Chapter 2751 Disasters lead to the east? superior

“Hahaha, hurt, two brothers, let’s work harder!”

In the abyss, the patriarch of the Ye Clan and an ancestor of the Ye Clan attacked and landed on the Abyss Seed of the Immortal King Peak in front of him, seeing a lot of blood flowing out of his body, and his face showed excitement.


The two ancestors of Tianya University also roared with smiles on their faces.

Since returning from Ye Leng Island, the future of their Tianya Dajiao has been bright.

Today, they have two choices. One is to join the Night Clan and become a relative outside the Night Clan.

With the favor of the Ye Clan Void God Emperor, the Ye Clan will not treat them badly, and even attach great importance to them.

The second is that they can rebuild Tianya Great Sect to be glorious, and the Night Race Void God Emperor will also help them.

Their horizon is bright.

Hunting these abyssal species can also accumulate resources for their Tianya Dajiao.

“Boom boom boom!”

The attacks of the four people took turns landing on the immortal god king peak and abyss seed in front, and the powerful force made it difficult to resist.

“At most half an hour, this entire group can be wiped out.”

They shouted in a low voice with excitement in their eyes.


But suddenly, a roar came.

The roaring sound was getting closer and closer, making everyone in Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao a little surprised.

“What happened?”

The four immortal god king peak experts also sensed this scene, their expressions changed slightly, and they immediately looked in the direction of the voice.

But the next moment, their eyes widened.

“Oops, what’s the situation?”

Sweeping their gazes away, they changed transiently, their expressions staring at the black-pressured abyss group with embarrassment.

The speed of the three Immortal Kings Peak Abyss Species headed by them is even more terrifying. They can expect that, at most ten seconds, the three Immortal Kings Peak Abyss Species will be able to fly over.

“Damn it, how could such a huge group rush towards us, damn it!”

The head of the Ye Clan gave a low growl with embarrassment, and his heart sank slightly.

“Oops, how could this happen, what a huge abyss group, not good, Patriarch Ye, we are not an opponent of this group!”

Feng Yazi, the ancestor of the Great Teacher of the End of the World, swept away his eyes and roared in a deep voice.

“All disciples, return immediately, all disciples return immediately!”

The patriarch of the Ye Clan gritted his teeth unwillingly, clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

“Let’s resist these three immortal kings peak and abyss species first!”

One of the ancestors of the Ye Clan, with an ugly face, directly greeted the three rushing God King Peak Abyss Species!

The two ancestors of Tianya University immediately followed.

The arrival of the three immortal kings peak and abyss species completely broke their situation.

The most important thing is that the strength of this group is too strong, and it cannot be resisted by their Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao.

At this time, all the disciples must withdraw quickly, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses.

“There is news from the Imperial Court that the abyss species in the abyss may have evolved. It seems that this is true!”

The head of the Ye Clan thought to himself with an embarrassed expression in his heart.

The last time the imperial court suffered a heavy loss, it was similar to their current situation, and a large number of abyssal attacks suddenly appeared during the battle.

As a result, the 200,000 imperial court powerhouses and disciples were almost completely lost.

Unexpectedly, they were also met today.


A group of strong men and disciples looked to the right at this time, their faces changed drastically.

They didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately fled towards the rear under the organization of the powerful Ye Clan and Tianya Great Sect.

“Attack quietly, hehehe!”

But at this moment, the evil spirit led a group of abyssal races to fly over quietly.

Under his control, under the control of a group of venomous horned dragon species, none of the abyss species in the entire race dared to roar loudly and dared to expose their violent position.

Demon Sha and the huge abyssal race separated from the beginning, and flew closer to the edge of the abyss.

When he saw that Tianya Dajiao and Ye Clan experts wanted to retreat, his face was filled with hideous excitement.


“Little ones, kill me!”

Seeing the distance approaching, seeing everyone in Yezu Tianya Grand Sect retreating, the evil spirit roared ferociously.


The next moment, he carried a terrifying power and attacked towards the two powerful forces in front of him.

This time, the Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao sent a total of 2 million elites, most of whom were disciples of the Ye Clan.

“No, there is also an abyss race here!”

“Patriarch, ancestor, help, there is also an Immortal King Peak Abyss Seed!”

When the evil spirit flew towards them, the faces of the powerful men and disciples of the Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao changed wildly, and their faces instantly showed fear.

An immortal god king peak and abyss species flew towards them, waiting for them is massacre!


Demon Sha raised his head, and directly spit out a group of unpleasant flames with sulfur in his mouth, spraying it forward.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of strong men and disciples were instantly enveloped in sulfur fireworks.

“Hide, avoid immediately!”

Everyone who was retreating in an orderly manner, shouted in horror.

A strong man desperately avoided this terrifying sulfur fireworks.


However, in a round of attacks by the evil spirit, two or three hundred thousand strong men and disciples were hit instantly, screaming, and some died directly.


The flames on his body rushed directly into the Tianya and Ye Clan disciples.

The flame enveloped the surrounding corpses and was directly absorbed into the space ring.

“not good!”

“Damn, why is there a group of people!”

At this time, at the front position, the ancestor of the Ye Clan looked over and roared with blood-red eyes.

“Brother Ye, we resist these three immortal kings peak and abyss species, you go and support!”

The two ancestors of Master Tianya looked at them, their hearts sank, and immediately shouted.

“Beast, die to me!”

The ancestor of the Ye Clan didn’t hesitate, and rushed over with a violent face.

A little later, the entire Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao’s disciples will be slaughtered by the immortal king pinnacle abyss seed!

“Jie Jie Jie!”

Demon Sha saw an immortal king peak powerhouse rushing over, smiled sorrowfully, his tail swept away, and hundreds of thousands of powerhouses around were instantly beheaded.

“I’ll resist the immortal king peak powerhouse, you guys will kill the Ye Clan and the End of the World!”

Two consecutive attacks once again beheaded hundreds of thousands of Ye Clan and Tianya Dajiao people, the evil spirit saw the Ye Clan ancestor flying over, and said to the rear.

In the rear position, the entire ethnic group controlled by the evil spirit has also arrived.

His attack in just tens of seconds wiped out five to six hundred thousand people from Tianya and Ye Clan.

“All the disciples flee, all the strong lead the disciples to escape from the abyss immediately!”

The patriarch of the night clan swept his eyes down, and sternly roared with a calm face.

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