Chapter 2766 War begins, the emperor star domain is terrified 2

“Four days, how are you going?”

In the Dragon King Palace, Wang Xian sat there, looking at the leaders of the Dragon Palace in front, and asked.

“Dragon King, everything is ready!”

In the lower position, Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile on his face.

“Now that everything is ready, let’s go over!”

He stood up slowly, his eyes gleaming.

In the past few days, Wang Xian has seen the situation on the frontline battlefield of the imperial court and the information on the brain today.

But Dragon Palace did nothing.

Wisdom brain is controlled by the imperial court, they control public opinion, but everything is a winner.

If one day the Dragon Palace can destroy the Emperor Court, then the Dragon Palace will be the king of the Emperor Star Territory.

Everyone was convinced and worshipped.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle and the others nodded, and Ao Qitian and the others immediately followed.

“Xiao Xian, pay attention to safety!”

“Wang Xian, pay attention to safety!”

A group of girls and emperor star girls saw Wang Xian leaving, and they knew that there would be a big battle next, they said with a slightly worried expression.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen!”

Wang Xian looked at them, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he immediately teleported towards the front line of the Imperial Court through the teleportation array.

“Dragon King, this is some information about tomorrow!”

“Please do it!”

When Wang Xian had just arrived at the frontline teleportation planet in the imperial court, a staff member of the imperial court seemed to be prepared and handed a yellow piece of paper to them.


Wang Xian raised his brows and looked at the contents above.

The content is very simple, Wang Xian has already received similar information.

It says that Dragon Palace’s current strength is the same as last time, and below is a reminder that Dragon Palace’s disciples cannot be less than two-thirds tomorrow.

At that time, it is possible to carry out some generals to see if such strength is dispatched.

If you deliberately send fewer people over, you will be punished by the imperial court.

As for the sanctions, I didn’t say anything.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian looked at the above content and smiled softly.

This Emperor Court made it clear that it was going to be with the Ye Clan.

With a slight movement of his palm, the paper immediately disappeared.

His gaze swept across a re-established teleportation planet, as well as a meritorious treasure exchange palace next to him, his eyes gleamed coldly.

With a move, Wang Xian stood on the podium when he came into Longfeng.

“Poison Nine, tomorrow’s merit exchange palace will be handed over to you.”

Wang Xian said towards Du Jiu who was beside him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Du Jiu nodded.

According to the news received in the past few days, tomorrow, four of the five guardians of the Imperial Court will lead the disciples of the Imperial Court into the abyss.

A guardian sits in the Meritorious Palace.

All treasures are guarded by him.

On the side of the Ye Clan, an immortal king peak powerhouse sits in the Ye Leng Island Ye Clan’s lair, and the night clan only has three immortal king peak powerhouses into the abyss. This is good news for Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian looked at every plan, every link, to make sure it was correct.

“Dragon King and they are already here, right?”

At the same time, in the hall of a planet in the Imperial Court, the Night God Emperor was sitting there!

The position ahead, such as today’s two ancestors Baqi and Demon Sha, the three immortal kings of the Night Clan peak power, and the imperial court four immortal kings peak power.

They stand respectfully in the front.

The Ye God Emperor asked faintly towards them.

“It has arrived, Lord Ye God, everything is ready for the battle of tomorrow, and the Dragon Palace will attack the most central position!”

“Tomorrow will be a big offensive, and the Void God Emperor of the Dark Law System in the depths will definitely order all the groups to unite. The most dangerous place will be the central area!”

An imperial court guardian said.

“Once the war begins tomorrow, our ancestors may be restrained by the abyss of the black law system void god emperor. At that time, we must pay attention to prevent Dragon Palace from making some excessive reflections!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan raised his brow slightly and said.

“The Dragon Palace should not dare to offend our Emperor Court and the Night Clan. This is no different from self-destruction, but they will be dissatisfied in their hearts when they send the Dragon Palace to the front center in the first battle tomorrow!”

“When the time comes, I will also ask the Ye God Emperor to comfort him. For example, he promised that if the Dragon Palace builds enough merits in this battle, he can let them go!”

An imperial court protector suggested.

“Huh? This god emperor is not a person who doesn’t believe in words, he must do what he says!”

The Night God Emperor frowned slightly and said coldly.

“The Lord of the Night God, don’t worry, if you build a lot of merits in the Dragon Palace in this battle, you will suffer a great loss. By then, the Emperor of the Night God, if you let the Dragon Palace go, our emperor can take action, and we can destroy it with any crime. !”

The emperor court guardian said.

“Sooner or later, the Dragon Palace can be destroyed, everyone is the same, but at that time we hope to do it together!”

Hachiki said with a sorrowful face.

“This is naturally not a problem. The Dragon Palace, which may have suffered a heavy loss at that time, can be easily destroyed by the two of them, ha ha!”

An imperial court guardian said with a smile.

“That’s better. I will hang the head of the Dragon King when the time comes!”

The evil spirit next to him snarled murderously.

“Well, the little dragon palace is not worth our calculations. Guarding this abyssal battlefield is the most important thing. Tomorrow, try to kill as many of the abyss seeds of the immortal king peak!”

The Night God Emperor said lightly.

For Dragon Palace, he did not take it seriously.

With his current realm as a god emperor, he really wants to destroy the Dragon Palace, and it will be destroyed at the touch of a finger!

He never paid attention to it.

“What the Lord Ye God said is that the Little Dragon Palace is not worthy of our attention. The main thing is to fight the Abyssal Seed tomorrow. We can’t be careless about the Abyssal Seed. If you are unlucky tomorrow, there may be casualties.”

The emperor court protector should be in harmony with the Tao.

Afterwards, a group of people began to discuss some things to deal with the Abyssal Seed tomorrow.

However, just as they were discussing the battle against the Abyssal Seed tomorrow, they were located under a distant starry sky.

Pingyi Island, one of the three major islands of the Emperor Star Territory.

At this time, Pingyi Island, half of the island has been completely swallowed by the abyss.

Located in the territory of the general Pingyi islands, in front of an imperial court territory, is an incomparably vast and profound abyss.

This belongs to another abyssal battlefield.

On the front line of the battlefield, countless powerful warships, war equipment, and burning stars lined up in a row before the entrance of the abyss.

Looking at it at a glance, it gives people an incomparable shock.

What scale is this? What a battlefield?

In this starry sky, the air is full of cold atmosphere.

Compared to here, Ye Leng Island is simply an ordinary war.

At this front line, 80% of the entire imperial court’s power was gathered, and at least more than one million god emperors gathered.

And in the abyss in front of the battle line, suspended in the abyss, there is a vast ocean of abyss.

The azure water is deep and viscous.

At this moment, in the center of the endless ocean of this abyss, there is a huge behemoth suspended!

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