Chapter 2760 The emperor comes out with strong coercion 3

As time passed day by day, members of the Dragon Palace quickly improved their strength.

On the Imperial Court battlefield, after the last battle, it gradually calmed down.

Even the abyss species in the abyss calmed down a bit!

Half a month passed quickly, and all members in the Dragon Palace were promoted.

Today, the entire Dragon Palace has about 400,000 members, and the number of Immortal Kings has reached 250,000.

The rest of the members are all above the eighth rank of the eternal god.

“Dragon King, shall we go there?”

Summoning a group of Dragon Palace leaders, Ao Yao Ao Jian and the others came over and asked with a smile on their faces.

Now all the leaders, plus Du Jiu’s strength, have been upgraded to the pinnacle of the Immortal King.

“start preparing!”

Wang Xian nodded towards them.


They didn’t hesitate, and immediately flew towards the outside, and quickly came to the Dragon Peak through the teleportation array.

“Dragon King, is there any specific news from Baqi Demon?”

When he came to Longfeng’s podium, Tianzhen asked.

“There is no specific news, even the people of the Ye Clan don’t know when their ancestor Ye Yuan will be able to complete the breakthrough!”

Wang Xian shook his head.

“Du Jiu, contact the members parasitic in the Imperial Court, and then infiltrate towards the treasure house of the Imperial Court!”

He narrowed his eyes slightly and continued.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Du Jiu nodded.

“Think of a way, in the last few days, see if I can hunt down a few immortal king peak powerhouses!”

Wang Xian said in his mouth.

“Why don’t you let Baqi Demon Sha and the others try?”

Prime Minister Turtle spoke from the side.

“Don’t take risks at the Imperial Court, if they are discovered by their god emperor, it will be no good!”

“Let the Baqi Demon Shame find a way to send a thousand venom horned dragon seeds into the night clan, it is best to be able to parasitize some powerful elders and deacons!”

Wang Xian said.


Du Jiu nodded aside.

In the next few days, Venom, Baqi, and Mosha commanded their subordinates, and began to parasitize the powerful of the Night Race.

Today, the Dragon Palace department has the strongest overall strength in the Drug Production Department, and the Poison Nine and Eight Qi Devils are the peak combat effectiveness of the God King.

The Immortal King’s ninth-tier combat power also reached fifteen.

The 9th-order Immortal King wants to parasitize the 8th order easily, and once the parasitic is successful, it can spread quickly.

Parasite this strong relatives and friends, rapid development.

In less than four days, all 1,000 venom horned dragon species were mixed into the night clan.


On the fifth day, there was a sudden heavy rain in the sky.

The sudden heavy rain surprised everyone.

According to the weather here, the strong are moving horizontally and all kinds of energies are impacting, and it is impossible for the sky to rain.

However, it is not only raining today, but the rain is coming more and more, covering a very wide area.

On the Longfeng podium, Tianzhen frowned slightly as he watched the sudden heavy rain, with a look of surprise on his face.


Suddenly, on a planet in an imperial court, a white light burst into the void.

The extremely powerful white light slowly condensed into a figure in the void.

The figure is illusory, standing tall in the void, reaching the sky!

“Welcome to the new human emperor!”

“Congratulations to Ye Yuan for achieving the throne!”

“Congratulations on the arrival of the new emperor of the night clan!”

“All beings, come and worship!”

The sudden appearance of the white light phantom attracted everyone’s attention.

At this moment, Baimang Xuying spit out a vast voice.

Congratulations were greeted three times, and the voice spread to everyone’s ears on this battlefield.

Even the people in the closed room, the edge of the abyss, or the people in other places can hear clearly.

When everyone heard these four sentences, their faces changed wildly.

At this moment, everyone rushed out directly, looking at the void with shocking eyes.

They looked at the surrounding rain, looked at the condensed white light, their eyes widened, and their bodies trembled!

“Our ancestor has become the Void God Emperor?”

“A god emperor was born? A new emperor was born?”

“The night clan god emperor, this…this…”

“My God, our Emperor Star Region has not been born without a god emperor for millions of years, and now the Ye Clan has born a god emperor!”

Shocked, incredible voices came from around, hundreds of billions of people on the hundreds of planets around them raised their heads and their faces were moved.

The Void God Emperor was born!

Even the god emperor of the imperial court congratulated!



At this moment, everyone sensed that the surrounding rain stopped, and the raindrops quickly flew towards one place in the sky.

The raindrops condensed quickly, slowly condensing a huge rainman in the void.

The rain man is immense and full of powerful coercion.

Everyone looked at it, full of shock.

“I am the Yeyuan of the night clan, today I have achieved the throne and aspired to the realm of the Void God Emperor!”

“I am a god emperor, all living beings surrender!”

The majestic rainman was filled with a wave of vast energy. He scanned the surroundings with his eyes and said in a deep voice.


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

“All the disciples of the Imperial Court, meet the Night God Emperor!”

Above a planet, the five guardians of the Imperial Court shouted respectfully.

“Emperor Court disciple, meet the Night God Emperor!”

“Emperor Court disciple, meet the Night God Emperor!”

In the next moment, all the disciples of the Imperial Court, all the strong, immediately shouted in unison.

The voice is full of respect.

God emperor, the god emperor aloft.

How many god emperors are there in the entire vast emperor star field?

Every god emperor has the power to destroy the sky and the earth. Whoever the god emperor wants to die must die!

“Meet the god emperor!”

In the next moment, all the surrounding forces, all the strong, and even the ancestors, head teachers, and elders of the Great Sect also reacted quickly and bowed their hands loudly.

“Meet the god emperor!”

For a time, these four words resounded across the entire void, majestic and mighty.

“From today, the Emperor Ye God will replace the Emperor Court to suppress this battlefield, all the disciples of the Emperor Court, listen to the Emperor Ye God!”

At this time, the phantom condensed by white light continued to say!

“It’s Taizu!”

Everyone in the Imperial Court immediately shouted loudly.

“Senior Emperor, here I will suppress, there won’t be any problems!”

The majestic rain man looked at the white light condensed phantom and said with a smile.

“Hehe, don’t be so polite, our Emperor Court is also very relieved that there is a Ye God Emperor suppressing here, and when the Emperor Court calms down the battlefield of Pingyi Island, it will celebrate the birth of the Ye God Emperor!”

Bai Guang Xuying said with a smile.

The towering rain man arched his hands!

The white light phantom also arched his hands and dissipated directly.

The white light phantom left, and the rain man slowly shrank. Located at a point in the void, a figure with a water-blue color blooming on his body stood quietly.

He is like the master of this space!

“All the forces, come right away!”

A command, spread all over the void!

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