Chapter 2754 Dragon Palace’s strength and merits (1)


The parasitic god king pinnacle of the evil spirit has been peacefully confronting the ancestor Wu Lingao of the end of the world, and now he saw that the patriarch of the night clan wanted to get rid of an immortal god king pinnacle to save a group of disciples, he immediately became violent. .

A burst of energy directly attacked the night clan chief.

“Damn it, stop for me!”

When Wu Lingao saw the evil spirit attacking the patriarch of the night clan, his face became cold, and a terrifying flame burst out from the pagoda, and he attacked the evil spirit.

Mo Sha immediately resisted, but he still attacked and interfered with the head of the night clan.


The head of the Ye Clan changed wildly when he saw this scene.

This Abyssal Seed just now looked mediocre, but now it suddenly became violent, preventing him from saving people!

This made him extremely angry.

“Patriarch, ancestor, help!”


At this moment, a scream for help came again.

The patriarch of the Ye Clan looked over, and his eyes instantly became blood red.

The disciples of the Ye Clan and the End of the World had already arrived in front of the defenses arranged by the Dragon Palace.

Facing such a terrifying defense, they couldn’t break it at all.

And as soon as they stopped, the abyss species in the rear had already attacked.

The elders and deacons behind the last hall are the first to be among them.

But even if they were all night clan’s top powerhouse queens, facing the overwhelming attacks, they still couldn’t resist for long.

Especially the venom horned dragon breeds them. They often attack an elder deacon directly by four or five, or even five or six!

Faced with such an attack, the elders of the 9th-order Immortal King could not hold up several attacks.

From the escape to the present, four elders have died.

Nine elders followed them this time.

As for the head teacher of Tianya Grandmaster and the three elders, they were not attacked, after all, they were their own.

“They are catching up, they are catching up!”

Voices of incomparable fear came from the mouths of more than one million disciples.

The disciple of the Ye Clan at this moment has no fighting spirit at all.

The elders and deacons died uninterrupted, and billions of abyssal species were chasing them behind.

They also don’t have the strength to resist!

The only goal now is to escape, to escape desperately.

“Damn Dragon Palace, they blocked the road ahead for us!”

“Elder, ancestor, we won’t be able to resist for long!”

The elder and deacon at the back yelled with horror.


As the voice fell, countless Abyssal Species had already rushed over.

“Everyone, don’t panic, resist!”

“Waiting for the rescue of the patriarchs!”

The elder in front roared in an lier.

“Damn damn damn it!”

In the sky above, the violent evil spirit blocked the support of the night clan chief, making his face extremely violent.

He looked down.

The Abyss Seed had already fought with its disciples, and in just a moment of collision, hundreds of thousands of disciples died.

Even a group of strong men and disciples hunted down hundreds of thousands of Abyssal Seeds, but the number of Abyssal Seeds was too much.

The largest abyssal race in this area of ​​the abyss, plus the evil spirit and the abyss race that was attacked, are three big groups.

There are more than sixty immortal kings of rank nine alone!

What do they resist?

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, within the Abyss Clan, a wave of terrifying attacks covered the front.

At least twenty immortal kings of the Ninth-order Abyss Species attacked together!

“Do not!”

The elders and deacons at the forefront saw this terrifying attack, their hearts beating violently!

“Beast, get out of me!”

The patriarch of the night clan was completely unable to sit still in the sky above. He stretched out his arm and a finger turned into a shining golden light.

This finger fell off directly and attacked towards the evil spirit.


Mo Sha felt the threat on this finger, his face changed slightly, and he quickly hid away.



The golden fingers pierced through the air and the evil spirit dodged, but its speed was too terrifying, piercing his tail.

The entire tail directly exploded violently and burst open!


Mo Sha felt the severe pain, and uttered a scream, not daring to continue entanglement.

“Boom boom boom!”


But at this time, the sound of explosions and screams also came from the lower position.

The patriarch of the Ye Clan looked at it with blood-red eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

More than one million people died at least half of them under this terrifying attack.

Especially the first immortal king among them.

This time, they lost too much!


He roared, his whole body glowing with golden light, and he looked terrifying.

“Patriarch, save us!”

When the disciples saw the patriarch flying over, they shouted in fear.


With a wave of golden light from the patriarch of the Ye Clan, it directly enveloped everyone, and a mighty force shifted it aside.


However, the countless abyssal species ahead saw the arrival of the immortal king peak powerhouse, and did not have the slightest fear.

Especially the 9th-order Abyssal Immortal King, they attacked one by one.

The night clan chief’s face changed slightly, and his arm waved toward the front.


The thorn defense arranged by the members of the Dragon Palace in the front was directly broken, and he led all his disciples to fly forward.

He is the pinnacle powerhouse of the Immortal King, but in the face of more than 60 Immortal Kings of the ninth rank, plus the countless other abyssal species, he has to flee!

“Oh oh oh!”

Suddenly, a scream came from above.

The abrupt voice made everyone and all the abyss species stunned slightly.

The patriarch of the Ye Clan stared at the source of the sound.

“Swish swish!”

The gaze is in a space surrounded by thorns, but at this time the thorns are retracted.

Everyone saw that inside, a huge corpse was lying there quietly.

The immortal king of the pinnacle, the abyss kind, is lost!

“Hehe, I originally thought of destroying this God King Peak Abyss Seed and I helped you. It seems that I don’t need it anymore!”

Wang Xian looked at it, and fell on the head of the Ye Clan with a smile on his face, and said with a faint smile.

The Ye Clan chief’s face changed drastically, and he swept over the corpse with some fear.

How long is this?

Is there two minutes?

An immortal god king pinnacle abyss species was actually destroyed by Dragon Palace!

This strength…

“Dragon Palace, they actually destroyed an Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed so quickly!”

“Hi, their strength is so strong!”

The disciples of Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao, who were shrouded in golden light, were slightly shocked when they saw this scene.

“Hahaha, let’s go!”

Wang Xian laughed freely and said directly.


Ao Qitian put away the body and entered Longfeng.

Longfeng roared and flew directly out of the abyss.

As for the abyss species, they couldn’t catch up with the speed of Longfeng.

In order to avoid accidents, he did not continue to hunt down these countless abyssal species.

After all, the Night Clan and Great Master Tianya would not join them in hunting down the Abyss Species.

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