Chapter 1685 Life and death pill workshop and sacred forge workshop 4

The fall of the device master, the fall of a semi-god powerhouse, and the desperate escape of the medicine master caused the two major forces to be completely defeated.

Everyone ran away desperately, and the disciples of the Fire Skylark clan chased and killed them.

Until the ancestor of Fengyun in the sky made a move, several half-step longevity powerhouses were easily left behind.

Of the 200,000 troops, only 10,000 to 20,000 escaped their pursuit.

All the others fell in front of the Huoyun Mountain Range.

“Haha, we defeated the two forces of Life and Death Pill Workshop and Sacred Artifact Forging Workshop!”

“Our Fire Skylark clan is the strongest!”

“Thanks to the presence of the prince, the two powerhouses of the Demon God Tribe are directly on our side!”

A loud excitement came from all the population of Fire Skylark.

They thought that today would be a battle of nine deaths, but they didn’t expect it to be a massacre on the one hand.

Ninety percent of the 200,000 legions of the two major forces fell here.

There are even more powerful people at the Wanshou level, and the master of the device stays here.

“Hey~ this… the owner of the Life and Death Pills Fang was killed, and the longevity strong has fallen, and there has been no longevity strong on the mainland for a long time!”

“Who is that young man? Why is the demon god of the Demon God tribe so respectful to him, even like a slave?”

“There is also the strength of that young man. He clearly hasn’t reached the realm of longevity, but he has the teleportation that can only be carried out by the strong of longevity!”

“As soon as the owner of the sacred forging workshop dies, the largest forging workshop on the mainland will soon be destroyed. Report to the patriarch immediately!”

“This war really exceeded everyone’s expectations, and the owner of the device has fallen!”

The scouts hiding in the air around him watched the war with shocked expressions on their faces.

From the two longevity powerhouses of the Demon God tribe joining the Fire Skylark clan, to the killing of the owner.

The whole battle, but five minutes.

Within five minutes, the two forces were defeated.

The powerful longevity man, and the young man who can become more than ten kilometers in size, have attracted the attention of all forces.

“Go, let’s go quickly!”

“Leaving here, we return to the holy fire clan!”

All the people of the Holy Fire clan far away from the battlefield, seeing the rapid end of the war, all of them showed horror on their faces.

When they left, some disciples directly said that their Fire Skylark clan was going to be annihilated.

This situation is completely beyond everyone’s expectations.

They dare not stay here any longer.

“One Wanshou-level corpse, twenty half-step-long-shou corpses, more than 100 corpses of ninth order of Dongxu, eighth and seventh…There are more than nine thousand corpses above Dongxu!”

Wang Xian’s eyes swept across the battlefield, with an expression of excitement on his face.

These corpse resources can greatly enhance the strength of Dragon Palace.

Moreover, the resources in the space ring in the hands of every corpse will also reach a terrifying level.

Even relying only on the resources in these human space rings can make Wang Xian’s strength breakthrough.

After all, this is the core disciple and powerhouse of the two major forces!


At this moment, Wang Xianlong’s eyes looked to the right, and his eyes looked at the holy fire clan who was about to leave.

A wave of dragon power went directly towards covering more than two thousand of them.


Ready to leave, everyone of the holy fire clan flying into the sky instantly felt their breathing stagnate, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

The four elders turned around with difficulty, looking at the mysterious youth who had turned into a human form and stared at them coldly, their expressions uncertain!

Around, some experts from the Fire Skylark clan also sensed Wang Xian’s gaze and immediately looked over.

“Congratulations to the fire skylark clan for defeating the two forces, congratulations!”

Seeing a lot of people looking over, the four elders of the Holy Fire clan changed their faces and squeezed out a smile, arched their hands, and said with a smile.

“Congratulations? When you left, you said that our Fire Skylark will be wiped out soon!”

An elder Fire Skylark said with a cold face.

“Yes, ungrateful villain, without your help, we can also win!”

“We fought our opponents, are you a little surprised!”

Some Fire Skylark disciples stared at them with cold and bloody faces, taunting.

“How could it happen? It’s too late for us to be happy for you, everyone, we will go back first!”

The four elders turned dark, and the disciples behind them also had gloomy faces.

They said, ready to leave directly.

“Ingredients, don’t leave, kill!”

However, at this moment, Wang Xian’s indifferent voice sounded, causing all the people of the holy fire clan to stiffen slightly.

“Swish swish!”

When Wang Xian’s voice fell, the two clan elders of the Huoyunque clan and a group of elders instantly surrounded the holy fire clan.

Now, the Prince has saved their entire Huoyunque clan, and his words are now more useful than the Huoyun Queen.

“You…what are you going to do? We are the holy fire clan, we are the citizens of the Feng Dynasty!”

More than two thousand people from the Shenghuo clan saw the Fire Skylark powerhouse staring at them with murderous intent, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly yelled.

“Do it!”

The ancestor Feng Yun, who stood in the distance, turned his gaze, and directly gave orders to the powerful Huo Yunque clan.


Two clan elders and a group of elders showed sorrowful expressions on their faces, and they immediately raised their weapons.

The terrifying energy condensed, and the faces of everyone in the Lin Shenghuo clan showed a look of fear.

“No, no, you can’t kill us, our holy fire clan, our Phoenix dynasty will not bypass you, you can’t do it!”

All the people of the holy fire clan showed a panic and shouted loudly.


However, Wang Xian and Fengyun ancestor’s orders have been issued, how could they stop their hands.

One after another attack fell on the holy fire clan, and more than two thousand people had no room to resist.

“Senior Fengyun, get ready, let’s attack and go over!”

Wang Xian glanced at all the people of the holy fire clan that had been destroyed, without the slightest wave on his face.

The Shenghuo clan belonged to the Feng Dynasty. Soon, there will be a battle between them and the Feng Dynasty!

The holy fire clan is the enemy.

“Well, the two forces attacked us, and now they are defeated. Now, we can just counterattack and go back!”

“Destroy them thoroughly, and make the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Relic Forge Workshop disappear on the mainland stage!”

Feng Yun nodded heavily, with a cold expression in his eyes.

“The Fire Skylark clan left some people to guard here, and all the others who are strong in the hole will go with us!”

Feng Yun’s order sounded, and all the disciples of the Huoyunque clan nodded excitedly.

“Queen Huoyun, please leave me the resources of the pill and spirit grass, let’s go!”

Wang Xian said to Queen Huoyun, looking at the devil’s brake and the devil’s scales.

This time, his level can be improved by at least one level!

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