?

“Ha ha!”

All the people in Jiuxiao Grandmaster saw the comments below, and their faces were full of mockery.

Now the entire Emperor Star Region didn’t know what happened here.

“Old Ancestor, shall we spread the news here? I really want to see the reaction of the Emperor Star Territory!”

At this time, a Jiuxiao strongman said with a smile.

“Also, we have cleared away this battle, and once again declare that it has nothing to do with us!”

The ancestor Jiuxiao groaned and nodded.

After all, the battle of the abyss is so shocking!

They can already predict that the Emperor Star Territory will shake the world!


“Damn Dragon Palace, dare to provoke our imperial court, and even dared to take advantage of the imperial court and the night clan powerhouses to no longer raid our frontline planets. How many lives do they have to live?”

“Originally I thought this Dragon Palace was pretty good, but now it’s dead, provoking us, and can’t stay!”

At the same time, in front of the abyss battlefield at the junction of Pingyi Island and Emperor Court, in the vast palaces, dozens of Emperor Court guardians gathered together.

Here, it can be said that all the god king peak powerhouses in the imperial court.

The very old guardian holding a cane roared murderously.

This old man is the god king peak guardian when the emperor son and daughter were selected, and he is also the former emperor!

“Tiger, don’t be angry. Just a little dragon palace. Taking advantage of the war in the abyss, we jumped around. Our imperial court powerhouse and the Ye God Emperor of the Night Clan all entered the abyss. Only then did the Dragon Palace succeed. After the Night God Emperor came out, , There is no need for us to do anything, just hand it over to the night clan!”

An old man next to him said indifferently.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for the destruction of the teleportation array, I would lead people to kill directly before the war in Pingyi broke out, the little dragon king, how furious?”

The very old guardian holding a cane still snorted coldly!

“The Dragon Palace is just a little grasshopper. The main thing is the war here. Just hand the little grasshopper to the night clan. Don’t be distracted!”

Another old man next to him said with a smile.

“Anyway, a guardian of ours cannot be contacted. We should have been attacked and assassinated by the Dragon Palace. This crime is enough to destroy the Nine Clan of the Dragon Palace. After this battle, a killing order was issued. All the forces, planets and people related to the Dragon Palace, all Extinguish!”

In the center, a burly old man said coldly.

“Yes, no one has dared to provoke our imperial court for hundreds of millions of years, and let the other forces of the emperor star region know how to offend us!”

Several elders around nodded in agreement.

“Huh? No, look at Zhinao!”

At this moment, suddenly, an old man’s eyes widened, his body trembling a little, stood up and shouted!

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