Chapter 2752 Disasters lead to the east? middle

In the abyss, the area where the disciples of the Ye Clan Tianya Great Sect strong were located was tragic.

The sudden appearance of the evil spirits caused the death of the disciples of the two powerful forces who were originally full of fighting spirit.

Especially in this situation, the sudden appearance of the evil spirits prevented them from retreating for the first time.

At this time, in the front position, the densely packed billions of Abyssal Seeds had already rushed over.

Most importantly, on the right side of their retreat route, more than 100 million Abyssal species attacked them.

At this moment, the faces of Master Tianya and everyone of the Ye Clan were extremely embarrassed, and their hearts were beating violently.

Why are they so unlucky?

“All the disciples follow me, fly to the left, and find a chance to exit the abyss!”

An elder of the night clan saw this scene and roared in a deep voice.

“All the elders and deacons are behind the hall, resisting the attack of the abyss!”

Another night clan elder roared.



A loud response sounded, and all the strong came to the last side, and the range attack went directly towards the attack of the abyss race.

“All the strong lead the weak disciples to fly, flying at extreme speed!”

Master Tianya swept away his eyes and roared.


A group of immortal kings and powerhouses immediately led the rest of the disciples with energy to flee towards the left front.


In the rear, a group of abyss species roared, roaring loudly, and countless energy bombarded toward the front.

The powerful forces behind the palace resisted hard and fled immediately!

“Ah! Ah!”

But at this moment, suddenly a Ye Clan elder let out a scream, and his body flew directly backwards.

“Five Elders!”

Several deacon elders looked at them, and their expressions changed drastically.

However, at this time, five immortal kings of the Ninth-order Abyss Species rushed towards the elder.

“Damn it!”

“let’s go!”

“Fifth, we will avenge you!”

The voice of grief and anger sounded, and the rest of the elders immediately turned and fled.

At this time, there is no support at all, otherwise it will be covered by the infinite abyssal army.

“A ninth-order immortal king!”

Five immortal kings of the Ninth-order Abyss Species rushed over and killed the elders of the night clan, one of them with a smile in his eyes, the sound transmission said.

“Go on, hunt and kill!”

There was a sound transmission from the abyss next to them, and the five of them continued to rush forward.

“Beast, beast!”

From the side position, watching the disciples of their own forces flee desperately, and seeing an elder fall, they roared with incomparable expressions.

While fighting, he guided in the direction of their disciples retreating, paying attention to their situation.


Before long, there were several screams.

Two deacons and one elder have fallen!

“Roar, if this continues, even if you can escape, you will suffer a lot of damage!”

In the sky, the patriarch and ancestors of the night clan were bleeding.

“We, the night clan, request the support of the major forces, and if we are willing to help out, we will definitely pay back ten times.”

The head of the Ye Clan roared with an extremely gloomy expression.

His cry for help spread far and wide.

“Huh? What happened to the Ye Clan? The Ye Clan is united with the Great Sect of the End of the World. This time, they have the most peak powers of the God King. What is happening now?”

Located in the central area, the two guards of the Imperial Court were slightly surprised when they heard the cry for help.

Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao knew their strengths this time.

“Could it be that other groups are going to attack them?”

The two looked at each other and were slightly surprised, but at this time, they couldn’t get away.

In the rear position, all the strong disciples of the Imperial Court were also slightly surprised.


At this time, at the location of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian looked at the almost dying Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed. He raised his brows slightly, with a smile on his face.

The Ye Clan asked for help, which meant that the evil spirit had brought them huge troubles.


“Dragon King, it’s done!”

At this time, at the front position, Ao Qitian said with a smile on his face.

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he collected the corpse of the Immortal King Peak Abyss.

“Get rid of the other abyss species!”

He said with a smile on his face.

The Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao are in deep water, but the Dragon Palace is harvesting fruits.

After getting rid of this God King Peak Abyss Seed, Ao Qitian began to hunt down the remaining Abyss Seeds.

This is simple for him.

A group of immortal kings of the Ninth-tier Abyss was easily hunted down by Ao Qitian.

Next, it was a total slaughter.

In less than five minutes, more than 200 million Abyssal corpses were all taken into the bag.

An immortal king of peaks and abyss species, thirteen immortal kings of ninth order.

“After this time, the two ancestors of Tianya University were parasitized!”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile on his face.

Once the Great Teacher of the End of the World was parasitized, the Dragon Palace would be able to grasp more information, and also be able to grasp more initiative.

“Dragon King, there are a lot of abyss seeds flying towards us on the right side!”

Just when Wang Xian flew to the dragon peak podium, the sky formation said,


Wang Xian looked at the screen in front of him, and there were dense red dots on it, and these red dots moved quickly towards this side.

He raised his head to look to the right, and then slowly squinted his eyes.

“Hehe, it’s really spectacular!”

Gradually, a figure appeared in Wang Xian’s line of sight.

A line of more than one million people was flying towards this side frantically, behind them, followed by billions of Abyssal Seeds.

And in the sky above, there is still a big battle.

The four god kings peak strong against the five god king peaks in the abyss.

“It seems that Demon Sha did a good job this time!”

Wang Xian murmured, full of smiles.

Today’s Ye Clan and Tianya Grand Sect are enemies, and the more severe their damage, the more beneficial it is to Dragon Palace.

“There is a huge mountain ahead, that is Longfeng, Longfeng!”

At this moment, the Tianya Dajiao Ye Clan was at the forefront of the escape of more than one million people, and an elder led Ye Shaohuang to escape in the forefront position.

The elder swept his gaze forward, suddenly saw the huge mountain standing in the abyss, and whispered.

“The Dragon Peak of the Dragon Palace?”

Ye Shaohuang asked with an extremely gloomy expression on the side.

“Yes, it is Longfeng!”

“Dragon Palace has immortal king peak powerhouses sitting in town, if they are willing to make a move, we will be saved!”

The elder roared with wide-eyed eyes.

“Will this Dragon Palace save us?”

Ye Shaohuang’s face changed!

The elder beside him also looked very ugly.

“Our Night Clan asks the Dragon Palace powerhouse for support!”

The elder gritted his teeth, and at this time, he can only cure the dead horse and live the horse!

“Interesting, ask us for help?”

When Wang Xian heard what the Ye Clan elder said, his face showed a mocking look.

“What a bunch of stupid things!”

He shouted directly!

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