Chapter 2755 Dragon Palace’s Strength and Merit 2

“let’s go!”

Seeing the departure of Longfeng, the night clan chief and their faces changed wildly, and they didn’t dare to stay here for a long time, and immediately shouted.

He led a group of disciples quickly flying towards the outside.

In addition, the ancestors of the Great Sect of the End of the World and the ancestors of the Ye Clan immediately got rid of the four immortal kings peak and abyss species, and fled outside.


Countless Abyssal Species saw them fleeing, roaring and chasing them behind.

However, with the leadership of the god king pinnacle powerhouse, they quickly opened the distance.

“Damn Dragon Palace, if it wasn’t for them this time, we…”

Throwing away the abyss species, the ancestor of the Ye Clan roared in anger.

He didn’t finish his words, and without the Dragon Palace, they would also suffer heavy losses.

“This time, we completely made Long Gong’s wedding dress!”

An ancestor of Tianya Great Teacher said with a gloomy face.

This time they hunted down the Abyss Seed and suffered a heavy loss. As a result, the Dragon Palace hunted down an Abyss Seed of the Immortal King Peak Peak.

“Patriarch, we have six elders fallen, eighteen deacons have fallen, and more than 8,000 immortal kings have fallen.”

At this moment, an elder in front flew over and said with an extremely embarrassing expression.

“Cough cough cough, this enmity, we Ye Clan took note of it!”

The patriarch of the night clan said sternly.

The loss this time dealt a great blow to their Night Clan.

Especially the loss of the 9th-order immortal king is a full six.

The strength of their night clan is much stronger than other great teachers, but the six rank nine powerhouses are also a significant number.

Before the war broke out, their Ye Clan hadn’t lost a ninth-tier immortal king for tens of millions of years.

“Father, after the ancestors are promoted, destroy the dragon king and destroy the dragon palace!”

From the front position, Ye Shaohuang flew over, and said with a sullen expression.

The head of the Ye Clan nodded coldly, and looked at his broken finger, his face even more embarrassed.

It is almost difficult to recover this loss by using a secret method to sever your fingers.

“Dragon King, we made a lot of money this time, haha!”

One side was happy and the other side was sad. In Longfeng, even the Tianzheng opened his mouth and said with a smile at this moment.

This time, a large group of people had just begun to be wiped out, one Immortal King Peak Abyss Species, 13 Immortal Kings of the Ninth Order, and the remaining more than 200 million Abyss Species.

In the end, they hunted down an immortal king of peak abyss species.

In other words, just these resources can add three immortal king peak powerhouses to Dragon Palace.

The rest of the strong are more numerous.


A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and the gain this time was indeed great enough.

“In addition, Dragon King, I think after this battle, the evil spirit can be returned.”

Tianzhen suggested on the side.

“It’s really time to come back!”

He nodded slightly.

Today’s battle was launched with the Emperor Court and Ye Clan Tianya. Some of the god emperors personally entered the depths of the abyss to suppress the game.

If it were normal, if the Dragon Palace attacked an abyss group in this way, it was likely to be targeted by the god emperor in the abyss.

Even if you don’t need to target it, as long as the god emperor in the depths of the abyss commands a single order, the Dragon Palace will suffer heavy losses.

“There seems to be a lot of resources in the evil spirit!”

Tianzhen said.

Wang Xian nodded. The last time the evil spirit caused the Emperor Court to suffer a heavy loss, he should have obtained a lot of corpses.

In addition, his current race, with more than 100 million Abyssal species, is another huge gain.

“I just don’t know how many immortal king peak powerhouses can be added!”

Wang Xian murmured, and immediately sent a message to Demon Sha.

At the same time, the evil spirit within the abyss received Wang Xian’s message and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Little ones, get ready to wipe out all the abyss seeds, let’s go back!”

Mo Sha immediately spoke to all the members.

“It’s the boss!”

A group of venomous horned dragons immediately responded.

Afterwards, Mo Sha led all his hands down to an unusually secret place, gave an order, and began to slaughter.

In this group, all the powerful are parasitized by the venomous horned dragon species.

More than 8,000 venomous horned dragon species controlled their bodies and wiped out all the other abyssal species in less than a minute.

After putting away the body, they immediately flew towards the outside.

According to the coordinate position sent by Wang Xian, Demon Sha and the others flew over in less than an hour.

“Dragon King!”

The evil spirit flew over with a smile on his face.

“Tianzhen, how many resources do you have?”

Before Wang Xian could reply, the sky formation on the side couldn’t help asking.

“Jiejie, Dragon King, I got a lot of resources this time!”

“One immortal god king pinnacle abyss type corpse, twenty-five immortal god king ninth step abyss type corpses!”

Mo Sha couldn’t help but said with a smile.

One pinnacle corpse is the one he parasitized, and there are also ten ninth-tier corpses, plus the ones that hunted down the powerful night clan, plus those that hunted the imperial court and he was looking for opportunities to hunt down the rest of the abyss species. The corpses, the ninth rank of the immortal king, reached twenty-five.

“With the resources of the evil spirit, Ao Qitian, dragon weapon, eight Qi, and the resources in my hand, seven immortal god king peak powers, the dragon king, can be born. I have the confidence to fight against the existence of the first-order Void God Emperor!”

The sky array on the side calculated, and there was a lustre in the eyes.

A few days ago, Wang Xian asked the Heavenly Formation, wanting to fight the Void God Emperor, he and Dragon Palace ten immortal king peak powers are enough.

Now the resources of the Dragon Palace are enough to give birth to seven immortal king peak powerhouses.

With their strength, it is enough to counter the god emperor.

When Wang Xian heard his words, her eyes shone with luster, and the corners of her mouth slightly cocked.

In addition to the Heavenly Formation, there are currently four immortal king peak powerhouses in the Dragon Palace, plus seven, to reach eleven.

“Like a god emperor who just broke through?”

Wang Xian asked towards the sky array.

“Dragon King, the god emperor of the night clan, is a breakthrough that relies on the inheritance of ancestors. It is the weakest among the god emperors who have just broken through. However, because of the treasures of the ancestors, it is generally the same as the normal breakthrough to the realm of the god emperor. It’s almost there.”

“Such a breakthrough has not been accumulated for hundreds of thousands of millions of years, and if you give me eight or nine peaks of the god king, I will be able to contain him. After all, the strength of the dragon weapon is also very strong!”

Tian Zhen said confidently.

He was once a god emperor, and he was still the outstanding one among the dazzling starry sky god emperors.

He said that if he can be restrained, he will be able to do it 100%.

This is the self-confidence of being the strongest person in this piece of emptiness.

“Do you know how many god emperors are in the imperial court?”

Wang Xian asked with blinking eyes.

“As far as I knew before the fall, there should be three, and one of them may have reached the second rank of the Void God Emperor!”

“Emperor Star Territory is among the seven domains. Among the seven powers in this bright starry sky, it ranks at most five or six!”

Tianzhen said.


“I don’t know when the Dragon Palace will have a Void God Emperor, hehe, go, let’s exchange treasures and improve our strength!”

Wang Xian smiled and said.

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