Chapter 2753 Disasters lead to the east? Down

“What a bunch of stupid things!”

When Wang Xian shouted, a word spread to everyone’s ears in Fangyuan.

After the voices full of irony made everyone of the Night Race heard, their faces were extremely difficult to look.

The leader of a party directly said that they are a bunch of stupid things?

If this spreads out, their Night Clan can’t afford to lose this person!

However, some strong men and disciples of the Ye Clan also understood that it was too difficult for Dragon Palace to help them.

Mainly because they are too close to Tianya University.

But the core disciples also knew why they were so close to Tianya Dajiao.

“Damn the Dragon King!”

Fleeing in the forefront position, Ye Shaohuang let out a murderous roar.

They didn’t return much hope, but the public humiliation of the Dragon King made them even more angry.

But they have no solution.

“Waiting for the ancestors to achieve the throne and be the first to destroy the Dragon Palace!”

The old man beside Ye Shaohuang also roared with a gloomy expression.

“damn it!”

In the position above, the patriarch and ancestor of the night clan, who were struggling to resist the five immortal kings of the peak and abyss species, looked extremely embarrassed when they heard this sentence.

“Let’s go, we will attract the five immortal kings peak and abyss species to the side of Longfeng, let the dragon palace attract some firepower!”

“The five god kings peak and abyss species will definitely attack Longfeng, when the time comes, Longgong will do it if it doesn’t make a move!”

“Once we can free up one person, we can lead a group of disciples to escape!”

At this moment, the voice of Tianya ancestor Feng Yazi reached their minds.

For the Dragon Palace, Feng Yazi and the others are full of hatred.

Now that they have the opportunity to make trouble for Dragon Palace, and can alleviate their troubles, they are naturally happy to see it.

“Okay, go, let’s lead these beasts to fly in the direction of Longfeng!”

The Ye Clan leader did not hesitate at all, and immediately moved the battlefield towards Longfeng.

In a war of this level, the speed of shifting the battlefield is very fast.

Especially it is easier to fight the Abyssal Species.

“Huh? Dragon King, they want to draw the five Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed towards us.”

At this time, the sky array saw the nine god king peak powerhouses moving towards this side, saw their intentions, and said immediately.

This level of battle, if you fight in the vicinity of Longfeng, the size of Longfeng will definitely be affected.

They want to force Dragon Palace to take action.


Wang Xian snorted softly, with evil spirits in his eyes.

“The strong of the night clan, the strong of the end of the world, I advise you not to bring the battlefield over!”

He opened his mouth and shouted coldly.

“Hahaha, we are not the opponents of this group of abyss species, we have no traction, we are forced to come over.”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan laughed sorrowfully, and directly dismissed the relationship.

“If this is the case, we will help you deal with these five immortal kings peak and abyss species!”

“But in order to prevent our Dragon Palace disciples from being attacked by other abyss species, we need to defend!”

Wang Xian smiled sorrowfully when he heard what he said.

He motioned to the sky array beside him.

“Hahaha, let’s help you, don’t let other abyss species hinder us!”

With a wave of Tianzhen’s arm, all the disciples of Longfeng are in the direction of fleeing!

Three thorn monsters instantly congealed.

“Swish swish!”

At this time, the head of Ao Xingmu directly rushed out of it, and all the other Xingmu dragon species flew out at the same time, and thorns appeared in front, directly laying a powerful thorn defense.

This defense, covering an area of ​​more than one billion square kilometers, directly blocked the escape route of all the disciples and strong men of Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao.

“Dragon Palace, what are you doing?”

The members of the Dragon Palace suddenly shot, and a barrier appeared in front of him. The head of the Ye Clan saw this scene, his face changed wildly, and he roared murderously.

“Naturally, I am ready to help you deal with the immortal king peak and abyss seed!”

Wang Xian stared at the head of the night clan and said mockingly.


As he said, the three thorn monsters flew slowly towards the sky.

Dragon Palace is indeed ready to deal with an immortal king of peaks and abyss species.

“Devil, let’s kill one, don’t let the strong from Ye Clan and Tianya go below to support!”

At the same time, the celestial formation on the side transmitted sound towards the evil spirit.

Mo Sha nodded without a trace.

“Ao Qitian, you used to cooperate with the heavenly formation to hunt down that immortal king pinnacle seed, Ao Jian, you took the Tianya Ruler and the Dragon Weapon and went there too!”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his arm, and handed the brood to Ao Jian.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Qitian replied, and Ao Jian led the three immortal kings of rank nine powerhouses with a move, and immediately flew towards the sky.

“The strong night clan, our Dragon Palace will help you share an immortal king of the peak and abyss species!”

The sky array opened its mouth and said to the ancestor of the night clan in the sky, controlling the three thorn monsters, and immediately attacked one of the pinnacle abyss species.

Three thorn monsters immediately caused it, and one thorn covered the surroundings, forming a separate space.

Ao Qitian and Ao Jian moved directly into the space covered by thorns.


Seeing that Dragon Palace actually made a move, the patriarch of the Ye Clan was also slightly taken aback.

“Dragon King, immediately remove your defenses, immediately!”

But the patriarch of the Ye Clan looked down, his face still extremely ugly and roared.

“Sorry, I am a Array Mage. I need to control the three thorn monsters gathered by the Array. At this time, I can’t let other Abyssal species get close. We are also here to help you!”

Tian Zhen said with a smile.

“Damn it!”

“They did it on purpose!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan cursed with extremely gloomy expressions on their faces.

Dragon Palace did it deliberately, but Dragon Palace did help them withstand a God King Peak Abyss Seed, even if it was for others to see, they couldn’t say anything.

After all, it was Ye Clan and Master Tianya who deliberately led the battlefield over.

The opponent is an array mage, what can they say about this behavior?

The array mage being approached is very weak!

The Ye Clan was clearly aware of the Kenglong Palace, and the Dragon Palace was also clearly aware of the Keng Ye Clan.

“Patriarch, ancestor, save us!”

At this time, the one who panicked the most was undoubtedly the more than one million people who fled below.

They saw the huge defense erected in the front blocking their way. As long as they paused for a while, they would be overwhelmed by countless abyssal species behind, and everyone was a little frightened.

“I’ll withdraw, you help me withstand the abyss seed in front of me, you only need to resist for tens of seconds!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan looked and gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

Without an Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed, their pressure is much less.

At this time, there is a chance to get out of one person and rescue a group of disciples first.


The ancestors of Tianya and the ancestors of the night clan immediately responded loudly, preparing the three to entangle the four immortal kings of the peak and abyss species!


But at this time, a violent voice sounded.

The evil spirit is violent!

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