Chapter 2784 Shocking The World 1


When the vitality of the night god emperor completely disappeared, in this abyss, raindrops appeared out of thin air, and the raindrops fell downward.

In the abyss, it’s raining!

The fall of a powerful existence is often accompanied by changes in the world!

Especially the night god emperor’s level, whose vitality dissipates the terrifying energy can affect this abyss!

Maybe the night god emperor is the god emperor with the shortest living time in this bright starry sky.

Yuan thinks that he became an emperor at the beginning, and everyone is paying attention to it, and no one is in the eyes.

The Dragon Palace, which is stronger than the night clan before, is called the Little Dragon Palace!

But now, the Night God Emperor has fallen into the hands of Dragon Palace.

This may be something he would never have thought of in the first place!


Seeing the fall of the night god emperor, and seeing the fall of a human god emperor, the Flame Void God Emperor Abyss Seed also let out a roar of excitement.

Its gaze swept across Wangxian and the crowd, and landed on the small house.


Xiaozhai passed some information to him, and flew towards Wang Xian’s position!

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled, his figure moved and fell directly on top of the small house!

With a wave of his arm, he put away the body of the Night God Emperor, and at the same time put away the Void God Kingdom.

“It’s raining, it’s raining, this… it’s raining in the abyss too!”

“This is…this is…when the Night God Emperor flew over after becoming an emperor, it was also accompanied by rain. The rain now gives people a sad feeling. This is a sign that the Night God Emperor has fallen!”

“The Night God Emperor has fallen!”

In the rear position, watching the sudden heavy rain, everyone opened their mouths slightly!

From the heavy rain in the sky, they have already got a message that the god emperor has fallen!

At this moment, for everyone from the Ye Clan and the Heavenly Demon Great Sect’s forces, it was dark before their eyes. Although they already had the answer in their hearts, the result is still like this, and it is still difficult for them to accept.

The face is ashamed, and the heart is dead!

“The Night God Emperor has fallen, where are the Dragon Kings?”

At the entrance of the abyss, a group of powerful people stood there, staring at it.

The night god emperor can already be determined to have fallen, but what about the Dragon King and the others?

Was there a strong man who was killed by the night god emperor’s counterattack before he died?

“It has appeared, it has appeared, look at it, look!”

At this time, the sound of exclamation sounded, and everyone looked towards the depths of the abyss together.

A behemoth slowly appeared in everyone’s sight.

On both sides of the behemoth, there are a dozen figures in a row!

That is the peak powers of the gods and kings of Dragon Palace!

“That’s the Dragon King!”

At this time, everyone saw that on the top of that behemoth, the Dragon King was standing on it, looking down at the void ahead!

“The Dragon King is not dead, and a strong man in the Dragon Palace is not dead!”

“Hi, the night god emperor’s dying counterattack did not kill any of them!”

Seeing the behemoth slowly flying towards this side, shocked expressions appeared on everyone’s faces.

The Night God Emperor is dead, but everyone in the Dragon Palace is alive!

Standing on the top of the small house, Wang Xian quickly came to the front of the disciples in the Dragon Palace at its speed.

In the Dragon Palace Disciple Center, there are also a group of powerful men and disciples of the Ye Clan and the Heavenly Demon Great Sect.

“The night god emperor is dead!”

Standing on the small house, Wang Xian said five words faintly.

The night god emperor is dead!

“Hahaha, the night clan is over, we are over!”


Wang Xian’s words made the surroundings silent, and before long, a dull laugh full of despair sounded!

When the voice fell, he held the sword in his hand and committed suicide directly!

Their end is doomed, their faith has collapsed, and they have reached a dead end, so they can just decide on their own!

“Hehe, let’s die together!”

One person committed suicide, and soon a middle-aged old man closed his eyes and shouted loudly.

“Jie Jie Jie, don’t be so sad, don’t be so bleak, today is a good day, the king and the loser, congratulations on your defeat, and die happily!”

Mo Sha looked at some people who committed suicide, and said with a big smile, without any emotion on his face!

“Yes, today is a good day,

Everything you want can be done;

Today is a good day,

We opened the door to the spring breeze! ”

Yaki cracked his mouth!

“Fuck, why are you singing this brother? Hahaha, Dragon King is Invincible, Dragon Palace is Invincible!”

The earth grandson swept across the evil spirit Baqi, and said slightly silently, followed by raising his arm, and the real arm shouted!

“The Dragon King is invincible, the Dragon Palace is invincible!”

The rest of the Dragon Palace members were also excited and shouted in excitement!

Dragon King is invincible, Dragon Palace is invincible half a word, resounding through the entire abyss!

“Clean up, clean up the surroundings, let’s go out!”

Wang Xian glanced at the Night Clan Tianma Great Teacher and the crowd, and said indifferently.


The members of the Dragon Palace heard the order, the Night Clan didn’t have many people, and they were all cleared in less than twenty seconds.

Facing Dragon Palace’s attack again, they had completely lost their resistance and could only wait for death with their eyes closed.

As the evil spirit said, the winner is defeated!

If the dragon palace is weak, it is the dragon palace to be slaughtered!

The one who died was the disciple of the Dragon Palace.

“Last month, Beichuan Sect, Dragon Mang Group, Ancient God Dynasty, you lead your disciples back to the Devil Island first, and go to the place near our Dragon Palace planet!”

“Don’t worry, our Dragon Palace will handle the next few things!”

Wang Xian glanced over the Beichuan Sect of the Great Teacher last month and said.

“It’s the Dragon King, thank you Dragon King. We have been blessed by the Dragon Palace, but now we are acting, but we are just asking for peace of mind!”

The teacher said with excitement on their faces last month.

Wang Xian nodded lightly.

Around, members of the Dragon Palace quickly cleaned the battlefield, packing up a corpse.

This time, for the Dragon Palace, the harvest was great.

“Dragon King, it has been handled!”

Soon, the entire abyss battlefield was cleaned up, and Prime Minister Turtle reported with excitement!

“Let’s go!”

Wang Xian, nodded with a smile on his face.


The Dragon Peak is running, and some members of the Sky Eye and Arrow Club enter the Dragon Peak!

The rest of the group of more than two hundred thousand dragon palace powerhouses accompany around Longfeng, flying mightily towards the abyss.

When it comes, enemies are everywhere!

Return is invincible!


The little house let out a low growl, staring curiously at the world beyond the abyss!

“Dragon Palace, they are out!”

“Dragon King and they are out!”

Outside the abyss, the disciples of the powerful forces in Jiuxiao and the others saw the Dragon Palace flying over, and they were a little flustered!

They all looked at the behemoth in awe, and looked at the dragon king on the behemoth!

“We are not an enemy of the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon King shouldn’t kill us either, so let’s pay a tribute!”

The ancestor of the Great Master of Nine Heavens said to all the disciples in a deep voice.

“Welcome to the triumph of the Dragon Palace, congratulations to the Dragon King!”

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