Chapter 2783 The Emperor Falling Down

“Wizard? Wizard?”

The Ye God Emperor’s figure appeared in the rain area, and his expression kept changing when he heard the words of the sky array.

“How could you be a wizard, you are farting!”

He roared in disbelief.

Regarding wizards, he also knows a little bit, the biggest power in the Sky Witch Realm becomes the wizard guild, and their ultimate goal is to become a wizard.

But how many people in the entire Chengzhihui dared to call themselves wizards?

Sweeping his gaze around, he noticed that his rain area was completely covered by a beam of wood attribute energy, and his face was extremely embarrassed.

The law of supernatural power rain domain is his biggest trump card now. After the rain domain is used, as long as a drop of rain escapes from here, he will be able to follow this drop of rain to escape.

But now his rain area is covered, completely trapping him!

This made him have a very bad premonition!


When Tian Zhen heard his questioning, his face was full of cold expression, and with a wave of his arm, thorns lashed towards the Ye God Emperor.

“Jie Jie Jie, when it comes to the sore spot of the old man in the sky array, fuck him!”

Baqi and Mosha let out a sharp laugh.

“Boom boom boom!”

When the Tianyuan drove the attack of the thorn monster, a terrifying flame suddenly rose.

The surrounding temperature suddenly rises!

“The existence of the god emperor level has also released the magical powers of the law, the night god emperor, prepare to die, hahaha!”

Wang Xian and the others sensed the terrifying flames, their eyes bloomed with hot luster, and they roared with laughter.

“Oops, is my night god emperor going to fall here, I’m not reconciled!”

The Ye God Emperor saw the terrifying flames rising, and his body trembled as he watched the thorns attack him.

His pupils are full of unwillingness!

He has just been promoted to the Divine Emperor!



At this moment, the violent voices below continued to sound, and the night god emperor’s body trembled, and a large mouth of blood was spit out from his mouth.

His eyes also overflowed with blood and tears!

His gaze quickly looked down, and his Void God Kingdom had already been destroyed by more than half.

“Do not!”

He roared desperately with blood and tears on his face.

The kingdom of God is a source of energy for the gods. Once the kingdom of gods is destroyed, their resilience will be greatly weakened.

Even the destruction of the kingdom of God will cause great harm to itself.

Next, every time the little house destroys the Void God Kingdom, the night god emperor’s injury will be aggravated.

The kingdom of God was destroyed, and he was faced with two attacks of the same level. A crisis of death had haunted him.



At this time, the laws and supernatural powers of the Flame God Emperor’s Abyss had been released, and the sound of flames burning and raindrops sounded.

The Ye God Emperor’s face was bloodstained, his hands in a state of madness clenched the trident artifact in his hands.

“Dragon Palace, Dragon King, I am dead today, and I will also take you away!”

“I’m fighting with you!”

He screamed frantically, and the energy of his whole body poured into the trigeminal artifact.

There are vast laws of water blooming on the trigeminal artifact!

His whole person seemed to be integrated into the trigeminal artifact, directly turned into a blue light, and attacked towards the thorn monster!

Today, everything is caused by the Dragon Palace, by the Dragon King and others.

The death of the Ye Clan disciple, and now his situation, everything is Dragon Palace!

Now facing death threats, his heart is full of unwillingness and fury.

Everything is because of the Dragon Palace, even if you die, everyone in the Dragon Palace will be wiped out!


When Tian Zhen saw his attack coming, his eyes showed icy evil spirits.

“This…Did you hear the sound inside? Did you hear it?”

“It’s the roar of the night god emperor, it’s the night god emperor, he is driven to a desperate situation, it’s over!”

“What’s the situation in the battle inside? Is the Night God Emperor going to fall? The Night God Emperor wants to die with the Dragon King and the Dragon Palace?”

“Our ancestor, he…he…”

The front of the battle roared endlessly, and when the roars of the night god emperor came, everyone’s eyes widened, full of amazement.

The voice of the night god emperor was full of sorrow and unwillingness, they could already imagine the situation of the night god emperor!

All the disciples of the Ye Clan who are still alive, their eyes are full of dead gray.

Once their ancestors and their god emperors perish, then their Ye Clan will be completely finished.

“A god emperor is going to fall?”

At the entrance of the abyss, the bodies of the powerful forces of Nine Heavens Broken Sky trembled.

The fall of the god emperor, this is the fall of the god emperor!

How many god emperors are there in the entire Emperor Star Region?

Now one is going to fall!

And the night god emperor is still the god emperor who has just been promoted!


“Is the Ye God Emperor going to die with the Dragon King and the Dragon Palace? Will the Dragon King and the Dragon Palace also die?”

“It is very possible. After all, the Night God Emperor is a real God Emperor. Even if it is to be killed, the Dragon King will have to pay some price. What’s more, the Dragon King and the others use a special method to fight against the Night God Emperor. If Emperor Zhen desperately pulls some people, he can still do it!”

Several powerful people next to them were talking there.

This battle really opened their eyes and shocked their hearts.

“Boom boom boom!”

“Ah, ah, I’m not reconciled, I think of the night god emperor, who has just been promoted to the god emperor, and has endless life span, and endless power. I am not reconciled, not reconciled!”

At this moment, suddenly a voice full of despair and unwillingness resounded through the world.

It can be heard clearly with a radius of tens of billions of kilometers, even on a number of planets on the front line.

Accompanied by screams and unwillingness, there was a roar!

Hearing this voice, everyone trembled, their eyes widened for a long time, and their eyes were a little blood red!

In the center of the battlefield at this moment, below is a completely collapsed Nether God Kingdom.

In the sky above, there is a corpse suspended.

The corpse was covered with flames, and tiny thorns penetrated his body.

He opened his eyes wide, lying there full of unwillingness.

The sky array controlled the thorn monster to slowly fly over, looking down at the Night God Emperor.

“Cough cough, cough cough!”

The last ray of life of the Ye God Emperor supported his body and stared at Wang Xian.

He was dying. Before he died, he didn’t even kill a Dragon Palace powerhouse.

“Don’t be so unwilling, when you dare to kill my apprentice, your ending is doomed, it’s just that you will live a few years less!”

Wang Xian stared at the Ye God Emperor and said lightly.

“you you…”

He opened his mouth to speak, but a lot of blood poured out.

“Hehe, becoming a god emperor, originally you could be happy and happy by yourself and lead the Ye Clan to the top, but unfortunately, you have offended our Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said slowly, and with a wave of his arm, the claws condensed by the law fell directly on his head!


The new god emperor has fallen!

Emperor Fall!

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