Chapter 2758 God emperor comes out, strong coercion 1

“Xiaohun, call us what to discuss!”

In a large hall on the planet where Master Tianya is now, two ancestors entered and said to Master Tianya.

“Old ancestors, sit down and call the two ancestors out about the powerhouses and disciples of our Tianya Dajiao!”

Master Tianya and the three elders respectfully said to the two ancestors of Master Tianya.

“Huh? What’s wrong with the disciple?”

Tianya ancestor Feng Masako frowned and asked.

“Old ancestor, since the battle with Dragon Palace, our disciples of Tianya Great Sect have suffered heavy losses. The last time we joined forces with the Ye Clan to enter the abyss also suffered heavy losses. We now only have more than 8,000 disciples at the level of the god king! ”

“Just now we got the news that a disciple of the King of God has fled straight away!”


As Master Tianya said, he sighed, his face very embarrassed.

At the side position, an elder walked to the side of the two ancestors and poured them a cup of tea.

“A disciple just ran away?”

When the two ancestors heard the words of Master Tianya, their faces sank, and their expressions were extremely embarrassed.

“Old ancestor, now our disciples at Tianya University are distracted, even those loyal disciples, their confidence is shaken!”

“Old ancestor, when will the ancestor of Ye Clan Ye Yuan become the throne? The longer it takes, I am afraid that we will teach disciples at Tianya University…”

An elder next to him also opened his mouth and said sadly.

“The promotion of the ancestor Ye Yuan is only two or three months, and it may be even faster!”

Tianya ancestor Wu Lingao leaned on the chair, drank a cup of tea, said in a deep voice.

“As long as the ancestor Ye Yuan achieves the throne, it will be the time when our Tianya Great Sect rises!”

“At that time, the first one is to destroy the Dragon Palace!”

He couldn’t help but roared in a low voice.

“Temporarily appease the disciples. In the next few days, we will not enter the abyss and wait for the ancestor Ye Yuan to achieve the throne!”

Tianya ancestor Feng Masako spoke, and took a sip of water.

“Ha ha!”

Seeing that the two ancestors both drank tea, Zhang Ya taught them to show a smile on their faces and laughed directly.


The two Tianya ancestors were slightly taken aback when they heard the laughter.

But at this moment, the head of Tianya suddenly saw something black like a monster.

This monster dived directly towards Wu Lingao.


Feng Yazi and Wu Lingao were slightly startled when they saw the sudden change of Master Tianya, their eyes widened and full of shock!

They immediately stood up, their bodies were full of vigor, but the next moment, their complexions changed wildly, and they felt a mess of energy in their bodies.


At this moment, at the rear, a pool of black liquid drilled directly towards Feng Yazi.

“what is this?”

Feng Yazi and Wu Lingao exclaimed with a look of horror and shock in their eyes.

“This is your grandfather of Dragon Palace!”

A contemptuous and provocative voice sounded, and the bodies of Yaqi and Mosha drilled into their bodies.

Feng Yazi and Wu Lingao never thought of this situation.

Now the closest person to the entire Tianya Great Sect, the head teacher of Tianya Great Sect, even murdered them.

They widened their eyes when they saw the three elders standing there with a smile on their faces, and their hearts were chilling.

What exactly is going on?

What did Dragon Palace do?

But soon, their thoughts were gradually covered!


At the side position, the body of Master Tianya fell aside.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

Mo Sha and Baqi looked at each other, with a stern laugh on their faces.

“Congratulations to the two bosses for their success!”

Aside, the three Tianya elders immediately said respectfully!


Baqi and Mosha smiled.

“Brother Feng Yazi, Brother Wu Lingao!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly spread into the hall.


Mo Sha and Baqi waved their arms, and directly put away the corpse on the side.

“Emperor Guardian, please come in!”

The two of them looked at each other and said directly.


The next moment, an old man flew into the hall.

“Emperor Protector, please sit down!”

Both Mosha and Yaqi responded immediately.

“Hehe, don’t be so polite, come today, and discuss something with the two brothers!”

The old man smiled faintly and sat on the sidelines.

“Oh? The emperor protector, please say!”

The evil spirit Baqi raised their eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

“This matter can be regarded as a grievance, and of course, the two of you don’t need to agree, I’m just here to discuss it!”

“The situation in Pingyi is now in crisis. In a few days our Taizu will go there. Only a few of us will stay on the battlefield here!”

“At that time, the battlefield here will mainly be guarded by the ancestors of the Ye Clan Ye Yuan, and the Ye Clan is mainly responsible for this.”

“Except for the Ye Clan, the rest are the major forces in the Emperor Star Territory. This time I am here to discuss Dragon Palace matters!”

“We know that you and Dragon Palace have blood and deep enmity, but now the strength of Dragon Palace is not weak, and it can play a significant role in guarding this side. Look, can you destroy Dragon Palace after the situation here is completely stabilized? ”

“At that time, if you need help from the Great Master Tianya, our Imperial Court can also take action!”

The old man said slowly towards them.


Baqi and Mosha darkened when they heard his words, and frowned slightly.

“Of course, I also came here to mention to you that the ancestor Ye Yuan destroyed the Dragon Palace after he was promoted. We don’t have any opinions, and I can understand it too!”

“Hehe, just to mention a little bit, the decision is up to the two of you, you can think about it a little bit, I won’t bother!”

The old man said, arching his hand towards them.

With a movement, he flew directly outside.

His attitude is also a deliberative attitude.

After all, if Dajiao Ya today has En Ye Clan, after Ye Clan Ye Yuan becomes Emperor, he wants to destroy a dragon palace, the Emperor Court will not have any opinions.

This matter did not affect their attitude towards the Ye Clan towards Tianya Dajiao.

“Let’s Dragon Palace first help deal with the abyss seed of this battlefield, and then destroy it at the end? Hahaha!”

Seeing the imperial court guardian leaving, Baqi showed a stern smile on his face.

“Report this matter to the Dragon King first. We will discuss this matter from the long-term perspective!”

Mo Sha hesitated for a moment, and said.


Baqi nodded, and immediately took out the communication stone tray to pass on the information here.

At the same time, Wang Xian in front of Hualongchi quickly received the message from Baqi.

Good news, Baqi Mosha succeeded.

After success, I immediately got an important news.

“Do you want to kill chickens and get eggs? Although it will give Dragon Palace more time to improve strength, but…”

He looked at the message, his eyes flickering.

“The Emperor Taizu left, only the Ye Clan is sitting here…”

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