Chapter 2764 Five Days

“Let you be magnificent!”

“Threatening our night clan, this is the end!”

The crowd of Ye Clan looked at the corpse in front, swept the Wang Xian and the others nearby, and said coldly.


The patriarch of the Ye Clan said lightly, and flew directly to the side of the planet.


Ye Shaohuang shook his head, full of pity.

Such a peerless goddess, turned into a slope of loess!

However, this is also despising him, despising the fate of their Ye Clan.

The Ye Clan left, and the Eight Qi Mosha left with the Tianya disciples.

The guardian of the Emperor Court and the powerhouses of the Emperor Court glanced at them and left without saying anything.

As for what the Emperor Court said, it is forbidden to kill within human beings, otherwise there is no mercy, but in the face of the god emperor, it does not exist at all.

What’s more, not long ago, Emperor Court had already broken this rule on its own because of sheltering Great Master Tianya.

“Sister Beishuang, sister Beishuang!”

“Bei Shuang!”

At the position beside, the emperor star girl yelled with tears in her eyes. Sect Master Beichuan and the ancestors also shouted from the side in sorrow.


Facing the Ye Clan, facing the Void God Emperor, they had no choice.

“The emperor star girl, the father has been the master, and the guardian of the emperor court has also been the master. After the abyss is settled, you and the Ye Shaohuang of the Ye Clan will be married. During this time, be honest, I will send someone to look at you, you know?”

At this time, Di Haosong walked to the side of the Emperor Star Girl and said coldly towards her.

The Emperor Star Girl raised her head, her red eyes staring at him angrily.

“Huh, don’t know what is good or bad!”

Di Haosong said coldly and left directly.

“Give me the body!”

Wang Xian came over and said to them.

“Dragon King, see if you can save Beishuang, this child Beishuang…”

On the side, Sect Master Beichuan said with a sad expression on his face.

He knew that Beishuang’s vitality had disappeared and he was already dead.

How could the god emperor’s move be left alive?

Wang Xian did not speak, picked up Bei Shuang’s corpse, and flew straight in the direction of Longfeng.

Aside, the Emperor Star Girl hurriedly followed behind.

“The dragon king becomes the dragon king, the dragon king fails, and the imperial court ladies can rise because the dragon king taught the cultivation method, but because of the dragon king, they were directly destroyed by the night god emperor!”

“The Frost Goddess was completely destroyed because of the Dragon Palace Dragon King. Although I don’t understand why the Night God Emperor did not directly attack the Dragon Palace Dragon King and the others, it is also a signal to destroy Beishuang!”

“The fact that the Ye Clan does not destroy the Dragon Palace now does not mean that the Dragon Palace will not be destroyed in the future. Then the Dragon Palace will be miserable!”

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is strong enough, especially now that it is famous in the Emperor Star Territory. The first place on the hero list is from the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Palace. Originally, after the Abyss War, the Dragon Palace can leap to shoulder to shoulder and even surpass the Night Clan. The power of the Ye Clan, but did not expect the Ye Clan ancestor to achieve the throne!”

“Shi is also fate, even if the Dragon Palace will not be destroyed, it is estimated that it will be silent in the future. After all, the relationship between the Ye Clan and the Imperial Court is so good now!”

Seeing the Dragon King and the others leave, some powers and some strong men whispered.

Nowadays, the reputation of Dragon Palace in the Emperor Star Region is very high, and no one knows it in the brain, but it is a pity now.

Facing the imperial court and the night clan’s orders, they just wanted to escape, and it was very difficult.

“Is that why the Dragon King didn’t let us get close to the Dragon Palace? The Dragon King actually had anticipated something long ago?”

Last month, the ancient gods of the Dragon Mang Group looked at the figure of the Dragon King with complicated faces, and their hearts were also weak.

Dragon Palace is kind to them, but in such a situation, they can’t help at all. Once they stand on Dragon Palace’s side, what awaits them is destruction.

Their disciples are hundreds of millions, and they dare not gamble on everyone’s lives.

“Woo, Wang Xian, sister Beishuang is dead!”

When she came to Longfeng, the Emperor Star Girl looked at the corpse of Beishuang that Wang Xian was holding, and cried again.

“Go back to the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian looked at the Emperor Star Girl and said to her.

The Emperor Star Girl nodded choked.

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he put the Emperor Star girl into the brood, and her figure disappeared in an instant.

Tian Zhen they looked at each other and disappeared directly.


Back in the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian directly released the Emperor Star Girl.

“Do you have any plans for the next step?”

Wang Xian looked at her and said.

“I…I can’t marry that young emperor Ye, I…”

The female emperor star changed her face and clenched her fists.

“The one from the Imperial Court, or take your mother to the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said.


The Emperor Star Girl gritted her teeth without any hesitation or any hesitation.

In the huge imperial court, even if she is an emperor, she is nothing more than a chess piece of the imperial court.

The emperor court protector asked her to marry Ye Shaohuang without asking her consent at all.

And her father can no longer be called a father.

It used to be hate, now it is resentment.

Even if her father died, she wouldn’t frown.

“Let’s go, save Beishuang first!”

Wang Xian nodded towards her and walked towards the Dragon King Palace.

“Wang Xian, you can save Sister Beishuang!”

The emperor star girl was taken aback for a moment, followed by her expression full of excitement.

“Just look at it!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly.

Ye Clan, the Ye God Emperor directly took action to destroy Bei Shuang, which he did not expect.

But at that time, Wang Xian couldn’t do it either.

Because he was not sure whether the god emperor of the imperial court had left.

Moreover, some preparations for the Dragon Palace were not done.

Beishuang’s hatred, today’s hatred, will soon be repaid by Dragon Palace ten times.

Five days later…

Wang Xian hugged Beishuang and came to the dragon chair. With a wave of his arm, he took off a reborn fruit.

Today, there are hundreds of soul-returning fetal fruits on the soul-returning branches, only one has been used by Xiao Ran, but no one has ever used it.

The Emperor Star Girl looked at the fruit curiously.

For these fruits, she did not know the effect.

She had never been to the Dragon Palace, Hualongchi, or Longchang, but Wang Xian forbid her to go there.

Because the former emperor star girl, after all, was a member of the emperor court.

“This fruit is called the soul-returning fetal fruit, and it can bring people back to life!”

When Wang Xian saw the curious look of the Emperor Star Girl, he said with a smile.

“Resurrected, this…is this true?”

The Emperor Star Girl widened her eyes and said with a shocked face.

Wang Xian didn’t say anything, he smashed the fruit directly and landed on Bei Shuang’s body.

The last time Xiao Ran’s head was taken away, he was able to resurrect. This time Bei Shuang’s resurrection was easier.

A trace of vitality gathered towards Beishuang, and the emperor star girl could clearly feel that Beishuang was recovering.

I glanced at it just now, and it was obvious that I was a dead person before, but now it is like a sleeping person.

Her eyes widened and she was full of incredible expressions.

Bring back to life, truly bring back to life!

She looked at the fruit on the side again, there are hundreds of such fruits.

There are hundreds of other fruits, which…

What kind of family is this?

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