Chapter 2765 The Emperor Star Territory is terrified 1


In the Dragon King Palace, Bei Shuang’s vitality slowly recovered.

From the side, the Emperor Star Girl stared with wide eyes, her eyes flushed and her mouth opened wide, looking very cute.

Slowly, the leaders of the Dragon Palace came to the Dragon King Palace and waited quietly there.

Even if Beishuang was killed, even if the Dragon Palace could save him, they would feel the murderous aura from the Dragon King.


Ten minutes later, Bei Shuang made a sound, slowly opened his eyes, and stared at the surroundings blankly.

“This is… this is?”

She has looked around suspiciously.

Wasn’t she killed by the Night God Emperor?

Why is she here?

“Sister Beishuang, you are awake, great, great!”

At this time, the voice of the emperor star girl cheered nearby.

Bei Shuang got up slightly and touched his body.

“I’m not dead yet!”

Muttered in her mouth.

“You have been saved by Wang Xian, come back to life, come back to life, that’s amazing!”

The voice of the emperor star girl’s exclamation continued to ring.

Bei Shuang looked at Wang Xian on the side.

Wang Xian gently helped her body and looked at her with a smile on his face.

“Join the Dragon Palace!”

He said directly towards Beishuang.

“It’s the master, Beishuang listens to the master!”

Bei Shuang nodded slowly.

“With your physique, you can go to Hualongchi and have a try!”

As Wang Xian said, with a wave of his arm, he led Bei Shuang and the Emperor Star Girl to the front of Hualong Pond.

“What is the effect of this Dragon Pond?”

The Emperor Hualongchi Star Girl had seen it from a distance, but she didn’t know the specific situation.

“The Dragon Palace transforms the dragon pond into a dragon. Of course, it is difficult to transform into a real dragon, but even an ordinary dragon species is extremely powerful!”

“The reason why I was willing to accept you as a disciple was because of your physique. Your physique has the opportunity to transform into the Frost Dragon, a powerful mutant dragon!”

Wang Xian did not answer the words of the Emperor Star Girl, and said to Bei Shuang.


“Master, are you teaching my cultivation method the same as the cultivation method of the Frost Dragon?”

Bei Shuang looked at him with blinking eyes.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and patted her shoulder: “Enter the Hualong Pond, and you will become a person in the Dragon Palace forever. Enter it!”

“It’s the master!”

Bei Shuang nodded, without hesitation, flew directly towards the Hualong Pond.

Inside, there is some dragon blood.

“Turn into a dragon, Wang Xian, I also want to turn into a dragon, am I the pinnacle of the universe? Can I become a fairy dragon?”

The emperor star girl on the side became active and said with bright eyes.

“You are not qualified enough to turn into a fairy dragon, at least you don’t look good!”

Wang Xian looked at her and joked.

“Huh! How is this possible, I am a famous goddess in the Emperor Star Territory!”

The Emperor Star Girl curled her lips.

“Haha, okay, you can contact your mother, I will send someone from the Dragon Palace to take her over, you also think about it, come here, you can’t go back!”

As Wang Xian said, there was a cold flash in his eyes.

“Think about it. If it wasn’t for me, my mother would have wanted to leave the Imperial Court long ago!”

The Emperor Star Girl nodded heavily.


Wang Xian nodded, his body moved, and he returned to the Dragon King Palace again!

“Dragon King!”

A group of Dragon Palace leaders respectfully yelled at him.

“We still have five days to prepare. In these five days, find a way back and be fully prepared!”

“After another five days, I want Emperor Court and Ye Clan to pay a heavy price!”

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Xian roared with a full face.

“The Dragon King can rest assured, we will definitely be ready. If they don’t destroy the five or six immortal king peak powerhouses, they really think our Dragon Palace can be pinched to death at will!”

Tianzhen said coldly.

“Haha, this time Big Brother Demon Baqi said, I want you to see the strength of our venom horned dragon species!”

On the side, Du Jiu said with a smile.

“Hehe, I hope that the two guys from Baqi Demon Sha can make the old man an eye-opener!”

Tianzhen smiled.

“Sky Formation, how is the formation method researched?”

Wang Xian asked towards the sky array.

“Dragon King, it has been completed, one manpower, two venomous horned dragons, one can be crushed directly to return to the dragon peak, the other crushed to be able to escape directly, the second destination has not been selected yet!”

Tian Zhen immediately responded.


Wang Xian nodded slightly: “Then we, just wait for five days!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A group of Dragon Palace leaders yelled, and a wave of violent aura surged over their bodies.

The emperor star girl who flew over stared her eyes wide as she felt the power.

Under her induction, the power of the peak powerhouse of the Immortal King is no less than eight!

“Wang Xian, is he going to go to war with the Ye Clan Emperor Court?”

The Emperor Star Girl murmured.

As time passed day by day, the entire Emperor Star Territory was completely boiling over the past two days.

The ancestors of the Ye Clan made a sensation in the emperor’s throne, and the birth of a god emperor was enough to shock everyone.

God emperor, high above, that is an invincible existence.

The ancestors of the Ye Clan have achieved the throne. It can be said that the Emperor Star Region has another epic-level power.

In addition to the birth of the night god emperor, the fact that the night god emperor directly killed the Frost Goddess also caused quite a stir.

Goddess of Frost, anyone with a little bit of strength knows this enchanting daughter of Tianjiao.

That was the goddess who was said to have the resources of the great emperor, and now she was directly killed by the night god emperor.

This made many people feel sorry for the Frost Goddess, and some even said that the Night God Emperor was too cruel, why didn’t even a woman let it go.

But soon, a public opinion appeared on Zhi Nao that the Frost Goddess was a threat to the Ye Clan and was directly beheaded by the Ye God Emperor.

This kind of public opinion quickly overwhelmed all criticisms.

This is the imperial court in control of public opinion behind.

Wisdom brain is controlled by the Emperor Court. It is simply too simple for the Emperor Court to change some things.

On the intellectual brain, some remarks about Dragon Palace also emerged.

“The Dragon Palace is extremely cruel. The assassination of Tianya Great Sect’s strongmen and disciples has caused great losses to Tianya Great Sect. Now that Tianya Great Sect has a good relationship with the Ye Clan, Dragon Palace will soon be unlucky!”

“The Dragon Palace is very strong, but it does not put other great teachers in the eyes, and tortured and killed countless disciples of Tianya Great Teacher!”

The emergence of all kinds of remarks surprised some people in the brain.

Even the shock of worshiping the Dragon Palace for a few days and the power of the Dragon Palace slowly disappeared.

The Imperial Court is changing some speeches subtly.

And in the past few days, there is another thing that has caught the attention of everyone on Zhi Brain.

The night god emperor of the night race will lead a group of powerful people into the abyss to hunt down the abyss species in order to eliminate the human crisis as soon as possible.

Everyone is looking forward to the coming war.

And the night god emperor is undoubtedly the great hero of the emperor star domain mankind!

Void God Emperor, everyone worships!

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