Chapter 2759 The emperor comes out with strong coercion 2

Most of the strong in the Imperial Court left, and even the strong in the Imperial Court went to Pingyi Island.

Only a few imperial court guardians are left here.

If only one force of the Night Clan guards here…

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster.

“There are five immortal god king peak powers in the night clan. After one is promoted to the god emperor, there are four others. There are eleven in the Dragon Palace, plus the dragon weapon Tianya ruler, a total of thirteen.”

“If the Dragon Palace is going to fight against the Ye Ye Clan, the Heavenly Formation will lead at least nine people and be able to contend with the Ye Clan. There are also three god kings in the Dragon Palace!”

“One less than the night clan, but if the Dragon Palace is attacked…”

He muttered and kept calculating.

In addition to the peak combat power of the God King, there is also the 9th-order God King. In terms of the 9th-order God King combat power, the number of dragon palaces is relatively large.

There are about 30 immortal kings of rank 9 powerhouses, a few died not long ago, and there are already less than 30.

In the case of Dragon Palace, the number of the 9th-rank Immortal King could reach about 64.

The number is more than twice that of the Night Clan.

“But at that time, the power of the imperial court should also be taken into consideration, and the strength of the dragon palace will still be weaker.”

Wang Xian groaned.

Unless Dragon Palace is given some more time, the Dragon Palace will add a few more immortal king peak powerhouses.

“Ha ha!”

Looking at the Hualongchi ahead, Wang Xian smiled faintly.

Nowadays, the safety of Dragon Palace has been greatly guaranteed, and the next step is to counterattack.

The sense of crisis today is about to disappear.

“Go to the Ye Clan to find out the news, and see if you can know when the Ye Clan ancestor broke through to the realm of the void god emperor!”

“In addition, agree to the arrangements made by the Imperial Court, tell the Ye Clan about this matter, and buy some time for us.”

Wang Xian immediately ordered the Eight Qi Demon Sha.

At the same time, the Eight Qi Demon Sha, located on a planet in the front line of the Imperial Court, received the news and nodded slightly.

“Go, let’s visit the patriarchs of the Ye Clan!”

The two did not hesitate, and gestured to the three men.

As for the disappearance of Master Tianya, this kind of trivial matter can be skipped by the two of them.

The two of them moved quickly and flew towards the planet where the Night Clan was located.

“Patriarch Ye, the two of us are here to interrupt!”

Soon, the two came to a study room and said to the patriarch of the night clan in front.

“Hehe, two brothers, don’t know what’s the matter?”

Chief Ye smiled and asked.

“Patriarch Ye, something about the Dragon Palace.”

Baqi said with a smile.

“Dragon Palace?”

When the patriarch of the Ye Clan heard their words, there was a trace of murderous in his eyes, and he whispered: “After our ancestors ascend, immediately destroy the Dragon Palace!”

“Don’t worry, the patriarch of the Ye Clan, the emperor’s guardian just talked to us about the Dragon Palace!”

Mo Sha smiled and said.

“Oh? The Imperial Court protector?”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan was slightly startled and looked at them.

“The imperial court means that the dragon palace is very strong. There is no need to destroy it now. You can wait until the overall situation here is completely stabilized before destroying the dragon palace. Then the imperial court will say they can help!”

Baqi said.

“I heard that the situation on the Pingyi island is critical. Here we are in charge of the Ye Clan. The ancestors suppress this place. The Dragon Palace is indeed very strong…”

The head of the Ye Clan frowned slightly, his face showing a pensive color.

“A large number of our disciples and strong people died because of the Dragon Palace. I don’t want them to be arrogant forever.”

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door, and an old man walked in with a majestic face.


The head of the Ye Clan immediately stood up respectfully and shouted.

“After the ancestors are promoted, we can destroy the Dragon Palace at will. In the overall situation, it is indeed good for us to leave the Dragon Palace temporarily!”

The patriarch of the night clan continued.

“What do you mean by Master Tianya?”

The father of the Ye Clan chief did not answer, but looked at the two ancestors of Tianya Dajiao.

“We, we naturally hope to destroy the Dragon Palace immediately!”

Baqi and Mosha looked at each other, and said in a murderous voice.

Such words were completely answered by Feng Yazi and Wu Lingao’s thoughts.

“The Dragon Palace must be extinct and stay here soon, but we can make the Dragon Palace die in the abyss!”

“After the ancestor became a god emperor, our Ye Clan immediately organized a battle and ordered the Dragon Palace to lead all the disciples to rush forward and let them fight against the abyss!”

“This method can not only make Dragon Palace help us solve some difficulties, but also completely destroy Dragon Palace.”

The night clan chief’s father said with blinking eyes.


“Father, this is a good way. It can both destroy the Dragon Palace and cause heavy losses to the Abyss!”

The head of the night clan lit up and said.

“This method is very good!”

The evil spirit Baqi on the side frowned insignificantly and nodded in response.

“Then it is so decided. After our ancestors become the emperor, we will not directly destroy the Dragon Palace for the time being, and let them fight to the death of the abyss race!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan said with a smile on his face.


Baqi and Mosha nodded with excitement.

After talking with the patriarch of the Ye Clan for a while, the two of them moved back immediately.

And soon, Wang Xian had already received the situation here.

“Let us Dragon Palace and the imperial court fight to death?”

When Wang Xian saw this message, his eyes sparkled.

He kept calculating in his mind.

“If that’s the case, let’s compete on that day!”

After a long time, Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered in his mouth.

Once the night clan tore and fight, then it is equivalent to enmity with the entire emperor court.

Before that, he had to make all preparations.

With the imperial court as the enemy, and the god emperor as the enemy, at least the place to escape must be prepared.

Prepare all the back roads.

In addition, since it is an enemy, it is necessary to maximize the benefits.

The greatest possibility is to hunt down the night clan and even the powerhouse of the Imperial Court, and the greatest possibility to obtain a large number of treasures.

“Would you like to inquire about the treasure house of the Imperial Court on the front line?”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, her eyes gleaming.

There are venomous horned dragons and spiny dragons, and Wang Xian thinks it is time to set another round.

When the night clan god emperor ordered the dragon palace to enter the abyss and fight with the abyss, it was when the dragon palace started.

“Tianzhen, Prime Minister Turtle, Ao Yao, Ao Qitian, Ao Xingmu, Mou Zesen, Ao Tu, come here first and discuss important matters!”

With a move of Wang Xian’s heart, he immediately ordered Prime Minister Tortoise and several leaders who had been promoted to the peak of God King’s combat power to come over.

There will be a big battle next, and Dragon Palace must make the most comprehensive preparations.


Soon, a group of leaders gathered in front of the Dragon King Hall.

Prepare for a sensational battle in the Emperor Star Territory!

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